Chapter 463 keep going

Ye Yuesheng said this after hearing the blood.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

I saw him look into the distance and directly said:

“You can think of this after the blood.

“It’s really good.”

“Since we have just met, those chaotic monsters hiding in the void.”

“That’s in the next trip.”

“It is also possible to encounter this situation.”

“So you have to be more careful in the future.

After speaking, Ye Yuesheng seemed to have thought of something again.

After seeing him take a step forward, he continued to speak:

“However, this kind of thing.”

“You don’t have to worry too much about 13 now.”

“As long as I am here, those chaotic monsters.

“There is absolutely no way to hurt you.

“Don’t worry.

Hear Ye Yuesheng’s guarantee.

A smile flashed across Yu Ling’er’s eyes.

After she nodded, she said:

“If this is the case, you will have to protect us from now on, your husband.,

“If there is an accident.

“Husband, you have to do it as soon as possible.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Yuesheng laughed immediately.

After taking a look at the distance, he said directly:

“Okay, since my Linger has said so.”

“The husband will do this naturally.

“It’s not too early now, let’s set off as soon as possible.”

“Let’s see if there are any rare cultivation resources ahead, and whether they can be obtained.

After speaking, Ye Yuesheng flew forward.

And the other side.

Standing behind Yu Ling’er, seeing this behind the scenes, naturally she wouldn’t be right.

After they nodded lightly, they all turned into rays of glow.

Leaving here directly following Ye Yuesheng.

The speed of the crowd is very fast.

It only took a short time.

It has traveled a long distance.

He came directly to a very huge cyan stone wall.

Ye Yuesheng glanced at this stone wall slightly, then said:

“Very well, I didn’t guess wrong as expected.”

“The road behind these Chaos Trolls really has cultivation resources.”

“Such a huge Qingming stone wall.

“As long as we can take it down, we will be able to use it for cultivation for a long time.

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

Yu Ling’er and others following him.

A hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

After seeing the spirit demon demon smile slightly, he said:

“Master’s luck in exploring the secret water curtain this time is really great.’

“Just explore the first mountain.

“You can harvest so many cultivation resources.”

“If Qingyin and the others know about this, they don’t know how envious they are?”

Nearby Ye Qingxian, after hearing these words.

A smile flashed across his face.

Ye Qingxian opened his mouth and said:

“Yao Yao, you are right.”

“This kind of gain is indeed very enviable.”

“However, if there is no Master to lead us.


“I’m afraid we won’t be here either.

“So, we can now see these rare resources.”

“It’s all due to the Master.”

Ye Yuesheng heard what Ye Qingqingxian said.

Immediately laughed.

After shook his head helplessly, he said:

“Now you don’t have to discuss this kind of thing.

“Let’s take down this Qingming stone wall first.”

The blood queen on the side nodded immediately after hearing the words.

After seeing a trace of entanglement on her face, she said:

“Husband, although you said you want to take this stone wall down.”

“But the stone wall is too big, how can we remove it?”.

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