Chapter 464 Preparation for taking the stone

Ye Yuesheng said this after hearing the blood.

A smile flashed across his face.

He glanced at the back of the Qingming stone wall.

He immediately said:

“It’s not too difficult.”

“As long as I use the Immortal King Seal to take out all the essence of this bluestone wall.”

“We don’t need to put such a large stone wall directly into the storage ring.

“After all, if this Qingming stone wall is really included in the storage ring.”

“Maybe the storage ring will be broken directly.”

Ye Qingxian beside him heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

A smile flashed across his face.

After she nodded, she said:

“The Master is really amazing.

“I can actually use the Immortal King Seal to do this.”

“It seems that Master, your control of this Immortal King Seal is already quite powerful.”

“In this case, Master, you should use your methods quickly.

“Let Qingxian see how powerful the Immortal King’s seal is.”

Ye Yuesheng heard what Ye Qingxian said.

Nodded immediately.

After looking at Yu Ling’er, he said:

“Ling’er, before I start to display the Immortal King Seal.” ”

“You urge the Fengtian Orb first and summon the white shield.”

“Later when I use the Immortal King Seal.

“The resulting aftermath may affect you.”

Upon hearing this, Yu Ling’er nodded immediately.

I saw her smile slightly.

He took out the Fengtian Orb from the storage ring.

Did not hesitate.

Yu Ling’er directly mobilized the power of Heaven’s Dao in his body and began to urge this pearl.

It only took a while.

After this orb absorbed the power of heaven, it began to bloom with extremely bright light.

A white shield was instantly transformed.

And after doing this.

Yu Ling’er looked at Ye Qingxian and the others, and said directly:

“Qingxian, you can come in now.”

“As long as you stay in this white shield, it must be the aftermath of your husband’s shot.”

“It can be easily blocked.”

Hear what Yu Ling’er said.

Naturally, Ye Qingxian and others would not delay anything.

After seeing their postures, they directly turned into Taoist Xiaguang.

Into this mask instantly.

And the other side.

Ye Yuesheng was ready after seeing everyone.

He nodded slightly and said directly:

“Well, now that you all have protection.

“Then I can also start to take action now to extract the essence from this blue underworld stone wall.”

“I think it won’t be long before we can leave here and continue to explore other places…

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng turned around.

Started to rotate the cultivation technique in the body against the Qingming stone wall.

It only took a while.

Ye Yuesheng, who runs his cultivation technique fully, has a white brilliance in his debut.

It’s like a fairy king coming to the world.

It was extremely shocking.

Yu Linger and others not far away saw this.

There was also a shocked look on his face.

I saw Yu Ling’er speaking to the blood and said:

“.々After the blood, the husband’s strength is really getting stronger and stronger.,

(Money? Zhao)” Now it’s just urging the Immortal King Seal.

“You can burst out with such an astonishing momentum.

“Really shocked.

After the blood standing beside Yu Ling’er, he heard these words.

He couldn’t help but nodded.

After taking a look at Ye Yuesheng, she immediately said:

“Sister Ling’er, you are right.

“Husband’s strength is indeed getting stronger and stronger.”

“It can even be said that there is no one of the same rank that can be compared to him.”.

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