Chapter 462 Shock

Looked at Ye Yuesheng who appeared not far away.

A tangled color suddenly appeared on Ling Yao Yao’s face.

She originally thought.

Ye Yuesheng was in trouble and was trapped in the void.

Wouldn’t be back here so soon.

But I didn’t expect it only after a while.

My Master came back.

Thinking of this, Ling Yao Yao smiled helplessly.

Then he spoke to Ye Yuesheng and said:

“Master, I and my teacher “Eight Four Three” Mother originally wanted to save you in the past.”

“I didn’t expect you to come out of the void so quickly.”

“It’s really unexpected.”

Ye Yuesheng not far away heard this.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

With a move, he came directly to the spirit demon demon, and said:

“Why, aren’t you happy to see the Master come back?”

“You know, Master is going to take you there next time, and dig out all kinds of rare cultivation resources.”

“If Yaoyao you don’t like Master coming back so soon.”

“Then Master, let you stay where you are.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

A smile flashed across Ling Yao Yao’s eyes.

She said:

“Master, why does Yao Yao think so?”

“Being able to help Master find more cultivation resources is what Yaoyao wants to do.

“Since Master, you have come back.

“Then act as soon as possible.

Ye Yuesheng heard what Ling Yao Yao said.

Suddenly shook his head helplessly.

He didn’t say much, and directly led the Ling Yao Yao towards Yu Ling’er and the others.

And the other side.

Yu Ling’er saw Ye Yuesheng come here.

The originally worried heart was also let go.

After seeing Yu Ling’er smile slightly, she spoke to Ye Yuesheng:

“Husband, you can be regarded as coming back.”

“You don’t know how much we worried about you just now.”

“If you show up later, maybe we will really start to act.”

After speaking, Yu Ling’er seemed to have thought of something again.

After taking a look at the void in the distance, she continued to speak:

“By the way, husband, why did you spend such a long time fighting?”

“Could it be that the chaotic monsters in the void.

“Are they all very difficult characters?”

Ye Yuesheng heard Yu Linger’s words.

Nodded suddenly, he directly said:

“You are right.”

“Those chaotic monsters hiding in the void are indeed quite powerful.”

“However, if it’s just like this.”

“I won’t spend so much time.”

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng paused.

He took out the necklace he had worn on his head before.

Continue to speak:

“The reason why I spend so much time.”

“The fundamental reason is that the ability to use magical powers is imprisoned in that piece of void.”

“Deal with those chaotic monsters.

“I can only use the power of the flesh.”

Yu Linger and others heard what Ye Yuesheng said.

A shocked expression flashed across his face.

They never expected it.

Within this void, there is such a strange existence.

Next, after seeing Yu Ling’er sigh slightly, he said:

5.8″ So it’s no wonder it took so long for the husband to be able to come out.

“If only the power of the body can be used, these chaotic monsters are extremely tricky.”

After the blood standing aside, after hearing Yu Ling’er’s words.

He couldn’t help but nodded.

After seeing her meditating for a moment, she said:

“Husband, tell me, is it possible for this situation to happen in the future?”

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