Chapter 461 return

After the blood, I heard Yu Linger’s words.

A hint of clarity flashed in his eyes suddenly.

After seeing her lightly smile, she nodded and said directly:

“So, sister Ling’er is really thoughtful.

“If it’s our future actions, we don’t get too far from this shield-words.”

“That would be regarded as encountering a powerful Chaos Demon-Demon.

“Or saw several chaotic monsters appearing at the same time.”

“I can also guarantee my own safety.

“After all, in this kind of short-distance battle, we can still escape smoothly.”

This analysis after hearing the blood.

Yu Ling’er nodded slightly.

She looked at the open space not far away and said directly:

“After the blood, you are right.

“This is the most important thing in this action.”

“Just be prepared to return to the shield at any time, even if you suddenly encounter the Chaos Demon.”

“It’s enough to deal with it.”

After saying this, Yu Ling’er seemed to have thought of something again.

She glanced at the Spirit Demon Empress, and continued:

“Of course, this plan was able to be proposed by me.”

“It’s because of the lack of intelligence of those chaotic monsters, so this strategy shouldn’t be broken.”

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t take this risk.”

And the other side.

The spirit demon who felt Yu Linger’s sight.

It also seemed to understand his wife’s plan.

After seeing the spirit demon pondering for a moment, he said directly:

“Since Madam, you are so sure.

“Then let the demon be the bait for this operation.”

“Before this after all.

“As soon as the demon demon left this shield, the chaotic demon directly ran out and attacked.”

“According to this situation, it can be inferred.

“These chaotic monsters are very hostile to me.”

“So this plan, with the demon decoy as bait, is very suitable.”

Upon hearing this, Yu Ling’er nodded immediately.

After smiling slightly at the Ling Yao Yao, she spoke:

“Yao Yao, don’t worry when you go out.

“If you have a teacher watching, you will definitely not have any problems.

“As long as we get rid of those chaotic monsters.

“I can help my husband.

I heard Yu Linger’s words.

Ling Yao Yao’s eyes could not help but bloom with a gleam of brilliance.

If you can follow the teacher, help the master who is in trouble.

…Please ask for flowers……

That would be regarded as some threats.

There is no problem.

Thought of this.

The Ling Yao Yao couldn’t wait to speak:

“Madam, are you ready?”

“If you can, start planning now.”

Upon hearing this, Yu Ling’er nodded slightly.

After taking a serious look at the outside of the shield, she said:

“Okay, since Ling Yao Yao, you are ready.”

“Then act now.

“With our care, you will not have any problems.”

I heard Yu Ling’er’s guarantee.

Ling Yao Yao naturally has no worries.

She glanced cautiously outside the shield, and then moved.

Flew directly outside.

And the other side.

Just when the Ling Yao Yao acted.

Ye Yuesheng was also ready to leave the void.

I saw him take off the necklace from his neck.

Strange fluctuations appeared all over the body, directly repelling them out of this void.

Let it return to the secret water curtain.

And the women who are preparing to act see this.

All kinds of incomparable expressions flashed across his face suddenly. Of.

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