Chapter 439 Magical Use of Orbs

under normal circumstances.

Secret realms everywhere in the chaotic world.

There are usually special prohibitions.

If Ye Yuesheng et al. act recklessly later.

Maybe it will trigger those prohibitions, which will bring unimaginable consequences to oneself.

In order to avoid this kind of thing.

Before heading to that mountain, Ye Yuesheng naturally planned to make some preparations.

In order to deal with possible situations.

And next.

Ye Yuesheng is preparing to act.

After hearing that Yu Ling’er wanted to take them over that mountain.

A smile flashed across his face.

I saw him looking at Yu Ling’er and directly said:

“Ling’er, listen to what you just said.”

“Could it be that you have confidence in this matter?

“In that case, you can talk about it now, what method should be used.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

Yu Ling’er immediately covered her mouth and smiled:

“Since the husband wants to know about this.”

“Then I will naturally explain to you.

“You can rest assured.”

After saying this, Yu Linger took out a gem from the storage ring.

I saw this orb just taken out.

Then it continuously emits a mysterious brilliance.

It was like a fetish left out of the sky, which made people feel extremely shocked.

And the nearby Ye Qingxian and Ling Yao Yao saw this scene.

A hint of shock also appeared in his eyes.

Ye Qingxian looked at Yu Ling’er and said directly:

“Madam, isn’t this Fengtian Orb/”?”

“Why are you taking it out now.”

“Could it be that this gemstone can provide us with cultivation technique besides?

“Are there other magical uses?”

When Yu Ling’er heard Ye Qingxian’s words, he nodded immediately.

After she glanced at the Fengtian Orb in her hand, she said directly:

“Qingxian, it’s very normal that you don’t know about this.”

“After all, I am just on my way here.”

“オ I discovered another magical effect of this orb.

“At that time, I tried it at random and found that this orb has various magical effects.”

“Not only can it burst out extremely powerful defensive capabilities.”

“You can also ignore some of the restrictions, which is extremely powerful.”

Ye Yuesheng listened to Yu Linger’s words.

An inexplicable color flashed in his eyes suddenly.

He never expected it.

The gems obtained in one’s own world actually have this kind of magical effect.

It seems that this Fengtian Orb should have hidden a lot of secrets.

Thought of this.

Ye Yuesheng did not hesitate at all.

He looked at Yu Ling’er beside him and said directly:

“Since Ling’er you are so confident.

“Then let’s try it now.

“.々Look at how defensive this orb is.”

“If the abilities of this orb are indeed possible.

“Then our expedition to the secret realm has a lot of guarantees.”

After the blood standing beside Ye Yuesheng, after listening to these words.

There was also a hint of curiosity in my heart.

Seeing that she smiled slightly, she said:

“My husband is right.

“I am also very interested in the function of the Fengtian Orb.”

“Sister Ling’er, start urging that orb.”

“Let me see (the money is good) and see how powerful it is.

Hearing that, Yu Ling’er will naturally not have any delay.

After she smiled lightly, she began to mobilize the power of heaven in her body.

Let these heavenly powers flow to that orb.

And that orb.

After absorbing a lot of energy, it began to bloom with white brilliance.

It is directly transformed into a circular light curtain.

All Ye Yuesheng and others are covered in it.

Feeling the amazing defensive power of this light curtain, Ye Yuesheng’s face suddenly flashed with satisfaction.

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