Chapter 440 The first mountain

The power of the Fengtian Orb is extremely powerful.

It has even exceeded Ye Yuesheng’s imagination.

It directly shocked his heart.

Next, Ye Yuesheng nodded in satisfaction.

He turned his head and said to Yu Ling’er:

“The power of this orb is pretty good.

“As long as Ling’er has this orb in your hand, when you meet the master of Sixth Stage.”

“It should be enough to protect yourself.

“Except for this.”

“This orb should also be a kind of growable treasure.”

“It will become stronger with your Cultivation Base.

“Just stay with you.”

“This Fengtian Orb can even reach the level of the Taoist seal on the Taoist priest of the Heavenly Palace.”

“It’s extremely sharp.

With extraordinary vision.

After Ye Yuesheng came into contact with the Fengtian Orb. 833

It accurately judged its value.

And the other side.

Nearby Ye Qingxian and others.

After hearing Ye Yuesheng’s words, shocks flashed across his face.

They never expected that this Fengtian Orb actually possessed such a powerful power.

You know, this is just an item contributed by a small school.

It is really incredible to be able to possess such a powerful power.

Next, after seeing a faint smile on Ye Qingxian’s face, he said:

“I didn’t expect this Fengtian Orb to be so powerful.”

“If the teacher did not excavate the effect of this gem.”

“I’m afraid we will miss this treasure”

The Ling Yao Yao standing nearby heard Ye Qingxian’s words.

A look of approval flashed across his face.

I saw her speak:

“Since this orb is so powerful.”

“Then if we go out with Madam in the future.”

“You shouldn’t worry too much.

“For the Master, it can also reduce the burden on the Master.”

Ye Yuesheng laughed suddenly when he heard what his disciple said.

He looked at the mountain closest to him and said directly:

“Well, there is no need to discuss these things now.

“Let’s rush to that mountain immediately.”

“As long as those rare cultivation resources can be harvested later.”

“Then our cultivation speed can be further accelerated.”

Yu Linger, who stood by (bdfi), heard what Ye Yuesheng said.

A smile appeared on his face.

She didn’t delay anything, and immediately manipulated the Fengtian Orb.

Started to take Ye Yuesheng and others into the air and flew directly towards the mountain.

And the other side.

Just when Ye Yuesheng and others started to act.

Outside the secret water curtain.

Pavilion Master Tianbao has also begun to order his disciples.

Let them enter this secret realm.

After seeing the pavilion master Tianbao glanced at the front indifferently, he said:

“Now Ye Daozi and the others should have begun to touch the things in the water curtain secret realm.”

“In that case, it’s time to let you in.”

Hearing the words of Pavilion Master Tianbao.

The disciples behind her suddenly showed a hint of movement on their faces.

I saw a pretty disciple in pink, after looking at Pavilion Master Tianbao.

He said directly:

“Pavilion Lord, we are all ready now.”

“Able to start at any time.

“Please order action.”

Hearing what his disciple said, Pavilion Master Tianbao suddenly nodded.

She stretched out her right hand and waved, and said directly:

“You are all disciples carefully selected by me.”

“Now follow the plan and start entering the secret water curtain.”.

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