Chapter 438 Start exploring

Ye Qingxian heard the movement behind him.

A smile flashed across his face.

She turned around, looked at the spirit demon, and said directly:

“You Yao, you are here.

“I thought you couldn’t get through that light curtain.”

“After all, it’s been a long time since you came here.”

“I have seen the scenery here for a long time.”

Ling Yao Yao heard Ye Qingxian’s complaining words.

A slightly helpless smile flashed across his face.

I saw her speak:

“Not because I was a little tangled before I came in.”

“After all, Qingxian, you have successfully entered this water curtain secret realm.”

“If I fail, I cannot follow the Master into this secret realm.

“That would be a shame.”

13 Ye Qingxian saw the somewhat tangled look of Ling Yao Yao.

A smile flashed across his face.

She glanced at the distant scenery and said directly:

“Anyway, you are here now.”

“Since this is the case, then wait for the Master with me obediently.”

“As long as the Master and Madam arrive.

“We can start exploring.”

Hearing Ye Qingxian’s words, Ling Yaoyao also nodded.

She took a look at the surrounding scenery.

A look of happiness flashed across his face involuntarily.

It seems that being able to act with Ye Yuesheng later is a very happy thing.

Next, as time passed.

Ye Yuesheng finally came here with the Queen of Blood and Yu Ling’er.

I saw that after they passed through that light curtain, they completely stepped into the secret water curtain.

Looking at the extremely beautiful scenery in front of me.

Even though Ye Yuesheng had seen many scenes, a touch of shock appeared in his eyes.

After he glanced at the blood beside him, he said directly:

“After the blood, this water curtain secret realm is really powerful.

“Just looking at it, I can feel it’s extraordinary.”

“It seems to be in this secret realm this time.

“We should be able to harvest a lot of rare resources.”

Hearing the words, the Queen of Blood also nodded.

She glanced ahead, and saw Ye Qingxian and Ling Yaoyao.

He covered his mouth and smiled:

“Husband, your disciples are already waiting for you in front.”

“Let’s go and join them now.”

“Lest you let Qingxian and the others wait for a long time.

Ye Yuesheng nodded immediately after hearing the words of blood.

He did not hesitate at all.

Immediately, with the blood queen and Yu Ling’er, they marched directly towards Ye Qingxian.

And the other side.

After Ye Qingxian and others noticed the movement behind him.

A smile appeared on his face.

I saw Ye Qingxian trotting all the way, and said to Ye Yuesheng:

“Master, you are finally here.

“Now we can start exploring the secret realm, right?”

“Where do you plan to start?”


Ye Yuesheng looked at Ye Qingxian who came in front of him, and a smile flashed across his face.

He glanced forward.

He raised his right hand, pointed to the mountain closest to him, and said:

“Obviously, the resources in this water curtain secret realm.

“There should be a part buried in the mountain.”

“Since this is the case.

“Then let’s explore the mountain closest to here.”

And Yu Linger next to Ye Yuesheng.

After hearing this, he couldn’t help but nodded, seeming to agree with him very much.

I saw her speak:

“Since the husband wants to go to that mountain.”

“It’s better to let me help one or two.”,

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