Chapter 269 Hidden selection

Ye Yuesheng thought about it a little bit.

He looked at the elder of the heavenly palace and said directly:

“The juniors have been fascinated by Tiangong for a long time.”

“If you can join Tiangong right now, it will naturally be something you can’t ask for.

“However, I heard that Tiangong recruited new disciples this time.

“It is to select a new generation of Taoists.

“If I didn’t conduct any selections, I would just join Tiangong.”

“I don’t know if I can still get the position of Daozi?”

Hear Ye Yuesheng’s question.

The face of the Tiangong elder suddenly flashed a trace of entanglement.

After he was silent for a while, he said helplessly:

“I didn’t expect your ambitions to be so ambitious.

“I want to compete for the position of Tiangong Daozi.”

“You have to know, although your qualifications are pretty good now.”

“You can even look down upon everyone in this selection.

“But if you want to get the Daozi position.

“I’m afraid it’s still a bit difficult.”

After speaking, the elder Tiangong sighed slightly, and he looked into the distance and continued:

“from what I know”. ”

“Every time Tiangong headquarters selects Daozi, those candidates are Cultivation Base.”

“The worst have already entered the realm of the Fourth Stage.”

“With your current level of Third Stage, I’m afraid it won’t be their opponent.”

Hearing this, Ye Yuesheng’s heart suddenly flashed a dignified color.

The Cultivation Base possessed by those Daozi candidates was even higher than him.

If you have no other means.

It would be very difficult to win the position of Daozi in Tiangong.

Next, I saw a trace of determination flashed in Ye Yuesheng’s eyes.

Then he spoke to the elder of the heavenly palace:

“Even so, the juniors still want to try it.”

“The position of Daozi in Tiangong is very important to the younger generation.

“The elders will tell me now whether they need to participate in the selection.

“Otherwise, it would be hard for the younger generation to feel at ease.

Seeing Ye Yuesheng’s firm gaze.

The Tiangong elder didn’t sell anything anymore.

After he nodded slightly, he said directly:

“If that’s the case, then I’ll just say it straight.”

“If you want to become a Daozi in Tiangong, you really need to participate in the selection.”

“It’s just that this kind of selection is hidden, and the selection is not known to outsiders.”

“Only those who have reached the Fourth Stage in the Cultivation Base are eligible to know about this.”

“However, since your qualifications have reached the highest level of golden light.”

“.々Then I will explain to you now that it is not a violation.

Hear the words of the elder Tiangong.

Ye Yuesheng couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

He really didn’t expect it.

This time, Tiangong selected newcomers in the Chaos World.

Actually, he also made a hidden selection.

If it weren’t for his aptitude, that elder would be shocked.

It is estimated that it can only be like the people waiting in the square.

Participated in the ordinary selection.

And in this case.

No matter how good Ye Yuesheng’s performance is (Zhao?).

In the end, he will not be able to become a Taoist character in Tiangong.

Only ordinary people can join this force.

This is for Ye Yuesheng, who has a lot of disciples to train well.

Obviously a very fatal situation.

Next, I saw Ye Yuesheng raising his head, looking firmly at the elder of Tiangong, and said:

“If this is the case, then seniors will point out a clear way.”

“In any case, the younger generation must become a Taoist priest.”

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