Chapter 270 Selection begins

The Tiangong elder heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

A smile suddenly appeared on the aged face.

I saw him smile and said:

“Well, since you are determined to participate in the hidden selection.”

“Then naturally I won’t stop you.

“As long as you can pass the selection smoothly, the position of Tiangong Daozi is naturally yours.”

After saying this, the palace elder took out a talisman seal that day.

Pass it directly to Ye Yuesheng.

He opened his mouth and said:

“This talisman seal is a voucher to participate in the hidden selection.”

“As long as you have a talisman with you, at the beginning of the selection.

“It will be teleported to a different venue from the others.”

“Then you can formally participate in the selection of Taoist level.”

Ye Yuesheng heard the words, and a hint of joy flashed across his face.

After he properly collected the 740 talisman, he spoke to the elder of the heavenly palace:

“Junior thank you senior for your advice.

“If you can become a Dao Zi of the Heavenly Palace in the future, the younger generation will certainly repay the predecessor for today’s grace.”

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng seemed to have thought of something.

He spoke to the elder of the heavenly palace:

“Junior and Senior have been chatting for so long, and I still don’t know the name of Senior.

“I wonder if seniors can tell?”

The elder Tiangong heard this.

Suddenly smiled slightly.

He stroked his white beard and said directly:

“Old man Tianxin, you can call me elder Tianxin.”

“Tiangong has an excellent disciple like you, and it will definitely develop better in the future.”

Finished saying this.

Elder Tianxin laughed.

It seems to be very happy.

After Ye Yuesheng learned the identity of this person.

A trace of solemnity flashed through my heart.

According to some things that he had told himself after the blood before.

Ye Yuesheng remembers clearly.

Elder Tianxin, who is standing in front of him now, is the first sweetheart of the Cultivation Base in Yunyin City.

A profound skill is unpredictable.

He can be called the dominance, and he is definitely a strong one.


Ye Yuesheng has obtained the qualification to participate in the hidden selection.

So he didn’t bother Elder Tianxin anymore.

He turned around and returned to the vast square, and began to wait for the start of the trials.

And the blood queen standing beside Ye Yuesheng, after knowing (bdfi) about this matter, was also a little excited in his heart.

She looked at Ye Yuesheng and said directly:

“I believe in the strength of my husband.

“This time in the selection of Tiangong, the husband will definitely be able to win the position of Taoist son.”

“Qingxian and the others must think so.”

“So husband, you have to work hard later, don’t let us down.

Upon hearing this, Ye Yuesheng smiled slightly.

He said directly to the blood:

“You can rest assured after the blood.”

“Although this hidden selection is quite difficult.”

“But for you, I will definitely burst out all my strength to win.”

“After all, I was the only one who won the position of Taoist in the Heavenly Palace.

“Everyone is truly based in the chaotic world.”

Next, as time passed.

The crowd in the square.

A nervous expression began to emerge on his face.

They concentrate their minds highly and are always ready to deal with situations that arise.

And just in the next moment.

White brilliance burst out from the candidates.

They were directly transferred out of thin air and sent to another place.

The same is true for Ye Yuesheng beside the blood queen.

After a white light flashed over Ye Yuesheng’s body, it disappeared completely.

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