Chapter 268 Test Qualification

Ye Yuesheng looks rich and handsome.

Just like the reincarnation of an immortal.

At this moment, he stood side by side with the Queen of Blood, as if a couple of gods and goddesses.

Very eye-catching.

And those guys whose Cultivation Base is no more than the Second Stage of Heaven.

Behind the scenes after seeing this.

Naturally, there was a lot of envy and jealousy in my heart.

I saw them discussing one after another:

“What’s the origin of this kid?”

“The Cultivation Base is so high, there has never been a character like him in Yunyin City.”

“If he really wants to participate in the selection of Tiangong later, he must be a rival 13!”

“Xiongtai is right.”

“This kid may still be able to win the position of Daozi, we must be careful!”

Ye Yuesheng heard what everyone said.

An inexplicable color flashed across his face suddenly.

After shook his head slightly, he said to the blood queen on the side:

“Since now I have arrived at the selection venue of Tiangong.”

“That’s also the time to sign up.

“If the time is missed.

“I don’t know when to wait next time.

“Only then can I join the power of Heavenly Palace.”

And the blood on the side, after hearing Ye Yuesheng’s words.

She also nodded slightly, she covered her mouth and smiled:

“It’s good for your husband to understand this.

“There is still some time before the selection begins.”

“Just in time to sign up.

“Husband, act as soon as possible.”

After hearing this, Ye Yuesheng smiled immediately.

He didn’t say much, and immediately displayed his magical powers, turning the whole person into a stream of light.

I came directly to the registration location on the square.

And the other side.

The elder of the Tiangong who is in charge of registering the information of the candidates on the square.

After seeing Ye Yuesheng’s arrival.

A flash of joy suddenly flashed across his face.

I saw the Tiangong elder wearing a white robe speak:

“Are you going to participate in the selection of Tiangong?”

“If so.

“Pour the power of the Heavenly Dao in yourself into this token.”

After saying this, the Tiangong elder seized a white jade token and handed it directly to Ye Yuesheng.

And Ye Yuesheng sees this.

Naturally, he would not refuse to accept that white jade token.

After he got the token, he immediately injected his own power of heaven into it.


With the power of Heaven on Ye Yuesheng’s body, he kept entering that token.

The token also began to emit light continuously.

Green from the beginning.

It is constantly changing.

To the end.

It turned out to be a golden light.

Seeing this, the elder Tiangong suddenly flashed a horror on his aged face.

He lived for so many years.

I have only vaguely heard that Tiangong’s detection token will produce golden light.

Now he actually appeared in front of him.

This is really incredible.


In the evaluation standard of Tiangong.

Anyone who can make the white jade token emit golden light.

In the future, they must be peerless talents who can step into the third Tenth Stage of Tiandao 737 realm.

So for this kind of rare character.

Tiangong must be recruited and spent a lot of resources to cultivate it.

Next, I saw that Tiangong elder stood up excitedly and looked at Ye Yuesheng:

“Your qualifications are pretty good.

“According to the regulations of Tiangong, all qualifications reach the golden light level.”

“You can join Tiangong directly without participating in the selection.”

“I don’t know if you are willing to join Tiangong and become a member of Tiangong?”

Ye Yuesheng heard the words.

Suddenly he was slightly taken aback.

He just tested it.

How easy is it to join Tiangong?.

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