Chapter 267 Participate in selection

Since deciding to become the Taoist of Tiangong.

Ye Yuesheng ignored all kinds of external affairs.

Retreat directly in the elegant garden of the blood queen.

Begin to sort out all the cultivation techniques I have learned.

In order to increase their combat effectiveness.

The same goes for Yu Ling’er and others.

They are in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.

In this year.

It is also in-depth and simple.

It did not arouse other people’s attention to “seven three seven”.

As time goes by.

One year passed quickly.

At this moment, I saw Ye Yuesheng sitting in a room in Yayuan.

He opened his eyes directly and smiled:

“It took a year to sort out my cultivation technique.”

“It’s really a right choice.

“Although I have not improved in my realm, my combat ability has increased a lot.

“If I fight with myself a year ago now, I don’t think it will take much effort.”

“You will be able to win.

Ye Yuesheng just finished speaking.

The voice of the blood queen came from outside the room.

“Husband, the selection of Tiangong will start in half a day.”

“You go now and go directly to the selection.

Hearing this, Ye Yuesheng immediately stood up and said as he walked out:

“Okay, I’ll go over.

“The Queen of Blood, if you have time, go with me.”

“This Yunyin City is really too big.”

“If you don’t lead the way, I guess it would take me a lot of time to get to the selection site.”

Finished saying this.

Ye Yuesheng immediately opened the door.

Walked directly to the courtyard of Yayuan.

And the other side.

When the blood queen saw Ye Yuesheng walk out of the room, she immediately went forward to take his arm and smiled:

“Of course.”

“After all, this day is so important to the husband.”

“I will naturally accompany you to the selection site.

“Witness your strength well.”

Ye Yuesheng laughed immediately when he heard the words of Blood Queen.

He looked at the sky beyond Yayuan and said:

“Unexpectedly, you all have such confidence in me.”

“If I fail to be the Taoist of the Heavenly Palace in the future, I will definitely be laughed at by you.”

After the blood queen heard the words, she immediately covered her mouth and smiled:

“With his own qualifications, the husband directly stepped into the Third Stage of Heaven in his own world.”

“This kind of achievement does not mean that there is no one before and after that.

“It can be regarded as peerless.”

“If Tiangong has the foresight, he will never give up this piece of jade from his husband.”

Ye Yuesheng laughed immediately after hearing this.

He didn’t say anything more, and went directly to the selection venue of Tiangong with the Queen of Blood.

The venue for the selection of new disciples in Tiangong.

It is on a wide square.

Large number of people.

There are young and energetic human masters everywhere.

The Cultivation Base of these people are generally in the realm of the First Stage of Heaven.

The existence of the Second Stage of Heaven is rare.

And like Ye Yuesheng’s third-stage level.

It’s even rarer.

Among all the selections, there are only one or two people.

5.8 Therefore, when Ye Yuesheng came here with the blood queen.

Naturally, it attracted the attention of many people and made them exclaim again and again.

I saw those people speak:

“This guy’s strength has reached the Third Stage of Heaven.”

“It’s too much.

“The woman next to him is also in this state.”

“What is the origin of these two people?”

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