Chapter 266 Determined

Chaos Coin is a coin in the Chaos World.

The value is expensive.

In every area of ​​the chaotic world.

All can use Chaos City to buy all kinds of things.

Whether it is a rare cultivation resource.

Still a powerful weapon.

Can be easily purchased.

Therefore, as long as Ye Yuesheng can have a large number of Chaos Coins in the future.

Then he doesn’t need to worry about the cultivation resources of his disciples.

And Ye Qingxian and others.

After hearing what Ye Yuesheng said.

For the first time in my heart, I felt a little guilty about my decision.

They choose to always follow-follow their own Master.

Sure enough, Ye Yuesheng felt the pressure.

After seeing a trace of firmness flashed in Ye Qingxian’s eyes, he said:

“Master, don’t worry.”

“Although the disciple’s current Cultivation Base has just entered the realm of Heavenly Dao.”

“But it’s self-reliant.

“I will definitely solve my own practice problems and won’t cause trouble to the Master.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Yuesheng laughed suddenly.

He said directly:

“Qingxian, you have this mind.”

“I’m really happy to be a teacher.

“But since I am already your Master, then I have to take the responsibility of the Master.”

“Resolve the problems you have encountered.”

After speaking, Ye Yuesheng turned around and asked after the blood:

“How long will it take for Tiangong to recruit new disciples?”

“If it takes too long.

“I’m afraid I can only think of other ways first to solve the current problem.”

And the other side.

After the blood queen heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

Then he said directly:

“Husband, your luck is pretty good.”

“When I came back to Yayuan before, I had already inquired about the Tiangong from the clan.”

“According to the information obtained.

“Tiangong will be in another year.

“It just so happens that we are about to recruit a group of new disciples.”

“It is said that the scale of this recruitment is quite huge.

“It seems that Tiangong was held to select a new generation of Ten Daozi.”

“If your husband, you can successfully become the Taoist of the Heavenly Palace.”

“Then don’t worry about the current problem.”

Hearing that, Ye Yuesheng also showed a dignified look on his face.

The recruitment of Tiangong.


If you can directly become the Taoist of the Heavenly Palace.

It will definitely be a lot easier in the future.

Thinking of this, Ye Yuesheng confidently faced the blood and said:

…For flowers…

“Since Tiangong wants to recruit Daozi.”

“Then I can’t be too slack.

“You have to successfully seize one of the positions.”

“It seems that in this year’s time, I can’t be too slack.

“You have to sort out the cultivation technique you have learned.

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

A hint of joy flashed in the eyes of Ye Qingxian and others.

If Ye Yuesheng can successfully become a Taoist priest in the future.

Then the identities of these disciples of them can also rise, and they will rise step by step.

It’s far better than joining other forces directly.

It seems that they had to insist on following Ye Yuesheng at the beginning.

It was really an extremely correct decision.

Next, a smile appeared on Ling Yao Yao’s face.

She turned to Ye Yuesheng and said:

“Master, you must come on.

“The disciple believes that you will be able to pass the test and successfully become a Taoist priest.”

“At that time, Yaoyao will follow you to the Heavenly Palace and cultivate together.”

“With the protection of the Master, absolutely no one dares to bully the demon.”

And Chu Qingyin and others saw this.

Not to be outdone.

They all began to say that they believed in Ye Yuesheng’s strength. Of.

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