Chapter 261 Back to heaven and earth

Gu Tianchen of Xuanhai Sect.

After listening to the elders’ words.

My heart felt better immediately.

With his mind.

Naturally, I can understand the key to these things.

It’s just because of the power caused by Buwen Peak now.

It is too horrible.

That’s why Gu Tianchen of Xuanhai Sect couldn’t help but sigh up to the sky-nothing.

And the other side.

Just when Ye Qingxian and others officially began to hit the bottleneck.

Ye Yuesheng has also come to this world.

I saw him looking at the profound realm not far away, and said:

“Since I handed over this world to the blood, he took control.

“I haven’t been back for a long time.”

“Qingxian and the others haven’t seen me for so long, they probably complain about me.”

After speaking, Ye Yuesheng shook his head helplessly.

In addition to operating the flying boat over the years, he continued to move towards Yunyin City.

She also has to guide the cultivation of the blood queen so that she can step into the Third Stage as soon as possible.

It’s really too busy.

So for a while, I really forgot to come back to visit Ye Qingxian and others.

Thought of this.

Ye Yuesheng did not hesitate.

It immediately turned into a streamer and flew towards Buwen Peak.

Then, when Ye Yuesheng first came to Buwen Peak.

The breakthrough of Ye Qingxian and others has also come to the most critical moment.

Then I saw countless chaotic vitality.

Influx from the outside world.

Converging frantically on Buwen Peak.

Like a huge tornado vortex, it looked amazing.

When Ye Yuesheng saw this, a solemn expression flashed across his face.

Now in his eyes.

The current breakthrough of Ye Qingxian and others.

Although very smooth.

But the chaotic vitality that can be condensed.

But there are so many deficiencies.

If the situation is allowed to continue in this way, one or two people may fail to advance.

Thought of this.

Ye Yuesheng said to himself:

“It’s the easiest first time to break through the realm of Heavenly Dao.”

“If someone is in this breakthrough, they fail to advance because of lack of chaos vitality.”

“Then next time I want to advance to the realm of Heavenly Dao.”

“It’s not that easy.

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng seemed to have thought of something.

He looked at Buwen Peak and continued to laugh:

“Since I have come here now.”

“Then let the teacher help you, if I can gather the chaotic vitality for you.”

…Please ask for flowers………

“The advanced heavenly realm should be a lot smoother.”

Later, I saw Ye Yuesheng, after taking a deep breath.

It directly attracted more chaotic vitality, causing them to constantly flock to Buwen Peak.

And the other side.

Just when Ye Yuesheng started to act.

Ye Qingxian and others.

A hint of surprise flashed across his face.

They were originally a little distressed, lack of chaos vitality.

Unexpectedly, there is so much chaos vitality suddenly appearing now.

Let them continue to absorb.

This is really lucky.

I saw Buwen Peak somewhere in the retreat.

Ye Qingxian sitting in the open space.

A slight smile flashed across his face.

He secretly said inwardly:

“Originally, the chaotic vitality of this world is not enough to support my smooth breakthrough to the realm of heaven and earth.”

“But now so much chaotic vitality suddenly appears.”

“This must be the Master’s help.

“Only he can do this kind of thing.”

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxian’s will to break through the bottleneck instantly became stronger.

After she took a deep breath.

Then mobilize all the power in the body to hit the bottleneck again. Of.

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