Chapter 260 Break simultaneously

Ye Yuesheng heard the words of the Queen of Blood.

A smile flashed across his face.

He said:

“After such a long time, my disciple has finally been able to reach the realm of Heavenly Dao.”

“As long as they are advanced and successful.”

“After the blood queen, let them come out and follow us.”

Hearing the words, the Queen of Blood nodded immediately.

She walked to Ye Yuesheng and said:

“Husband, since you have time now, go back to Fang Tiandi.

“If you are there.

“They may break through more smoothly.”

After hearing the advice of the blood.

Ye Yuesheng laughed immediately and said:

“In that case, I’ll go there first.”

“If you have nothing to do with the blood queen, go back to Yayuan first.”

“Wait until 733 I will return to Chaos again.”

“We will be able to travel through this chaotic world together.”

After speaking, Ye Yuesheng directly turned into a mist and disappeared behind the blood in an instant.

The blood queen heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

A glimmer of expectation flashed in his eyes.

After a light smile, she turned and returned to her home, waiting for Ye Yuesheng’s return.

Xuanjie Buwen Peak.

Ye Qingxian and others experienced nearly ten years of hard cultivation.

Finally touched the threshold of the realm of heaven.

Just take another step smoothly.

They will be able to completely break away from this world and go directly to the chaotic world.

Then travel with Ye Yuesheng to see the wider world.

Next, I saw Ye Qingxian sitting in the retreat.

After taking a deep breath.

He opened his eyes and smiled:

“The penance during this period of time has really benefited a lot.”

“The speed of progress is beyond my imagination.

“It seems that when the teacher remodeled this world.”

“We at Buwen Peak should benefit a lot.”

After speaking, a trace of determination flashed across Ye Qingxian’s face.

She slowly raised her head, looked outside the profound realm, and muttered to herself:

“Just break through this bottleneck again.”

“I will be able to reach the chaos world and follow the Master forever.”

“In any case, I must be successful this time when I hit the bottleneck.

And just now (bdfi).

In addition to Ye Qingxian.

Ling Yao Yao and other women also made up their minds.

Today, we must break through the bottleneck at one time and step into the realm of heaven.

Next, I saw them who had made all kinds of preparations.

It immediately began to hit the bottleneck.

One after another amazing aura.

It burst out from Buwen Peak in an instant.

It was like a stormy sea, which made people feel extremely shocked.

And those hidden world forces, after seeing this scene.

Unbelievable expressions flashed across his faces.

They never expected it.

Goddess of Buwen Peak.

Jingran chose to break through at the same time, hoping to succeed in reaching the realm of heaven.

I saw Gu Tianchen of Xuanhai Sect, after sensing the power of Ye Qingxian and others.

Suddenly looked up to the sky and sighed:

“I Gu Tianchen has cultivated the Tao for so many years.

“For when to this day, I haven’t touched the threshold of the heavenly realm.”

“Can I not break through the bottleneck in this life?”

The elder Xuanhaizong on the side heard this and suddenly said:

“Sect Master, don’t be discouraged.

“The goddesses of Buwen Peak, since they can enter the eyes of the Lord of Heaven, they must all be talented people.

“Besides, they still have the help of the Lord of Heaven.”

“It is only natural to be able to step into the realm of Heavenly Dao smoothly.”

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