Chapter 262 Advanced success

With the help of Ye Yuesheng.

The difficulties encountered by many disciples when they broke through the bottleneck.

Has been successfully resolved.

They didn’t have the slightest difficulty.

He directly stepped into the realm of Heavenly Dao.


Ye Qingxian and the others were able to advance to the realm of Heavenly Dao so smoothly.

In addition to his own penance.

The many treasures given to them by the Queen of Blood also played a lot of roles.

Directly let them quickly touch the threshold of the realm of heaven at a speed that ordinary people can’t imagine.

And the next moment.

Just when Ye Qingxian and others advanced successfully.

The incomparably bright rays of sunlight continuously erupted from Buwen Peak.

It’s like opening up the world.

It seems extremely amazing.

At the same time, after the Xiaguang.

A stream of thoughts contains the will of heaven.

It also kept floating in the surrounding void, as if he was comprehending this piece of heaven and earth.

When Ye Yuesheng saw this, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He has cultivated these disciples for so long, and now he has finally advanced them to the realm of Heavenly Dao.

This is really gratifying.

Ye Yuesheng glanced at Buwen Peak and then said to himself:

“Since they have advanced successfully.

“Then I should return to Buwen Peak now.”

“Just tell them some precautions in the chaotic world.”

“You will be able to take Qingxian and the others to travel through the chaotic world together.

After speaking, I saw Ye Yuesheng transform into a stream of light.

He returned to Buwen Peak in an instant.

Begin to wait quietly for his apprentice to stabilize the realm.

I do not know how long it has been.

After Ye Qingxian and others stabilized their realm.

I realized that Ye Yuesheng had returned to Buwen Peak.

I saw their faces.

A hint of excitement just flashed.

Ye Yuesheng’s voice transmission has already appeared in their hearts.

“After such a long time, you should have stabilized your realm.”

“Now I’m in the lobby of Buwen Peak.”

“If you have time, come here as soon as possible.”

“I want to talk about some precautions in the chaotic world.”

After the women heard the news, they didn’t pause at all, and immediately left their retreat.

They rushed to the lobby of Buwen Peak.

And the other side.

Ye Yuesheng sitting on the main seat of the Buwen Peak Hall.

After seeing Ye Qingxian and others coming, a smile suddenly appeared on his face

He said:

“You really didn’t disappoint me.”

“In a short period of time, I successfully advanced to the First Stage of the Heavenly Dao Realm.

“In this way, you already have the ability to open up the world.”

“You can start to build the world in your imagination.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

Ye Qingxian not far away covered his mouth and smiled:

“Master, this kind of thing is really exhausting.”

“I think the current Buwen Peak is pretty good.”

“As long as the Master agrees, I will stay here forever.”

Hearing this, the Ling Yao Yao beside him nodded.

She smiled and said:

“Master, I have reached the realm of heaven now.”

5.8 “Just tell me quickly, what is the chaotic world like.”

“Is it very different from our world?”

Upon hearing this, Ye Yuesheng laughed immediately.

He didn’t sell anything anymore, and immediately took the information he had learned about the chaotic world.

I told them all to my disciples.

And Ye Qingxian and others.

After learning the true face of the chaotic world.

I was also extremely shocked inside. .

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