Chapter 245 action

Ye Yuesheng heard the words of the Queen of Blood.

A hint of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

After he smiled slightly, he said directly:

“So, there is still this way.”

“If you let the blood queen completely invade heaven and earth, you will completely change the aura of heaven and earth.”

“It is indeed possible to conceal the tracking of the other party.”


under normal circumstances.

Representative of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth.

With the pioneer of heaven and earth.

It’s generally an endless situation.

No matter which side it is.

Will not tolerate the existence of each other.

Let alone in charge of one side of the world together.

Ye Yuesheng’s current situation in 723.

It’s absolutely rare.

In the entire vast chaotic world, there are extremely rare existences.

And then, after the blood queen heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

She tentatively said:

“My husband trusts me so much, he is not afraid that I will completely control the world.”

“Then completely control you?”

“You know, as long as I completely control that world, the combat power can reach the Third Stage day.”

“By then, you will not be my opponent, husband.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Yuesheng laughed suddenly.

(bdfi) He looked at the blood and said:

“Isn’t that the same for you now?”

“When I completely change and control the structure of heaven and earth.”

“Just give away the energy you control.”

“You trust me so much, how can I not trust you?”

Hearing Ye Yuesheng’s words after the blood queen, an extremely moved expression flashed in his eyes.

She suddenly felt that she could now follow Ye Yuesheng.

It is really a very happy thing.

Then, after seeing the blood, he smiled at Ye Yuesheng:

“Since my husband believes in me so.

“Then I will naturally help with all my strength and will not let those guys catch us.”

After saying this, the Queen of Blood seemed to think of something.

She covered her mouth slightly and smiled:

“Such a big thing.”

“The husband must also notify Qingxian and the others.

“Otherwise, there may be some misunderstanding.

Ye Yuesheng heard a smile on his face.

He touched the back of his head and said:

“You are right about the Queen of Blood.”

“Changing the breath of the whole world will indeed cause a lot of movement.”

“If Qingxian and the others are worried about this.

“That’s not good.”

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng looked at the blood back and said:

“You wait here first.

“I will immediately go back and inform Qingxian and others about this matter.”

Next, I saw Ye Yuesheng directly turned into a mist.

He went directly back to the world under his control.

Ye Yuesheng just came back.

He did not delay in the slightest.

Immediately went to Buwen Peak, ready to tell this to his disciples.

In the lobby of Buwen Peak.

All the disciples have come here at this moment.

They kept looking at Ye Yuesheng.

A hint of excitement flashed across his face.

Seeing this, Ye Yuesheng smiled suddenly, he didn’t sell anything, and directly said:

“I believe you all know it now.

“The teacher is preparing to go to the Yunyin City of Chaos.”

“However, on the way forward, I found something that must be done.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

Ye Qingxian standing in front suddenly spoke:

“Go to the Yunyin City of Chaos.”

“The Master said this not long ago.

“Now that the Master has summoned us.”

“Does the Master have any trouble?”

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