Chapter 246 Opinions and Objections

Ye Yuesheng heard what Ye Qingxian said.

A smile could not help flashing in his eyes.

Ye Yuesheng looked at Ye Qingxian and said directly:

“You are right.

“We are indeed in trouble now as a teacher.”

“You need to be notified.

“Otherwise, you will probably be thinking wildly.”

Hearing this, a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of Ye Qingxian and others.

With Ye Yuesheng’s current strength.

Actually there will be trouble.

This makes Cultivation Base only have them above the emperor realm.

It feels a little weird.

After seeing a trace of worry in Ling Yao Yao’s eyes, he spoke-said:

“Master, what happened to you- yeah?”

“Tell us quickly.

“As long as we can help you solve it, we will definitely help each other.”

See the appearance of Ling Yao Yao.

Ye Yuesheng laughed immediately.

He didn’t hide anything, and directly stated his conjecture.

When Ye Qingxian and others heard what Ye Yuesheng said.

A look of shock flashed across their faces.

Ye Qingxian and others never expected it.

Before his death, the ancestor Baimei arranged such a vicious strategy.

I want to put my Master to death.

I saw the spirit demon saying in a loud voice:

“The ancestor Baimei is too bad.”

“He didn’t just grab the world opened up by the Master before.”

“After death, he dared to calculate the Master.

“It’s just a dead end.”

Ye Qingxian on the side nodded after hearing the words of Ling Yao Yao.

After thinking for a while, she looked at Ye Yuesheng and said:

“If the situation is the same as the Master said.”

“Then we can indeed only use the method the teacher said.”

“Let Madam Master completely control this world, and then change the breath of this world.”

After saying this, Ye Qingxian seemed to have thought of something.

Her face changed slightly, and she looked at Ye Yuesheng and smiled:

“However, the disciple really didn’t expect it.

“Master’s wife actually represents the great calamity of heaven and earth here.”

“It’s no wonder that the Master brought her Madam back to Buwen Peak so quickly.”

“It turns out you knew each other a long time ago.”

“It’s just that the Master lets the master, who represents the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, control the heaven and the earth.”

“Aren’t you afraid of unexpected things?”

“Maybe, we weak disciples will disappear from now on.

…For flowers…

Ye Yuesheng heard the words.

An inexplicable color flashed across his face suddenly.

After he smiled helplessly, he said:

“Qingxian, I only remembered these things after regaining the position of heaven.

“After the blood, she has paid a lot for me.

“So taking her back to Buwen Peak is inevitable.

“You don’t need to think too much.

“Even if the Queen of Blood takes control of this world, she won’t do anything excessive.”

“At this point, she has already promised me.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

Ye Qingxian, who was still a little uneasy, nodded suddenly.

She spoke directly;

“Since the Master guarantees so.”

“That disciple naturally believes.

“Later, the Master will notify other forces outside the profound realm.

“Save those guys who are suspicious and hide in the world again.”

After Ye Yuesheng heard this.

He laughed suddenly.

He looked at Yu Ling’er sitting beside him, and said:

“Ling’er, I made this decision.”

“You don’t blame me.

“Even after the blood, she represents the great catastrophe of heaven and earth.”

“But I will never do anything bad to this world.”

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