Chapter 244 discuss

Just when the blood queen felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Voice transmission of Ye Yuesheng.

Suddenly appeared in the mind behind the blood.

“After the blood, I still feel a little wrong about the ancestor Baimei.

“You go back to Chaos now.”

“Talk to me about this.

After the blood, I heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

A mood flashed across his face.

Seeing that she nodded lightly, she said directly:

“Husband wait a moment, I will come over now.”

After saying this, the blood immediately turned into a white mist.

Instantly left the world opened up by Ye Yuesheng.

Appeared in the chaos.

Next, after seeing the blood appearing on the flying boat, he looked at Ye Yuesheng and said directly:

“Retreat in recent days.

“I always feel a little uneasy.”

“It seems to be related to your husband.”

“Husband, just talk about it specifically, what exactly you noticed.,

On the other side, Ye Yuesheng nodded after hearing the words after the blood.

He pondered for a moment, then said directly:

“After the blood, you feel very sensitive, and you have already sensed something wrong.” ”

“Based on my previous inferences.

“We should have been targeted by the enemy now.”

“The other party should determine my position based on the aura of heaven and earth that I control.”

“So I call you out now.”

“I just want to see how to resolve this matter.”

Hearing Ye Yuesheng’s words after the blood, a dignified color flashed in his eyes.

What’s happening now.

It was a little beyond her expectation.

She originally thought.

In the world of chaos, no one will stand up for the ancestors of the white eyebrows.

But the actual situation now.

But it made her feel a little caught off guard.

But Ye Yuesheng smiled slightly after seeing the appearance of the blood after.

He directly said:

“After the blood, we don’t have to panic too much now.”

“After all, those enemies have not yet appeared in front of us.

“So there should still be a lot of time for preparation.”

“We just need to calmly think about the countermeasures.

Hearing Ye Yuesheng’s words, the Queen of Blood began to calm down.

A slight thought flashed across her face.

Then he said:

“Since the other party is based on the aura of heaven and earth controlled by your husband.”

“To determine the location.

“Then we should change the breath of this world.”

“In this case.”

“The other party should not be able to trace us.”

Ye Yuesheng’s eyes flashed with joy after hearing the words of the blood.

After he nodded, he said:

“.々This method is good.”

“Just change the aura of heaven and earth that I control.”

“There should be no way for the other party to track it down.”

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng seemed to have thought of something again.

He said helplessly:

“It’s just that it’s not a simple matter to change the aura that controls the world.”

“This world has been formed since its birth.”

“It’s very difficult to change the aura it has.

(Zhao Lehao) “If you don’t use special means, you should not be able to resist the other party’s tracking.

After the blood, I heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

The corner of his mouth suddenly tilted slightly.

She pointed to herself, and immediately said to her brother:

“Husband, have you forgotten that I am in your world.”

“What kind of character is it?”

“As long as I turn into a tribulation of heaven and earth, and completely occupy your world.

“Then the aura of the world itself will be completely changed.”

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