Chapter 243 guess


I saw the soul-eater and his disciple.

After discussing how to control Ye Yuesheng.

There was no delay.

Immediately began to arrange various traps.

And the other side.

At this time, I don’t know how far away from the Immortal Tianzong.

Ye Yuesheng was manipulating the flying boat and flew towards Yunyin City.

After seeing him frowning slightly, he said to himself:

“There is always a trace of anxiety in my heart these days.”

“Is anyone planning to murder me?”

“It has been days since Cultivation Base reached the Third Stage of Heavenly Dao Realm.”

“I can perceive something malicious that may appear.”

“It seems that I should think about it later.”

After speaking these 13 words, Ye Yuesheng closed his eyes and began to think about the situation he might encounter.

Follow what you have now.

There are only a handful of people who can pose a threat to him.

Thinking about going.

There are only people in Chaos World.

Only to be able to do these things.

Thought of this.

He saw Ye Yuesheng open his eyes and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

He muttered to himself:

“It seems that the ancestor Baimei really has some means.”

“It’s amazing to be able to make people truly avenge him.”

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng frowned slightly and continued to analyze:

“According to the tone of the ancestor Baimei.”

“The person who came to avenge him, Cultivation Base should not be low.”

“It’s very likely that it’s the Fourth Stage or Fifth Stage guy.”

“At the same time, the other party should be able to determine where I am.”

“Otherwise, the ancestor Baimei wouldn’t be able to say these things with such certainty.

“And now that I can be sure of my location.”

“That must be something I must have.”

After saying this, a bold idea flashed through Ye Yuesheng’s heart.

He guessed it in an instant.

The other party should be based on the aura of the world that he opened up.

Use this to determine your position.

After all, the Cultivation Base of the ancestor Baimei is so powerful.

I can’t guess what kind of treasure Ye Yuesheng has.

The only thing he can be sure of.

Ye Yuesheng will regain this world.

Become the only Lord of Heaven in this world.

And as long as Ye Yuesheng does it once.

Shimen where the ancestor Baimei was located.

It will immediately be based on the breath radiating from this world.

Use this to find Ye Yuesheng.

Then kill Ye Yuesheng to avenge the ancestor Baimei.

Next, there has been a preliminary inference of Ye Yuesheng.

After a hint of coldness flashed across his face.

After starting to call out the blood who was in retreat, let her come out and discuss countermeasures with herself.

Buwen Peak.

At this time, she is retreating from the blood queen of cultivation.

A dignified color kept flashing across his face.

She opened her eyes and said helplessly:

“What’s going on these past few days.”

723 “I can’t even do meditation, is there something wrong with my husband?”

After saying this, the blood queen shook his head slightly.

“This kind of thing should be impossible.”

“The husband’s only enemy, the ancestor Baimei has died.”

“Even if someone comes to take revenge, it shouldn’t be able to deal with the husband.”

“His current qualifications and Cultivation Base are not too weak in the Yunyin area.

“No one should not provoke us without long eyes.”

The voice just fell after the blood.

Ye Yuesheng’s voice transmission suddenly appeared in her heart.

After hearing Ye Yuesheng’s analysis after seeing the blood, a flash of shock suddenly flashed across his face.

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