Chapter 242 Soul Eater

The map in the hands of the green-robed man.

It was drawn by the Immortal Celestial Sect specially by a master.

It contains various information about the disciples.

Can clearly show.

They opened up the specific state of the world.

If the person who killed the ancestor of the white eyebrows is in control of that side of the world, and the Cultivation Base reaches the level of the Fourth Stage.

Then the shape shown on the map is naturally the shape of the Fourth Stage sky.

Even if you use magical powers to hide Cultivation Base.

“Seven Two Three” cannot avoid the detection of this map.

Next, I saw the Soul Eater taking the map from the green-robed man.

Then began to observe carefully.

It only took a while.

There was a hint of incredible shock on his face.

I saw the Soul Eater speak:

“It turned out to be the realm of the Third Stage Heaven.”

“How did this guy kill Baimei.”

“According to normal circumstances, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen.”

Finished saying this.

Soul Eater seems to have thought of something.

After a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes, he continued to speak:

“No, there is another possibility.”

“If this guy is born from this world.”

“Then it is possible to kill Baimei.

The big green-robed man heard the words of the real soul eater.

A hint of shock flashed in his eyes.

It’s really rare to be killed by the creatures born in the control of the heavens and the earth.

I saw the big green-robed man raised his head and said to the real soul devourer:

“Master, is this kind of thing true?

“Under normal circumstances.”

“This is absolutely impossible.”

At this moment.

The big green-robed man hadn’t noticed the excitement in the eyes of the soul-eater.

He just wants to know now.

Is this kind of thing true?

After all, he was killed by the creatures born in his own world.

It’s too appalling.


I saw the Soul Eater turned his head, looked at the big green robe, and said:

“What’s impossible.”

“As long as the aptitude of the born creature is strong enough.”

“It will be able to kill the founder who opened up the world in turn.”

“When I accepted the white eyebrows, it was because of his aptitude.”

“Now that there is a better seed.”

“Then you have to go to the sect of my immortal Tianzong!”

“Only in this way can I complete the big plan I have planned for many years!”

After speaking, the Soul Eater seems to have thought of something

He looked at the big green robe and said:

“From now on, all of you will stay in the Immortal Heavenly Sect.”

“Never spread the news of this person.

“After I put this kid into the Immortal Celestial Sect, you will be able to move freely.

“have you understood?”

The big green-robed man heard his Master’s order.

An incredible look flashed across his face.

I saw the green-robed man speaking to the real soul devourer:

“Master, for this guy.”

“Is it necessary for us to do this for the Immortal Heavenly Sect?”

“Even if this person is admitted to the Immortal Celestial Sect, he may not be loyal to the Immortal Celestial Sect.

“Maybe it will destroy our Sect like killing Junior Brother Baimei.”

I heard the words of the man in the green 5.8 robe.

The Soul Eater suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. He looked into the distance and said sullenly:

“You can rest assured about this.”

“When I recruited him, I would immediately plant a ban on him.”

“As long as that guy dares to disobey my order of the Soul Eater.”

“You will definitely experience the taste of life is not as good as death.

“This guy can never get out of my control.

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