Chapter 178 Join hands

Chu Qingyin and others.

Haven’t rushed to Ye Qingxian’s place yet.

Kinabalu has already taken the lead in launching an attack.

After Lu Ruhai gave the order.

Countless light waves.

Just like a terrifying wave, it rushed directly toward the profound realm.

These light waves are extremely powerful.

In the process of advancing, even the surrounding void was affected and became extremely oscillating.

And those powerful emperors who fled to the distance to watch.

After seeing this scene.

Inwardly, they felt extremely shocked.

I saw them say in a little horror:

“Sacred Mountain is capable of erupting such a powerful attack.”

“This is too scary.”

“No matter which beam of light it is, it can easily kill the emperor realm powerhouse.”

“If the Profound Realm has no other means.

“I can only catch it with my hands!”

And the other side.

Within the profound world.

When Ye Qingxian saw Shenshan launch an attack.

A hint of determination flashed across her face.

Ye Qingxian turned his head and said to the spirit demon demon:

“Yao Yao, the attack of Shen 13 Mountain this time is not trivial.

“Let’s do it together!”

Heard this.

Ling Yao Yao nodded immediately.

She immediately took out a calligraphy and painting that had been prepared, and said:

“Sister, I have been waiting for a long time for the shot.

“Just let the world see.”

“How powerful is our Profound Realm!”

After speaking, he saw Ling Yao Yao directly offering calligraphy and painting, releasing the things hidden in it.

And Ye Qingxian on the side saw this.

There was no pause.

The calligraphy and painting were directly sacrificed at the same time, and instantly formed a joint force with the spirit monster.


Just after the calligraphy and painting by the second female priest.

A dazzling light.

He appeared directly in front of everyone on the scene.

I saw two huge, mysterious unicorns.

He appeared directly outside the mysterious world out of thin air.

They have horns and peaks, and they are extremely mighty.

The hopeful heart is awe-inspiring.

And the other side.

Those who think the Profound Realm can only be captured with nothing.

Behind the scenes after seeing this.

There was an immense shock in his heart again.

I saw an emperor realm powerhouse wearing a green robes, who spoke in disbelief:


“In addition to being able to summon the golden dragon, this profound realm can also summon a unicorn.”

“It’s incredible.

“The peak owner of Buwen Peak can actually have such a powerful means!”

“Really unfathomable!”

Next, after the two unicorns appeared, they took a faint glance at the front.

They did not delay in the slightest.

Directly displayed the supernatural powers in his body, in order to resist the attack facing the profound realm.

I saw one of the unicorns with a crimson body.

After a long roar in the sky.

Then a flame that could burn all things was ejected, directly rushing to those light waves.

And another unicorn.

After seeing his companion shot.

He also showed his own methods immediately.

I saw the horns of its head, after shaking slightly.

A violent gust of wind rushed out and merged directly with the flame.

Strong wind and flames.

It became more violent after the fusion.

Directly rushed to the light waves on the opposite side.

And the light waves on the opposite side, although they looked powerful, were unable to resist the violent wind and flames at all.

It can only gradually melt into the void.

The giants of Shenshan see this.

His face suddenly became gloomy.

They originally thought.

That golden dragon was the last resort of the profound world.

Unexpectedly now.

The Profound Realm was actually able to summon another divine beast.

This is really incredible.

After seeing a trace of killing intent flashed in Lu Ruhai’s eyes, he said:

“Unexpectedly, we have so many Gedai characters.

“Unexpectedly, I couldn’t take the Profound Realm all at once.”

“This is really unexpected.

“If the profound realm can still summon more sacred beasts, then our sacred mountain is in danger!”

“You guys tell me, what should we do now?”

Hearing Lu Ruhai’s worried words.

Jiang Yanzi shook his head slightly, and he said:

“Brother Lu, you are too worried.”

“Existence above the emperor realm is so rare.”

“We are able to find some with the help of Grand Master’s strength.”

“Then Ye Yuesheng, no matter how powerful, is definitely not better than our Patriarch.”

“He absolutely cannot summon too many sacred beasts.

“Maybe those two unicorns.”

“It’s Ye Yuesheng’s last resort.”

When the Hei Mi guest of Hua Tian Jiao heard the words, a hint of approval appeared on his face.

He said:

“Jiang’s dynasty said this very well.”

“The existence above the emperor realm has been very rare throughout the ages.”

“No matter how heaven-defying Ye Yuesheng is, it is already the limit to be able to summon three.”

“As long as we sacred mountain hold on again.

“We must be able to win!”

“Brother Lu, don’t hesitate to attack again!”

“Even if you lose those Gedai characters, you only need to attack the Profound Realm.

“We can also make up for the loss.”

After Lu Ruhai heard the words of the two, his originally worried heart became confident.

A smile appeared on his face, and he said directly:

“If that’s the case, let those Gedai figures launch an offensive.”

“We have an absolute advantage in quantity.”

“As long as you use this to oppress the profound realm, you will surely be able to win!”

Unfortunately, at this time Lu Ruhai and others.

I don’t know the true situation of the Profound Realm.

If they know, Ye Yuesheng has dozens of calligraphy and paintings in total.

It is estimated that the ambition to attack the profound world will be extinguished immediately.

Just choose to retreat.

Even if he will suffer punishment from the ancestor of the white eyebrows later.

These 690 sacred mountain giants will not choose to face head-on with the profound world now.

Then, after a smirk flashed across Lu Ruhai’s face, he raised his voice:

“Ye Yuesheng, you are really amazing.

“It is unexpectedly able to summon the existence above the three emperor realms.”

“It’s a pity that our sacred mountain is better and has more emperor realms.

“Next, our sacred mountain will attack again.”

“You will be obedient to die!”

Ye Yuesheng of Buwen Peak heard Lu Ruhai’s words.

A sneer flashed across his face.

He directly raised his voice:

“Lu Ruhai, your arrogance.”

“I will surely plunge myself into the abyss!”

“And to the end.”

“Sacred Mountain, I will definitely regret going to war with Profound Realm.”

“At that time, even if the way of heaven comes, it will definitely not save the sacred mountain!!

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

A hint of coldness flashed across Lu Ruhai’s face.

Can’t even Tiandao save yourself?

This Ye Yuesheng is too ostentatious.

You must let him experience despair!

Thought of this.

Lu Ruhai didn’t say much, and directly waved his hand and ordered another attack.

And those Gedai figures standing outside the profound realm.

After getting the order.

There was no pause.

A new round of attacks broke out directly.

All of a sudden.

The overwhelming light waves directly flooded the entire void. .

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