Chapter 179 Rescue is coming

In the profound world.

When Ye Qingxian and Ling Yao Yao, after seeing the second round of offensive.

There was no pause.

Immediately command the golden dragon and unicorn.

Launched the next round of defense.

I saw the golden dragon hovering in the void.

After getting the order of Ye Qingxian.

He also directly raised his voice to the sky and let out a dragon chant.

I set my eyes on the surging light waves.

It flicked a claw fiercely.

Direct bursts of fierce golden light shot out, blasting towards the front.

And the other two unicorns.

Not to be outdone at this time.

Same as before.

They immediately displayed their magical powers.

Constantly blowing out a gust of wind and flames.

Let it merge with each other.

Directly burst out extremely powerful power.


Only a blink of an eye passed.

Both sides were extremely powerful attacks, and they directly collided together, bursting out infinite brilliance.

These brilliance are extremely dazzling.

So that the many powerhouses present could not even open their eyes.

I saw a strong man in Cultivation Base who reached the peak of the imperial realm, after feeling the power of the aftermath.

He was very shocked and said:

“This battle is beyond my imagination.”

“Unexpectedly, the Profound Realm could explode with such a powerful force.”

“Fight against the sacred mountain.

“It’s so amazing!”

And a certain cultivator on the side heard this.

But shook his head slightly.

He said:

“Although the Profound Realm is now fighting against the sacred mountain.”

“But the number of masters in Shenshan far exceeds the Profound Realm.”

“As long as the sacred mountain giants attack together, it will break the balance.

at this time.

Under the observation of everyone.

The Profound Realm and the Shenshan were fighting indiscriminately, and no one could completely knock down each other.

Let the whole situation come to a stalemate.

And the other side.

Lu Ruhai and others from the sacred mountain saw this behind the scenes.

An expression of surprise flashed across his face suddenly.

Although just now, Shenshan didn’t break through the profound realm at once.

But it has also completely contained the mythical beasts in the profound realm.

As long as they shoot again.

The Profound Realm would definitely not be able to resist it.

And the other side.

The undead Taoist standing above the void.

This situation is also observed at this moment.

After squinting his eyes slightly, he said with satisfaction:

“Very well, now the offensive of the entire Profound Realm has been controlled by us.” ”

“Just attack again.

“Sacred Mountain will be able to win absolute victory.”

After speaking, the undead Taoist turned around and ordered Lu Ruhai:

“Ye Yuesheng has nothing to do now.”

“Now is the best time to attack the profound realm.”

“Don’t hide yourself, just attack the profound realm!”

And Lu Ruhai and others.

After hearing this.

An extremely happy expression flashed across his face.

They have suffered so much in the past, and now they are finally able to retaliate against Ye Yuesheng.

Lu Ruhai said bitterly:

“Don’t worry about the undead Taoist.”

“Since today’s Profound Realm is in jeopardy.”

“Then we will definitely take advantage of the victory and pursuit, and completely break through the profound formation of the profound realm.”

“By the time.

“No matter how good Ye Yuesheng is.”

“You can only endure obediently!”

Not to die, after hearing these words.

He smiled and nodded.

He directly raised his hand, pointed to a place in the profound realm, and continued to speak:

“Now the two sides of Shenshan and Profound Realm are bombarding each other.”

“The resulting aftermath.

“It has gradually affected the profound formation of the profound realm.

“As long as you attack that place later, you can wipe out the profound realm formation as quickly as possible, and then kill Ye Yuesheng!”

Lu Ruhai and others heard this.

Ecstasy flashed across his face again.

I saw Taixu’s Jiang Yanzi, and smiled:

“The Immortal Taoist is really Cultivation Base.

“I discovered the weakness of the profound realm so quickly.”

“It’s really admirable.

“Brother Lu, we don’t have to delay any more now, let’s attack there directly.”

When Lu Ruhai heard this, he suddenly raised his head and laughed wildly.

He said:

“Well, in that case.

“Then let’s start attacking directly now!”

Having said this.

Lu Ruhai moved his body and ran directly towards the void above, preparing to launch his own attack.

And other sacred mountain giants see this.

Naturally, they will not lag behind, and have followed up.


Then he saw Lu Ruhai and others who had risen into the void.

Did not hesitate.

He directly displayed his own supernatural powers, and blasted fiercely towards the weakest place in the profound world.

And all the spectators present.

Then once again saw an unimaginable powerful attack after another.

Erupted from the hands of Lu Ruhai and others.

As if to destroy the heavens and the earth, he blasted towards the profound realm in an instant.


Previously in the mysterious forbidden area of ​​Mount Kinabalu.

Lu Ruhai and others have already learned the new cultivation technique.

So the attack that broke out with full force at this moment.

More than ever.

It has even arrived.

It used to consume the entire martial arts heritage.

The power that can only be achieved.

And at the moment, the strong who are watching the battle around.

After seeing this scene.

I also felt terrified in my heart.

The battle between Shenshan and Profound Realm is almost the strongest in history.

A little aftermath randomly generated.

It is extremely terrifying to be able to completely eliminate the existence of an emperor realm.

I saw a man wearing a black robe, shook his head slightly, and said:

*.々The mountain is indeed a mountain. ”

“Even now, such a powerful attack can erupt.”

“If the Profound Realm has no other means.

“You can only give up completely.

And the other side.

Within the profound world.

Ye Qingxian and Ling Yao Yao.

Now I feel a little shocked in my heart.

They did not expect.

Those sacred mountain giants can improve such a powerful strength in just a few days.

Such an astonishing attack broke out.

(Wang Nuohao) I saw Ye Qingxian anxiously speak to the spirit demon demon:

“Monster, the situation is urgent now.”

“We can only sacrifice all the calligraphy and painting first to deal with the attack of the mountain.”

“Presumably with the mighty power of these calligraphy and painting.

“Should be able to cope with this attack of Mount Kinabalu.”

After hearing this, Ling Yao Yao couldn’t help but nodded.

She said:

“Sister, you are right.”

“If you want to protect the profound world, that’s all you can do.

next moment.

Just when Ye Qingxian and Ling Yaoyao were about to exhaust all the calligraphy and painting on their bodies to delete.

When resisting the attack of Mount Kinabalu.

Chu Qingyin and others have also arrived here.

After seeing a slight smile on Chu Qingyin’s face, he said:

“Sister, can you take everything on yourself?”

“Sometimes, you have to learn to rely on the younger sister.

“The attack of Mount Kinabalu.

“Let us resist!”.

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