Chapter 177 Strike together

Before the mountain is ready to attack.

Outside the profound world.

The golden dragon.

After destroying the Sea Covering Demon Lord.

It did not dissipate directly.

Instead, they continue to eat and stand in the void, tightly holding the sacred mountain.

When Ye Qingxian saw this, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

She said to the Ling Yao Yao beside her:

“Master is really amazing.”

“Unexpectedly able to give such a powerful calligraphy and painting.”

“Let us directly resist that powerful attack.”

“Next, if the sacred mountain has no other means.

“I’m afraid we will never be defeated.

The Ling Yao Yao on the side heard this.

He also nodded.

She said:

“Even if the mountain has other means.”

“We don’t have to be afraid.

“These days, we have all understood these calligraphy and painting thoroughly.”

“Combined exhibition will produce extremely powerful power of “Six and Nine Zero”.”

“Regardless of facing any enemy.

“Both can be killed directly.”

After saying this, Ling Yaoyao’s eyes flashed eagerly.

It seems that I can’t wait.

And at this moment.

Ye Yuesheng of Buwen Peak.

A smile also appeared on his face.

He glanced at the loading degree of the system, and said inwardly:

“These calligraphy and paintings have brought me an extraordinary effect.”

“Qingxian only used a pair of calligraphy and painting, which made the system’s loading degree climb a little bit.”

“If you continue in this situation.”

“Presumably it won’t be long.

“I will be able to achieve 100% system load.

at this time.

Ye Yuesheng’s intuition is telling himself.

When the system’s loading degree reaches 100%.

Something terrible is bound to happen.

Not only can his strength skyrocket, but also the people like Shenshan can be easily solved.

You can also touch some unknown secrets.

Solve the many questions hidden in his heart.

And the other side.

There is sacred mountain.

Now the next round of offense has officially begun.

I saw the heads of those sacred mountains.

After successfully urging the token.

Then immediately drove those controlled ancient powerhouses.

Began to launch a powerful attack.


I saw a figure that looked like a demon god.

Stepping straight out of the void of the sacred mountain, appeared in front of the profound world.

They stand side by side.

Bring an extremely powerful shock to the world.

And those imperial realm powerhouses who watched the battle around saw this.

Suddenly felt great pressure inside.

After an expression of horror appeared on their faces.

They fled here one after another.

So as not to be affected.

And the other side.

Within the profound world.

When Ye Qingxian and others saw this scene, they felt shocked in their hearts.

They never expected it.

This sacred mountain was so crazy that it took out all the hole cards directly.

Want to wipe out the profound realm all at once.

Seeing that Ye Qingxian’s eyes wrinkled slightly, he said:

“This sacred mountain is really amazing.”

“Unexpectedly, so many powerful people have been gathered at once.”

“If we are not prepared well, I am afraid we can’t resist it.”

After hearing this, the Ling Yao Yao on the side heard this.

A dignified color also appeared on his face.

She raised her head.

Begin to observe those standing outside the profound realm.

It only took a while.

Ling Yao Yao discovered something.

I saw her pointing at someone outside the profound realm, and she spoke in shock:

“Sister, take a look.”

“This is the peerless strongman recorded by our monster clan. He has been dead for so many years.”

“How could he still survive in the world?”

“This is incredible.”

After hearing this, Ye Qingxian also began to carefully observe those strong men standing outside the profound realm.

It only took a while.

Ye Qingxian also recognized two famous figures who had been recorded.

She was thinking about it for a while.

There was a sudden flash of anger in his eyes, and he said directly:

“This sacred mountain is really despicable and shameless.”

“Even to use these people who have made contributions to the world.

“In order to win, they really used whatever means to make it out.’

Finished saying this.

Ye Qingxian turned his head.

Speaking to the spirit demon demon:

“You Yao, when we make a move in the future, don’t be merciful.”

“These strong people, we must let them rest in peace.”

“After all, they have been controlled by the mountain.”

“If these people continue to serve the mountain, then the whole world will suffer.

Ling Yao Yao heard Ye Qingxian’s words.

Nodded suddenly.

She seemed to have thought of something, and said with some worry:

“Sister, so many enemies”

“Should we notify Qingyin and them to come and support.”

“If they come over.

“We can also relax.”

Upon hearing this, a smile flashed across Ye Qingxian’s face.

She said:

“You don’t have to worry about this.”

“If the Master is aware of danger, he will definitely notify them to come.

“We only need to pay attention to the crisis ahead.

And the other side.

Just when those Gedai figures appeared outside the profound realm.

Ye Yuesheng also felt a bit of crisis, and immediately began the next step.

I saw him stand up and transmit the sound directly to the disciples in other directions.

Let them rush to Ye Qingxian as quickly as possible to support Ye Qingxian and them.

And Chu Qingyin and others.

After learning Ye Yuesheng’s instructions.

Naturally there will be no delay.

Immediately rush to Ye Qingxian and the others at the fastest speed.


Just the next moment.

Lu Ruhai, who was standing at the front of the line of the sacred mountain, glanced at the profound realm lightly.

He said directly:

“Everyone, launch an attack right away.”

“No matter how powerful the Profound Realm is.”

“Under the bombardment of these Gedai figures, it is absolutely impossible to survive.

Hearing this, the nearby Jiang Dizi also showed a win-winner expression on his face.

After he nodded slightly, he said:

“Brother Lu is right.”

“Although this Profound Realm has summoned a golden dragon, it is under the siege of so many Gedai powerhouses.”


“It must be impossible to resist.”

“In the end, we can only usher in the situation of death.”

“And without the protection of the golden dragon, the profound realm can only be caught obediently.”

At this moment, in the heart of many giants in the mountain.

They also thought that this golden dragon was the ultimate means of the profound world.

Just solve this dragon again.

Then the sacred mountain will be able to drive straight into it and wipe out the profound realm!

Afterwards, I saw Lu Ruhai chuckle up to the sky.

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately ordered to start attacking the profound realm.

And as the order was issued.

Those Gedai figures standing outside the profound realm also showed an extremely astonishing aura at the same time.

They blasted their strongest attack directly at the profound realm in front of them.

I saw one after another bright light waves.

He rushed to the profound realm in an instant.

It seems that in the next moment, the profound realm will be completely wiped out!

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