Chapter 176 Devil’s Fall

In that terrifying attack.

Before completely touching the entire profound realm.

Ye Qingxian immediately used the calligraphy and painting given by Ye Yuesheng.

It directly summoned a golden dragon.

As soon as this golden dragon appeared, it immediately moved the entire avenue between heaven and earth.

One after another powerful breath of incomparable mystery.

Constantly pouring out from the Shenlong body.

It looks amazing.

And Ye Qingxian, who was standing in the profound realm, met after seeing this scene.

I couldn’t help but-a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although she had long thought that the calligraphy and painting given by Ye Yuesheng would not be too simple.

But I didn’t expect it.

It was actually able to summon the existence of this kind of rumors.

Thought of this.

A smile flashed across Ye Qingxian’s face.

She did not hesitate.

Immediately commanded the golden dragon to rush out of the profound realm, and directly hit the azure blue light wave.


Everyone present.

I saw two powerful energies colliding together in an instant, bursting out infinite brilliance.

People can’t even open their eyes.

And it is extremely shocking.

That beam of blue light.

It was completely lost to the Golden Dragon.

Just resisted for a while.

The golden dragon opened its mouth and swallowed it directly.

And those powerful emperors who were watching nearby, saw this behind the scenes.

A look of shock suddenly appeared on his face.

I saw them speak:

“I didn’t expect this golden dragon to be so powerful.”

“It took only a short period of time to wipe out the attack that was enough to destroy the sky and the earth.”

“This is horrible!”

“I originally thought that Mount Kinabalu could win directly with the advantage of sweeping everything.”

“But now it seems.”

“Sacred Mountain is also likely to lose!”

The performance of the Xuanjie at this moment.

It’s amazing.

Let many people who thought that the mountain could win.

Directly changed the inner view.

And the other side.

In the camp of Mount Kinabalu.

When Lu Ruhai saw it, the attack of Sea Covering Demon Venerable was easily resolved by Ye Qingxian.

His face suddenly became extremely blue.

Lu Ruhai originally thought.

Sea-covering Demon Lord can rely on his power of heaven-defying attack.

Directly inflict heavy losses on the Xuanjie.

Let the creatures in the profound realm suffer catastrophe.

And this gave Ye Yuesheng a major blow.

But what I never thought was.

Ye Qingxian easily solved this trouble with just a pair of calligraphy and painting.

This is really beyond his expectation.

After seeing a gloomy color flashing on Lu Ruhai’s face, he commanded to Sea Covering Demon Venerable:

“Useless things.”

“Hurry up and continue to stop the golden dragon for me.”

“Tear it to pieces!”

After saying this, Lu Ruhai stretched out his right hand, urged the token in his hand again, and directly ordered to cover the sea demon with this.

And that Sea Demon Lord.

After getting Lu Ruhai’s order.

Then the figure moved.

It immediately crossed the layers of space and continued to rush towards the golden dragon.


It seems to be trying to vent something.

After that Sea Covering Demon Venerable appeared in front of Shenlong.

He raised his hands.

Started a crazy offense.

I saw one after another, filled with blue light waves of endless water vapor.

Erupted directly from the fist of Sea Covering Demon Venerable.

As if to smash everything, it instantly pressed against the golden dragon on the opposite side.

And that golden dragon.

After seeing the action of Sea Covering Demon Lord.

A trace of anthropomorphic disdain flashed in his eyes.

It seems that for this kind of attack, no attention is paid to it.


Everyone only saw the golden dragon, after uttering a dragon chant in the sky.

The blue light wave blasted out by the sea-covering demon.

As if shattered, it gradually disappeared into the void.

Not even a trace was left.

And the golden dragon after doing this.

But did not stop his actions.

As soon as its figure moved, it continued to transform into a golden light and rushed to the opposite sea-covered demon.

He glanced at Sea Covering Demon Sovereign faintly.

The golden dragon waved his own claws and directly wiped the sea-covering demon from the world.

Lu Ruhai and others see this.

Unbelievable expressions flashed in his eyes.

This golden dragon is too powerful.

It was actually able to destroy the Sea Covering Demon Venerable directly.

To know.

The Demon Lord of the Sea Covering is a character of the ancient times.

Now he was killed so easily.

This made Lu Ruhai wonder if he was dreaming.

And the undead Taoist standing in the void.

After seeing this scene.

A stunned look also appeared on his face.

He didn’t expect it either.

Ye Yuesheng is so powerful, able to produce such powerful calligraphy and painting.

…Please ask for flowers……

Kill the Gedai characters of the ancient times.

This is really amazing.

Next, I saw the immortal Taoist think about it for a moment.

He secretly said inwardly:

“Although the power of this kind of calligraphy and painting is very powerful, there must not be too many.”

“As long as my Profound Realm keeps attacking.

“Should be able to win.

Thought of this.

The undead Taoist immediately turned around and ordered the giant of the mountain:

“You don’t have to hesitate anymore now.”

“Immediately order all the ancient powerhouses under my control to attack the profound realm together.”

“I don’t believe it.”

“Under so many attacks, this profound realm can still survive.”

“Hurry up and start attacking!”


The giants of Shenshan.

After hearing the words of the immortal Taoist, the eyes flashed in abundance.

Although the calligraphy and painting given by Ye Yuesheng are powerful.

But with the golden dragon, he wanted to withstand the attacks of many Gedai characters in an instant.

I’m afraid it’s still a little stretched.

Thought of this.

I saw Wei Wuya and the others glance at the Profound Realm.

Immediately urged the token in hand.

Command the Gedai powerhouse hidden in the sacred mountain team to prepare to attack!


There are many powerhouses in the mysterious realm in appearance battle.

Then I saw an incomparably powerful aura after another.

Erupted directly from the sacred mountain team.

As if to tear the world apart.

It seems quite amazing.

And an emperor realm powerhouse wearing a black robe.

After seeing this scene, he said with some horror:

“How can this be!”

“Shenshan has so many masters, this is absolutely impossible to happen!”

“At this moment, no matter which momentum appears.

“They are all enough to dominate the world, in the sky and the earth, no opponent can compete with them.”

“And the mountain is able to call out so many Gedai characters.”

“Really terrifying.

“I’m afraid the Profound Realm will really lose this time.”

A powerful old cultivator shook his head slightly after hearing this.

He said:

“Those people have a very strong aura.”

“But there is a lack of agility.”

“This shortcoming prevents them from exerting their full strength.”

“If the Profound Realm can insight into this matter, then it will definitely win the final victory.”

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