Chapter 175 Everyone shocked

Beyond the profound world.

In the forefront of the Mount Kinabalu team.

I saw Lu Ruhai and the others in fluttering clothes, standing side by side, showing an extremely powerful aura.

After a faint glance at the Profound Realm, Lu Ruhai said to himself:

“Ye Yuesheng, you can die under so many Gedai characters.”

“It’s pretty amazing.

“Since you dare to fight against the gods and the gods, then you can obediently die!”

After saying this, Lu Ruhai directly used his whole body mana.

Start to urge the token in hand.

Next, a red light flashed on Lu Ruhai’s right hand.

Among the sacred mountain team.

Then burst out an extremely astonishing momentum.

As if to tear the world apart.

It seems extremely amazing.

Seeing this, the faces of the people watching the game flashed with incredible expressions.

They said with some horror:

“In the ranks of the mountain.

“It’s really amazing that someone can burst out with such a powerful aura.”

“Could it be possible that there are other giants hidden in the mountain?”

“If so.”

“The Profound Realm wants to win this battle, it would be too difficult!”

And Lu Ruhai, who stood in the void, saw the shocked 690 look of everyone.

A trace of complacency flashed across his face.

The character he controls now.

It is a hero of the ancient times.

The combat power on his body has overwhelmed the entire era, and no one can compete with it.

If you meet Ye Qingxian and others.

It is estimated that in a few moments, they will be able to completely kill them.

Next, I saw Lu Ruhai staring at the Profound Realm and said with a grinning smile:

“Sea Covering Demon Lord!

“You will immediately attack me right in front of you!”

“Let those guys in the Profound Realm take a look.

“How powerful are the Gedai characters in the ancient times!”

Lu Ruhai’s voice just fell.

A figure exuding endless water vapor left the team of the mountain.

Came directly into the air.

I saw the mist-filled figure and glanced at the profound realm slightly.

He immediately faced the front.

Yaoyao blasted a punch!

Next, everyone present.

I saw a burst of blue light burst out.

With an aura of ruining the sky and destroying the earth, he rushed directly to the profound realm ahead!

And just now.

If someone observes carefully.

You will find that this blue light wave is extremely powerful.

(bdfi) On the way forward.

It can cause the void to oscillate continuously, which is extremely astonishing.


This Sea Covering Demon Lord is an existence above the emperor realm, possessing quite powerful power.

If the current mysterious world.

There is no protection.

If you directly suffer the impact of this blue light wave.

Then within the profound world.

Will directly kill and wound a large number of creatures.

Caused the entire profound realm to suffer huge losses.


Just when the Great Sage Covering the Sea attacked the Profound Realm.

Ye Yuesheng of Buwen Peak.

I already know the movements of the mountain.

I saw his eyes, after a slight chill flashed, he secretly said in his heart:

“Huh, Shenshan has become smarter this time.

“Unexpectedly, I learned to directly attack a certain place in the Profound Realm.”

“It looks like Lu Ruhai is behind these people.

“It’s true that there are experts who are pointing.

“If I was too careless in the next battle, it would cause the profound realm to suffer trauma.”

Thought of this.

Ye Yuesheng did not hesitate at all.

Immediately contacted Ye Qingxian and others who were closest to the blue light wave.

I saw Ye Yuesheng say:

“Qingxian, Shenshan has already begun to attack.”

“This time the enemy is quite powerful. Don’t hesitate to use the calligraphy and painting given to you by your teacher.

“If a calligraphy and painting can’t resist it.”

“You can unite the monsters and the demons and sacrifice several calligraphy and paintings at the same time.

“Presumably with the help of these calligraphy and painting, you will definitely be able to withstand the attack of the mountain.”

After hearing Ye Yuesheng’s voice transmission.

A solemn look suddenly appeared on Ye Qingxian’s face.

She nodded slightly and spoke to Ye Yuesheng:

“Master, don’t worry.”

“Junior sister and I will definitely be able to guard the profound realm.”

“Just look forward to our performance.”

After saying this, Ye Qingxian turned his head and spoke to the Ling Yao Yao beside him:

“Monster, the attack of the mountain is about to come.

“I will sacrifice a calligraphy and painting later, if you can’t beat the opponent, then you will sacrifice another one.”

“I believe that so many calligraphy and paintings will be after the sacrifice.

“Whether you encounter any enemy, you can completely eliminate them!”

Ling Yao Yao heard this.

Nodded suddenly.

I saw her looking beyond the profound realm, her eyes flashed with incomparable determination.

The spirit demon said:

“Senior Sister, although the enemy is very strong this time.”

“But I believe it.”

“As long as we can survive this battle.”

“And after defeating the mountain.”

“Our Profound Realm will definitely be able to stand above the heavens and all realms and become the most noble existence.”

“At that time, we must be with the Master forever.”

“Never separate again.

Hear the words of Ling Yao Yao.

A smile appeared on Ye Qingxian’s face.

She didn’t say much, glanced at the outside of the profound realm slightly.

Then directly offered a calligraphy and painting.

In this way, it resisted the blue light wave that was rushing towards the profound realm.


Only after a dazzling golden light flashed.

The calligraphy and painting sacrificed by Ye Qingxian turned into a golden dragon, and it flew out of the profound realm with a few claws.

And those many strong people who are watching the battle.

After seeing this scene.

All kinds of incredible looks suddenly appeared on his face.

They all said in shock;

“Ye Qingxian actually summoned the legendary dragon!”

“This method is too powerful.”

“You must know that the realm of the real dragon is above the emperor realm!

“Now, no matter how strong the attack of Divine Mountain is, the profound realm will be able to resist it!

And the other side.

Those sacred mountain giants outside the profound realm.

Behind the scenes after seeing this.

His face also became gloomy a lot.

They never expected it.

Ye Yuesheng’s methods are so diverse.

He could actually bestow such a powerful calligraphy and painting to his disciples.

This is really amazing.

When Lu Ruhai glanced at Ye Qingxian in the profound realm, he said:

“Although these calligraphy and painting are quite powerful.

“But compared with Sea Covering Demon Venerable, I don’t know who is strong and who is weak.”

“Just a golden dragon.”

“If you want to withstand the attack of Sea Covering Demon Venerable, I am afraid it is still not enough!

Fuhai Mozun is a Gedai figure in ancient times.

The power of attack is extremely powerful.

Its own Cultivation Base has also reached above the emperor realm.

Although most of the spiritual wisdom has now disappeared, the attacks that came out were still quite astonishing.

And this is exactly why Lu Ruhai is so confident.


Only a blink of an eye passed.

The blue light wave blasted by Sea Covering Demon Venerable directly hit the golden dragon.

An extremely astonishing sight broke out directly.

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