Chapter 174 cannon fodder

Ye Qingxian and others guarding the four directions of the profound world.

After seeing the sacred mountain coming.

A dignified color flashed across his face suddenly.

They did not expect.

The forces that attacked the profound realm this time.

In addition to the mountain.

There are actually other forces that have no hatred with the Profound Realm.

This is the situation of being thrown into trouble.

Naturally, Ye Qingxian and the others felt extremely angry.

I saw the spirit demon demon standing near Ye Qingxian, his eyes flashed with anger, and he spoke:

“Senior Sister, these forces are really Damn it.

“As soon as I saw the sacred mountain attacking the Profound Realm, I followed behind to fish in troubled waters.”

“Really our profound realm is in a muddled state?”

Heard this.

Ye Qingxian’s eyes also flashed a faint murderous intent.

She was originally the Empress of the Nine Heavens.

Kill the world.

Naturally, there will be no affection for the enemy.

Ye Qingxian opened his mouth and said:

“Since these forces want to fish in the troubled waters of the Profound Realm.”

“Then let them come back and forth, and reincarnate well!”

“I haven’t deterred the world for a long time.”

“It made the world forget my original demeanor.”

After speaking, Ye Qingxian’s body flashed with astonishing brilliance.

She stretched out her hand and waved forward.

The starlight suddenly gathered together.

A large array of Zhoutian starlight was arranged out of thin air directly all around.

After the formation was set up, a burst of bright light burst out, directly killing Xiao Xiao who was close to here.

Although this week’s starlight array.

Can’t resist the giants of the mountain, but want to kill the guys who have bad intentions towards the profound realm.

It’s still quite easy.

As long as the realm does not reach above the emperor realm.

When you touch this big formation, it will be completely wiped out.

As for the Ling Yao Yao on the other side, after seeing Ye Qingxian act.

Naturally, it will not lag behind.

She also operates mana.

In the other direction.

Set up another big formation out of thin air.

In order to eliminate those guys who fish in troubled waters.

Next, when Ye Qingxian and Ling Yao Yao two daughters completely arranged the two big formations.

A smile flashed across their faces.

With these guarantees, I will be able to concentrate later to deal with the giants of the mountain.

And next.

Just when Ye Qingxian and others were ready.

The land outside the profound realm is like the sea.

The order to attack the profound realm has also been issued again.

I saw the order just arrived.

I saw countless people from all walks of life, like locusts crossing the border, rushing to the profound realm again.

A look of greed flashed on these people’s faces.

I don’t know at all.

He has been used as cannon fodder by the mountain.

And Lu Ruhai and others, standing above the void, saw this behind the scenes.

A smile flashed across his face.

I saw Lu Ruhai opening his mouth to Jiang Yanzi next to him:

“These low-powered guys are really stupid.

“For those invisible benefits, I rushed directly to die.”

“It’s so stupid.

Hearing this, Jiang’s concubine immediately laughed.

He said:

“The power of the Profound Realm is strong.”

“Since later, we are going to attack a certain point in the Profound Realm.”

“Then before that.

“You have to let those cannon fodder consume the energy of the profound realm first.”

“In this way, our future actions can be easier.”

Before coming to the Profound Realm.

Lu Ruhai had already informed the other giants of the attack plan.

After all, they are also the main force in attacking the Profound Realm.

So naturally need to understand this plan.

I saw Wei Wuya of the Upper Profound Sect, and after a faint glance at the Profound Realm, he said bitterly:

“The last time I attacked the Profound Realm, I actually sacrificed so much.

“This time you must get all of them back.

“And beyond that.

“I want to torture Ye Yuesheng well.

“Otherwise, it will be difficult to face the disciples and ancestors of the Xuanjiao!”

If it was in the last battle.

Which of the seven giants of Mount Kinabalu is the worst.

That is undoubtedly Wei Wuya this person.

Not only consumes his own martial arts background.

Even the disciples were all dead.

He is the only one left in the whole school.

It can be described as terrible.

So now Wei Wuya’s hatred of the Profound Realm is also the most among the sacred mountain giants.

The giants present heard Wei Wuya’s words.

A look of resentment appeared on his face.

They were also severely injured by Ye Yuesheng before, and their faces were lost.

This hatred.

You must report back today!

And the other side.

The undead Taoist standing in the void.

Magical powers are also operating at this moment.

Begin to observe the entire profound formation carefully.

Trying to find the weakest place of the profound formation.

Just observe it for a while.

A hint of surprise appeared on the face of the undead Taoist.

Seeing that he frowned slightly, he said to himself:

“This Ye Yuesheng is really amazing.

“To be able to make the entire profound realm so balanced, nothing is too weak.”

“This kind of means.”

“It’s almost heavenly.”

*.々No wonder the ancestor Baimei was so anxious and wanted to kill this person. ”

After shook his head slightly.

The undead Taoist left this place directly and walked towards Lu Ruhai and the others.

He glanced at Lu Ruhai and others, and said directly:

“You don’t have to wait any longer.

“After my observation just now.”

“It has been discovered that the profound formation in this profound realm is quite powerful.”

“No place is too weak.”

“It doesn’t make sense to wait like this now, you just start attacking a certain point in the profound realm.”

Hear the words of the immortal Taoist.

The faces of Lu Ruhai and others suddenly appeared unexpected.

They never expected it.

Ye Yuesheng’s methods are so powerful that they can arrange the entire array so perfectly.

No wonder they attacked the Profound Realm in the first place.

Will be so easily defeated by Ye Yuesheng.

Next, after seeing Lu Ruhai nodding slightly, he said:

“Don’t worry, immortal Taoist.

“We will now order those Gedai figures to directly attack somewhere in the Profound Realm.”

“I think Ye Yuesheng (Wang Nuo’s) Ye Yuesheng is no matter how powerful it is under these methods.

“I can only catch it by obediently restraining my hands.”

The immortal Taoist heard this.

Immediately nodded with satisfaction.

After he smiled slightly, he said:

“Very well, then I will teach you this directly.”

“If you have any questions, come and find me immediately.”

“This battle is about your Patriarch, don’t be careless.”

“Otherwise, if you are punished by the ancestors of the white eyebrows, don’t blame me for not reminding them.”

Those sacred mountain giants, after hearing this.

The natural look solemnly agreed.

Next crazy.

I saw Lu Ruhai and the others turned around.

Then began to run mana.

Directly ordered those Gedai characters hidden in the team.

As this battle continues.

In the Shenshan team, one after another amazing aura suddenly appeared.

As if fighting against the sky.

It seems extremely amazing. .

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