Chapter 173 Attack again

The intention of the undead Taoist is obvious.

He planned to launch an attack on a certain place in the Profound Realm first.

Then use this as a benchmark.

Gradually wipe out the entire Profound Realm.

And Lu Ruhai heard the words of the immortal Taoist.

My heart was immediately shocked.

Before him and other sacred mountain giants.

When attacking the Profound Realm.

Never thought of adopting this approach.

I was thinking about refining the entire Profound Realm at once, and then destroying Ye Yuesheng.

After all, in their eyes.

If you launch an attack directly from a certain point in the profound realm, then slowly wipe out the profound realm.

This efficiency is too slow.

It is easy to cause various problems.

But the immortal Taoist.

After understanding the situation in the Profound Realm.

But directly chose the slowest method.

This is really confusing.

At this moment.

Although Lu Ruhai wanted to know why the undead Taoist adopted this approach.

But limited to one’s own identity.

He didn’t dare to ask directly.

Can only continue to command the entire Shenshan team forward with a calm face.

In order to cover up the inner fluctuations.

And the undead Taoist standing by his side saw 13 behind this scene, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

He said:

“It seems that you have some questions about my ideas.”

“If this is the case, then I will explain it, so that you don’t have to guess here.”

“I just finished listening to your story.”

“It has already been determined, how to break through the large formation outside the profound realm.”


“As long as we attack one of them.”

“Then Ye Yuesheng will not be able to exert all his strength.”

“You have a good memory.”

“Every time Ye Yuesheng fights back.”

“Is it just when the entire array was under attack?”

Hear the words of the immortal Taoist.

A sharp light flashed in Lu Ruhai’s eyes.

He attacked the Profound Realm so many times, and even ignored such important details.

If you find out earlier.

Maybe now the entire sacred mountain has been victorious.

Thought of this.

I saw Lu Ruhai respectfully say to the undead Taoist:

“The immortal Taoist deserves to be a famous person.”

“With just a few words, I found the biggest flaw in the profound world.”

“Presumably, Ye Yuesheng absolutely couldn’t predict this.

“In the next battle.”

“As long as we attack one point in the profound realm, we will surely be able to win!

Finished saying this.

Infinite confidence came directly from Lu Ruhai’s heart.

Although he only found out now.

The real secret of Ye Yuesheng’s big array.

But as long as you learn about it.

It is tantamount to grasping the weakness of Ye Yuesheng.

This is naturally a very important thing for the many giants in the mountain.


Lu Ruhai with agitated mood.

He turned around directly.

Order the team to speed up.

It seems that after Lu Ruhai learned of this,

So I couldn’t wait to rush to the Profound Realm.

Kill Ye Yuesheng directly.

And the other side.

Just when the team of Mount Kinabalu was accelerating.

Ye Yuesheng of Buwen Peak has also begun to arrange the entire mysterious world.

I saw him speak to Ye Qingxian and the others:

“Qingxian, you will go to the four directions of the profound world, southeast, northwest, and stay there.”

“If something unexpected happens.”

“I will immediately use the calligraphy and painting given to you by my teacher.”

“Each of you has several sets of calligraphy and painting in your hands, and you must be able to deal with all kinds of problems.”

Ye Qingxian and others heard this.

A hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The mountain attacked the profound realm.

The target of the attack.

It has always been the entire Profound Realm.

At this time, Ye Yuesheng’s move to disperse his power is undoubtedly a bit strange.

I saw Ling Yao Yao openly and said:

“Master, why spread us to four directions?”

“Those people in the mountain should only attack the entire profound realm.”

“As long as we stay at the forefront of the profound realm, we should be able to deal with the attack of the mountain.”

“In this way, Yaoyao will be able to eliminate them as quickly as possible.

When Ye Yuesheng heard this, a smile flashed across his face.

After he nodded, he said:

“If God Mountain, there is no direct help from Heaven.”

“Naturally, there is no problem with this approach.

“But since they decided to attack the Profound Realm so quickly this time, maybe they have already found the weakness of the Profound Realm with the help of Heavenly Dao.”

“We must take this into consideration and take precautions.”

“It is possible to win.

Ye Qingxian and others heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

There was a sudden enlightenment flashing across his face.

I saw the women worshiping and said:

“Master, you can actually speculate about the actions of the mountain.”

“This is amazing.”

“As long as we work together, we will definitely be able to get rid of those guys in the mountain.”

“Master, don’t worry.”

And the heavenly machine standing by the side.

After hearing Ye Yuesheng’s words, a hint of joy also appeared on his face.

If the Profound Realm can smoothly get rid of the sacred mountain.

Then in these heavens and worlds.

There was no rival in the Profound Realm anymore.

Ye Yuesheng can also truly aspire to heaven and become a legendary existence.


Ye Qingxian and others who were ordered by Ye Yuesheng.

There was no delay.

Directly take a few people as a group, go to the four directions of the profound world, and guard there quietly.

In order to protect the safety of the entire profound world.

Two days later.

The mighty team of Shenshan also appeared outside the profound realm again.

Compared with the last time he attacked the profound realm.

Although the number of Shenshan was less this time, the momentum has become more violent.

It’s like an ancient fierce.

Violent and wounded at any time.

690 Next, I saw Lu Ruhai, who was standing at the front of the team, after taking a light glance at the Profound Realm.

He said directly:

“Ye Yuesheng, you don’t respect the way of heaven, and you walk heaven-defying.”

“This time my sacred mountain will inevitably wipe out the entire profound realm.”

“You just give me obedient death!

In the last battle.

Ye Yuesheng’s incomparable strength.

Has brought a lot of pain to the seven giants of the mountain.

At this moment, Lu Ruhai saw Buwen Peak in the Profound Realm.

Inwardly, he couldn’t hold back the killing intent.

I want to rush in and get rid of Ye Yuesheng.


Although his heart is full of killing intent at this time.

But Lu Ruhai still relies on the sophisticated Cultivation Base.

The killing intent was suppressed.

I saw that he waved his hand indifferently, and directly gave the order to attack the profound realm.

And many disciples of Shenshan.

After seeing Lu Ruhai issuing an offensive order.

A look of excitement flashed across his face immediately.

They looked up to the sky and roared a few times, and directly attacked the profound realm in front of them.

Other powerful forces that follow the sacred mountain.

After looking at each other a few times.

Without hesitation, he started to attack the profound realm.

Although there are some forces in it and the Profound Realm have no grievances and no enmity.

But no one knows at this time.

The Profound Realm could no longer withstand the attack of the mountain.

They are in order to win the treasures of the profound realm.

So cruelly, he directly joined the mountain to seek his own opportunity. .

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