Chapter 160 Insurance

Buwen Peak less than Jiugong.

And also faintly becoming stronger and stronger.

This strange phenomenon.

Has made those sacred mountain giants feel a trace of anxiety.

And at this moment.

When some of them are sacred mountain giants.

When he heard that Gong Sushou at the Reincarnation Gate had a way to solve everyone’s problems.

They don’t have much hesitation anymore.

I saw Lu Ruhai of Zixiaomen, glanced at Bai Hefeng, and said:

“Since Gong Su is worried, you have a way to provide protection.”

“Then tell us about it.

“As long as it is reasonable.”

“I will definitely Heaven and you sign the contract, common concerted attack Buwen Peak.”

“If other people are unwilling to sign a contract, don’t think about the treasures you get too much later!”

Other sacred mountain giants also nodded after hearing this.

Obviously, they trust Gong Sushou at the Reincarnation Gate.

As long as you can guarantee your own safety.

There is no big problem even if you sign a contract of heaven.

And the other side.

When Bai Hefeng saw this scene.

Also immediately understood.

At this moment, I can only support everyone.

Otherwise, Brahma will lag behind many sects in this battle.

After seeing Bai Hefeng smile 680, he said nonchalantly:

“Since Gong Sushou is willing to provide insurance, I naturally trust it.”

“Who made us all come from the same source?”

“It’s not too late, you can tell us how to protect it now.”

Gong Suchou heard Bai Hefeng’s words.

Naturally, he won’t delay anything, and after nodding slightly, he said:

“Actually, my idea is quite simple.

“Since everyone has scruples in their hearts now.”

“Then you can make another contract.”

“As long as I have unfavorable ideas for you, you can use this additional contract to resist.

“In this way, everyone can work together to break Buwen Peak.

Hearing Gong Suchou’s words.

The faces of those sacred mountain giants present flashed with approval.

Just take this approach.

It is indeed a good way to contain those who have unruly intentions.

Next, I saw Lu Ruhai of the Zixiao Gate waved his hand and said:

“Gong Sushou’s method is indeed very useful.”

“We will sign the contract immediately, and then continue to attack Buwen Peak.”

“I believe it is restricted by this contract.

“We must be able to win!”

Hearing that, a hint of approval and greed flashed in the eyes of those sacred mountain giants.

As long as it can successfully break Buwen Peak.

The many treasures hidden on Buwen Peak are enough to make up for the price they paid.

Next, under the guidance of this greed.

Many sacred mountain giants.

The contract was signed soon.

They directly tied their own interests together.

And after doing this.

These sacred mountain giants didn’t hesitate any more, and immediately went together and went directly outside the profound realm.

Looking at the scenery inside and outside the profound world.

I saw Lu Ruhai’s slightly murderous voice resounding again.

“Buwen Peak Master Ye Yuesheng.”

“Heaven-defying cuts the road for disaster for the common people.

“Today, the six sects of my sacred mountain decided to sacrifice themselves and act as the way of heaven!”

“Ye Yuesheng, just accept it to death!”

“The power of heaven is something you can contend with!”

The crowd in the mysterious world of appearance battle.

After hearing this.

Very shocked expressions flashed in his eyes.

I saw a strong emperor speak:

“Unexpectedly, the sect of this sacred mountain is so strong.

“In order to eradicate Buwen Peak, even my own martial art has to be sacrificed!”

“So defend the way of heaven.”

“It’s really shocking!”

After hearing this, some of them shook their heads slightly and said directly:

“Buwen Peak doesn’t respect heaven.

“But I have never done anything to do harm to the common people. Why does Shenshan want to kill them all?”

“Is it just because of a different understanding of the avenue that we have to do this (bdfi)?”

“Such an approach, can the mountain really represent the way of heaven?”

There are many powerhouses watching the battle.

Many people have been blessed by Buwen Peak.

When I saw the sacred mountain act like this.

Naturally, there has been a lot of vacillation in my heart.

In the impression of these people in the past.

Represented by Mount Kinabalu.

It is the pinnacle of righteousness.

But now these actions of the Shenshan giants have stained the glorious image with some dust and become a little dirty.

I saw an old cultivator with vicissitudes of eyes, and after shook his head slightly, he said:

“This is a great dispute.”

“No right or wrong.”

“Only those who win are qualified to continue.”

“The outcome of this battle will probably affect the future destiny of the heavens and the world.

Many imperial powers who watched the battle heard the old cultivator’s words.

Thoughtful colors appeared in the eyes.

They were silent, and looked directly at the profound world to see how the Lord Buwen Peak responded.

Soon, everyone heard Ye Yuesheng’s voice.

It came directly from Buwen Peak.

“Sacred Mountain does not have to whitewash itself.”

“Aren’t you the treasure of Buwen Peak?”

“I still said that.

“If you want to fight, then fight!”

“Buwen Peak never succumbed to any forces, we have our own way to go.

“Even Heavenly Dao can’t stop it.

Ye Yuesheng’s response was sonorous and powerful.

Ye Qingxian and others in the Profound Realm could not help clenching their fists when they heard this.

High-spirited fighting spirit flashed across his faces.

Then, I saw Ye Qingxian looking at the sacred mountain giants outside the profound realm, and said:

“Master is right!

“If you want to fight, then fight, don’t talk about so many fallacies!”

“We Buwen Peak have never been afraid of any forces!”

Seeing this, the sacred mountain giant outside the profound realm suddenly flashed a gloomy color on his face.

They wanted to be before the war.

With the help of the power of heaven.

Take a good look at the fighting spirit of everyone at Buwen Peak.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yuesheng said something.

On the contrary, the fighting spirit of these people has become stronger.

After seeing Lu Ruhai of Zixiaomen taking a deep breath, he turned around and said to the others:

“The kid Ye Yuesheng really has sharp teeth.”

“It seems we don’t need to talk nonsense with him anymore, let’s attack Buwen Peak directly.”

A hint of agreement flashed in his eyes when the Hei Mi guest of Huatian Sect heard the words.

He directly spoke:

“Brother Lu is right.

“This Ye Yuesheng is so exposed, if our Shenshan does not completely eradicate him this time.”

“I am afraid that in the future, the status of the sacred mountain in the world will decline a lot.

“Other forces see us.

“It won’t be as respectful as before.

After hearing this, Pei Qianhua of Good Fortune Sect didn’t say much.

He just pulled out the bronze sword from his waist and pointed it directly at the profound realm.

It seemed that in the next moment, he was about to divide the entire Profound Realm into two. .

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