Chapter 161 Terrorism

The cultivation technique of the good luck gate is mysterious and unparalleled.

Inherited from heaven.

Contains unique principles of good fortune.

Can hold everything.

At this time, Pei Qianhua relied on the precious bronze fairy sword from the door.

It can also inspire the monstrous power of the cultivation technique.

I saw him pull out the bronze sword.

A mysterious and mysterious aura suddenly exploded from all over his body.

It looks extremely amazing!

Not the same as before.

This time under the constraints of the heavenly contract.

Pei Qianhua has no reservations.

He is about to consume all the inner details of Good Fortune Door.

In this way, an earth-shattering blow was erupted!

See this for other sacred mountain giants.

She couldn’t help but squinted her eyes, and began to observe the cultivation technique of Zaohuamen carefully.

Pei Qianhua has ruled the good luck gate for many years, and it has been a long time since he has made an all-out effort.

It’s like this one who is trying his best.

But it is very rare.

The cities of these sacred mountain giants are extremely deep.

In order to compete for treasures later.

Gain some advantages.

At this moment, they are watching Pei Qianhua seriously.

They didn’t start to accumulate strength together as agreed.

Next, I saw Lu Ruhai of the Zixiao Gate, his eyes flashed with a purple light, and he secretly said in his heart:

“I didn’t expect Pei Qianhua’s skill to reach this point.”

“It’s really shocking.”

“It seems that when attacking Buwen Peak before, this old guy didn’t try his best.”

Thought of this.

Lu Ruhai’s expression turned slightly unhappy, and he cursed inwardly:

“Humph! These guys are saying they want to walk for the sky.”

“One by one, when they shot, they all had reservations. It’s really cunning!”

This time attacking the forces of Buwen Peak.

It’s not just a Sect of Shenshan, but a combination of several Sects.

under these circumstances.

Naturally, some people will keep their minds in mind and want to secretly preserve their strength in order to obtain the greatest benefit.


What is unexpected is.

These sects of Shenshan are all so old and cunning.

All are stealing and slipping.

When attacking.

Shouted the slogan loudly.

Few people are actually willing to work hard.

If it weren’t for Gong Suchou of the Reincarnation Gate, he would tie everyone together with a contract of heaven.

I’m afraid they will fight until this time in the second year.

There is no way to work together.

Next, as time passed.

Pei Qianhua of Good Fortune Sect.

The aura on his body has also become stronger and stronger.

I saw that the bronze fairy sword he held in his hand was constantly shining with blue light, which looked surprisingly amazing.

And just when Pei Qianhua’s momentum reached its peak.

He suddenly turned his head and shouted:

“Everyone, in a while, I’m going to spend the good fortune-sect background and attack.”

“Hurry up and get ready now.”

“When I attacked, I started attacking at the same time.”

“The power of such moves can be maximized!”

Other sacred mountain giants heard this.

Naturally, there will be no hesitation, and one after another will start to perform secret techniques.

Constantly accumulate strength.

Prepare to burst into a shocking blow.

Seeing this, Pei Qianhua, holding the bronze fairy sword, nodded.

There is no hesitation.

Begin to consume the background of good fortune door.

And just now.

I don’t know how many miles away.

In the forbidden area of ​​good luck gate.

Suddenly saw a stream of white light that contained a breath of good fortune.

Emerging directly from the ground.

Passing through the layers of void, merged into the bronze fairy sword in Pei Qianhua’s hand.

The bronze fairy sword absorbed these white streamers.

It moved slightly.

He let out a soft moan.

It seems to be very refreshing.

See this for Pei Qianhua.

A look of solemnity flashed across his face immediately.

At this time, he had stored the energy of good fortune in the entire good fortune gate for many years, and all of it had been integrated into the bronze fairy sword.

Absorbed so much energy of good fortune.

Now the power contained in this bronze fairy sword is already very powerful.

Even Wei Wuya’s Heaven-Splitting God Claws couldn’t match it.

Although such a powerful attack.

Only one chance.

But Pei Qianhua believes in any existence.

In the face of the power of this bronze fairy sword, in the end there was nothing but a fall.

And Pei Qianhua after doing this.

He turned around and looked at the other sacred mountain giants.

Begin to observe whether other sacred mountain giants are ready to make a move.

Although everyone has just signed a contract of heaven.

But Pei Qianhua did not relax his vigilance.

Only when other people are doing to get ready for the joint attack, he will hit the Bronze Sword and attack Buwen Peak.

And the other side.

Ye Qingxian and others in the profound realm.

At this moment, I also understand.

Kinabalu is about to explode with a powerful blow.

…For flowers

If you can’t persist this time.

I am afraid that the entire Profound Realm will be destroyed.

A trace of worry flashed in Ling Yao Yao’s eyes, and he spoke to Ye Qingxian:

“Senior Sister, it seems we still underestimate the sacred mountain.”

“Just the bronze sword in Pei Qianhua’s hand, I felt very powerful.”

“With a light wave, I don’t know how many emperor realm existences can be destroyed.

“In the face of this kind of attack, I’m afraid we can’t even sustain a breath time.

Hearing the somewhat worried words of Ling Yao Yao.

Ye Qingxian’s eyebrows also wrinkled slightly, although she also wanted to resist this attack from the mountain.

But obviously.

Just relying on the Cultivation Base at the pinnacle of her emperor realm, I’m afraid she’s still a little bit stretched.

Even if Ye Qingxian cooperated with others to make a move, in the face of this attack from the mountain, it was nothing more than a man’s arm.


And Ye Yuesheng who stayed at Buwen Peak.

At this time, he also felt the movement on the side of the mountain.

After seeing a dignified color flashing in his eyes, he secretly said in his heart:

“These sects of Shenshan have been standing in the world for many years, and sure enough, there are some ways.”

“If I am too careless later.”

“I am afraid that the entire Profound Realm will suffer a major blow.”

Although at the moment Pei Qianhua and others.

The aura exuding from his body is extremely astonishing.

But Ye Yuesheng’s Cultivation Base today.

It has also reached a very high level.

At his own expense, under the protection of the Buwen Peak formation, he was still able to withstand the attack of the mountain.

And the other side.

Those many powerful men who fought in the mysterious realm.

After seeing the power emanating from the sacred mountain giants.

Their faces.

Followed by a look of extremely shocked flashes.

Under the observation of these people at this moment.

The momentum of those sacred mountain giants has reached a terrifying point.

Far beyond their own imagination.

I saw a certain emperor realm powerhouse, after forcibly suppressing his panic of fleeing, he spoke:

“Is this the essence of the sacred mountain?”

“It’s really terrifying.

“I have never seen such a powerful existence.”

“It seems this time.

“Buwen Peak is already doomed.”

“No matter how powerful the Buwen Peak peak owner is, he will definitely fall on this place.”

“The winner of this battle can only be on the side of the mountain.”

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