Chapter 159 Counterattack and suspicion

The Heavenly Sword Qi that combines the energies of many giants.

The power is quite amazing.

As if transformed into the sharpest weapon in the world.

Stabbed directly at Buwen Peak.

And the other side.

Stay at Ye Yuesheng in Buwen Peak at the moment.

After seeing Tongtian Jianqi coming towards him.

He took a deep breath and began to wait for the best opportunity to take action.


For Ye Yuesheng.

The best time to do this is the moment when this sword aura is inspiring the entire Buwen Peak formation.

And want to seize this extremely tiny time.

It may be quite difficult for others.

But take Ye Yuesheng’s Cultivation Base as an example.

This matter is just a breeze.

“bring it on!”

“Let me see who is better!”

Enter Buwen Peak.

I saw Ye Yuesheng stand with his hands in his hands, with great arrogance, quietly waiting for the arrival of Tongtian Jianqi.

Only a blink of an eye passed.

This horrible sword spirit.

It has crossed countless spaces and appeared directly on the top of Buwen Peak.

After the arrival of this heavenly sword aura, a cold and chaotic sword intent burst out instantly.

It directly touched the big formation of Buwen Peak.

And the entire mountain peak of Buwen Peak.

After feeling the threat, a burst of dazzling brilliance broke out, directly starting the large formation covering the mountain peak.

I saw one after another dazzling divine light.

Appears from the peak body of Buwen Peak.

Then it rushed straight into the sky, and surged toward the sky-reaching sword qi above.

That pierced the sky sword energy.

After feeling Buwen Peak’s counterattack, he also let out a psychic soft cry.

He directly hacked it down.

Next, at the moment when Tongtian Jianqi and Buwen Peak battled.

Ye Yuesheng stands with his hands behind.

Has also seized the opportunity to shoot.

In this extremely small time that is almost negligible, he burst out with all his strength that he possessed.

I saw Ye Yuesheng directly took out the god-opening axe, and smashed it at the sky-reaching sword qi from a distance.

A torrent of chaos that can destroy the world.

Suddenly burst out from the axe blade of the God-Opening God Axe, and directly blasted towards the Heavenly Sword Qi above Buwen Peak.

Three huge energies.

Converge directly together.

All of a sudden.

Above the peak of Buwen Peak.

There were bursts of light everywhere, and harsh blasts.

Space turbulence also appears from time to time.

It seems extremely amazing.

And the other side.

Outside the mysterious world.

Those sacred mountain giants in the distance, after seeing this scene.

An incredible look flashed in his eyes.

Their attack just now, not to mention exhausting all the details, is almost the same.

The attack from everyone.

Even if it is not as powerful as Wei Wuya’s Celestial Splitting Claw, it has 80% power.

The six people work together.

It is enough to explode several times the damage equivalent to the claws of the gods.

And now, such a powerful attack.

Ye Yuesheng was able to resist it with an axe.

If what Ye Yuesheng had just dealt with was not Tongtian Jianqi, but their own words.

It is estimated that several sacred mountain giants have now died.

“I didn’t expect that we were a little bit clumsy, and we haven’t killed Ye Yuesheng yet.” ”

“It seems that the strength he possesses is far beyond our imagination.”

Lu Ruhai, the master of the Zixiao Gate, narrowed his eyes slightly, and after watching the situation, he said:

“You guys don’t hesitate anymore.”

“Even if it consumes the background of the whole school, Ye Yuesheng has to be killed.

“If this kid really becomes the climate, I am afraid it will be our sacred mountain that will suffer.”

Hear Lu Ruhai’s words.

A faint sneer flashed across the faces of some sacred mountain giants.

Although everyone just said they wanted to fight against everything to kill Ye Yuesheng.

But in the shot.

All have reservations.

Did not exhaust the background of himself and his school.

The reason for this phenomenon.

It is because these sacred mountain giants hope that after beheading Ye Yuesheng, they can have the most powerful combat power and occupy the most treasures.

These sacred mountain giants.

Lived for so many years.

It’s no longer the stunners who just debuted.

If you are inspired by others, you will directly do your best to do things.

Only when you see things that are in your own interests.

They will act decisively.

After seeing this scene, Gong Sushou of the Reincarnation Gate shook his head helplessly.

Before Ye Yuesheng became famous in the world.

The various schools of the sacred mountain.

They have been fighting against each other for a long time.

Although there is now a common enemy, it is obviously impossible to condense into a powerful combat force in a short period of time.

After seeing Gong Suchou thinking for a while, he said:

“Everyone comes from the same source.

“Don’t be too jealous of each other.”

“You know, the biggest enemy of the mountain is the kid Ye Yuesheng.”

“If we don’t get rid of him, we will only end up in a dead end.”

“.々You have to think clearly about this point.

Finished saying this.

Gong Suchou seemed to think of something again, and continued:

“If you can trust me.”

“It’s better to let me spend the price and establish a contract of heaven, so that everyone can do their best to attack Buwen Peak.”

“You should all know that the Reincarnation Gate has a kind of heavenly contract, which can guarantee everyone to work together.”

“In this way, we don’t have to suspicion each other.”

A hint of thought flashed in the eyes of the Hei Mi guest of Huatian Sect upon hearing the words.

If you can really kill Buwen Peak, even if you sign some powerful backlash contracts, it’s nothing.

After all, compared with the treasures on Buwen Peak, this risk is simply negligible.

And just when Hei Mi Ke wanted to vocally agree.

Bai Hefeng of Brahma shook his head slightly and said directly:

“Gong Sushou, you can’t help thinking too well.

“If all of us sign a contract of heaven with you, wouldn’t it all be controlled by you.” (Wang Qian’s)

“Others may not know.

“But I know that your cultivation technique of the Reincarnation Gate is quite weird. It has been secretly studied for many years in the contract.”

“If it’s an accident.”

“Our other schools will be controlled by you.”

Hear the words of Bai Hefeng.

Those sacred mountain giants who originally wanted to agree.

The suspicious color flashed in his eyes again.

The cultivation technique of the Reincarnation Gate is peculiar.

Everyone knows everything.

If Gong Suchou can really use the power of the heavenly contract to influence everyone.

Then these sacred mountain giants have lost a lot of money.

This life can only be controlled by others.

And after hearing Bai Hefeng’s words, Gong Suchou seemed to have predicted it, and said:

“Since Fellow Daoist Bai doesn’t believe in the door of reincarnation.”

“Then I will provide you with another insurance.”

“Presumably with this insurance, we can work together to break Buwen Peak.”.

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