Chapter 158 Fusion attack

The land above the profound world is like a sea.

After hearing what Ye Yuesheng said.

A trace of hideous murder flashed in his eyes immediately.

After a few sneers, he didn’t say anything.

Immediately flicked his sleeves and turned and left.

As long as the sacred mountain giants break Buwen Peak together.

Lu Ruhai will inevitably cause Ye Yuesheng to suffer the most terrifying torture between heaven and earth.

Let him feel the taste of life is not as good as death, so as to vent his inner anger.

And the many powerhouses in the mysterious realm who fought in appearance.

After hearing the tit-for-tat remarks of the two, a very shocked expression flashed across their faces.

They all opened their mouths and said:

“Unexpectedly, Shenshan actually moved real fire this time.”

“It seems that no matter how much they pay this time, they will have to break through the profound realm.”

“The sacred mountain giants have cultivated for many years, and they have learned countless secret techniques. With their combined efforts, regardless of the cost, they may really be able to destroy the profound realm!”

“I don’t think so.

“The peak owner of Buwen Peak is also a generation of Tianjiao, and he has done quite amazing deeds before13.”

“Maybe it can withstand the attack of Mount Kinabalu.”

After several previous fights.

Everyone watching the game now.

It is already difficult to judge who wins and who loses in this battle.

The sacred mountain broke through the profound realm.

Or the Profound Realm resisted the attack of the sacred mountain.

It’s all possible things.

After all, these two are already the top existences in this ten thousand realms.

No matter what happens, it is a very normal thing.

And Ye Qingxian and others in the profound realm.

After hearing what Lu Ruhai said, a hint of worry flashed across his face.

Although they had a record of hurting the heads of these sacred mountains before.

But this is not representative.

Then Ye Qingxian and the others would be able to resist the crazy attack of the mountain.

If these sacred mountain giants, regardless of the cost, continue to consume the sect’s heritage, in order to attack the profound realm.

Then the Profound Realm might really be in danger.

Ye Yuesheng staying at Buwen Peak.

At this moment, I also noticed the anxiety of my disciples.

After seeing him smile slightly, he spoke to Ye Qingxian and the others:

“You don’t have to worry too much.”

“Although these sacred mountain giants have a very high Cultivation Base, the division also has a way to withstand their attacks.

“As long as the time comes, I will be able to kill them completely as a teacher.

“You can rest assured.

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

Ling Yao Yao and others couldn’t help letting go of their worries.

After they showed their faces and smiled, they all stared at the sacred mountain giants so that they could make a counterattack.

And the other side.

The land of the Zixiao Gate is like the sea.

At this moment, he has also returned to the camp of the sacred mountain giants.

After seeing a gloomy color flashing on his face, he said to the others:

“Ye Yuesheng of Buwen Peak really doesn’t know good or bad.”

“Faced with a losing situation, I even dared to speak wild words.”

“I will make him feel that life is better than death later.

When Jiang Dizi heard the words, he laughed immediately, and said:

“never mind.”

“Anyway, we have given that kid a chance.”

“Since he is so ignorant.

“Then we will be able to deal with his apprentices as a matter of course.”

The sacred mountain giant.

Although the evildoer.

But the image in the world still barely maintains a decent face.

So after they broke through the profound realm.

If you really want to hold Ye Yuesheng apprentice accountable.

There must be an excuse.

Next, I saw the Brahma Sect’s Bai Hefeng waved his hand impatiently, and said:

“Now there is an excuse to clean up Ye Yuesheng and his disciples.

“We don’t have to dare anymore, let’s take a shot at Buwen Peak.”

“There is no need for any more changes.

Heard this.

Other sacred mountain giants could not help but nod slightly.

Have a good posture one after another.

Ready to launch an attack on the profound realm at any time.

Next, I saw Pei Qianhua standing in front of the crowd, moving directly towards the opposite mysterious realm.

He said:

“This first blow, let me launch it.

“You will wait for the opportunity later.

“Let’s attack together.

“This will maximize the power.

In fact, the reason why Pei Qianhua wanted to attack first was not because he was overjoyed.

But because it is inside the gate of good fortune.

There is a cultivation technique mysterious and unparalleled.

Able to integrate many attacks of different powers, you can integrate them together, and burst out extremely amazing power.

And Pei Qianhua’s next attack to be displayed.

Nature is the cultivation technique of good luck.

Next, after Pei Qianhua drew out a bronze sharp sword, he slashed away at the mysterious realm in front of him, and directly exploded an invisible sword aura that pierced the sky.

This sword aura was extremely astonishing, as if it was about to cut everything, and went straight to Buwen Peak.

The other side.

When those sacred mountain giants saw Pei Qianhua attack with all their strength.

They did not delay in the slightest.

Immediately displayed his best efforts and integrated his strongest moves into that sword aura.

Afterwards, I saw the brilliance of various colors.

Shoots out from the bodies of those sacred mountain giants.

These brilliance, as if being pulled, instantly crossed the layers of space, and directly merged into the heavenly sword aura.

This sky-reaching sword aura.

After absorbing other energy, a sharper sword intent suddenly burst out.

It seems that at the next moment.

Ye Yuesheng will be cut down here!

And the many emperor realm powerhouses in the appearance battle of the mysterious realm.

After seeing this scene.

There was a shocking emotion in his heart again.

They did not expect 6.77 million.

Shenshan even has such a method, it can merge the attacks of different sects in an instant, so that the overall attack can reach the maximum power.

This is really amazing!


Somewhere outside the profound world.

I saw a certain top-notch expert who had secretly observed, after seeing the sword qi through the sky.

Then he said with some fear:

“It’s hard to believe that there is such a terrifying attack in this world.

“Even if it is an existence above the emperor realm, I am afraid it will not be able to withstand this attack.

“It seems that the peak master of Buwen Peak is about to fall today!”

And the other side.

Many practitioners staying in the profound world.

At this time, I saw the sky above my head split in half.

Countless squally thunderstorms danced wildly in the sky.

This strange and terrifying sight has already made them unable to speak.

Buwen Peak.

Faced with such a powerful attack.

Ye Yuesheng’s face was not too nervous.

He cultivated all the way, and had already encountered many storms and waves.

Even now this Tongtian Sword Qi is extremely terrifying.

Can’t shake Ye Yuesheng’s state of mind.

He glanced faintly, then muttered to himself:

“Now is the time to show my true strength!”

“This sword energy, just let me go back obediently!”.

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