Chapter 145 Burning God Mountain!

Time passed day by day.

At the foot of the sacred mountain, various rumors about Buwen Peak also spread everywhere.

“You have heard that Senior Ye from Buwen Peak is a hidden evil demon, which is not tolerated by the heavens. This time the Shenshan Open Heavenly Dao conference is to eradicate it.”

“Impossible, Senior Ye is a good person! How many people benefited from the last sermon!”

“What do you know? Can he confuse people without giving you any sweetness?”

“Intolerance of the way of heaven? Not so! What he holds, is the way of heaven!”

“It’s because of the way of heaven. Otherwise, with his ability, why should he hibernate in a small place in the lower realm?”

“I have heard that Senior Ye is in Buwen Peak and only stayed for more than ten years.”

“Hehe, where was he before? Why didn’t he show up all the time? His Cultivation Base realm is so high, I’m afraid he is a character who existed before the world opened up.”

“That’s right! This is extremely unusual! Especially in the six previous world catastrophes, he didn’t even make a move, and he didn’t respond to the catastrophe.”

“If Senior Ye is really a demon, what can we do? Are we really going to attack Buwen Peak?”

“Anyway, I won’t go! Shenshan is fighting against Buwen Peak, why should we go? What demon? I don’t believe it at all!”

“I also think it’s just the dirty water deliberately spilled by the mountain.

“Hmph, even if Shenshan wants to deal with Buwen Peak, it won’t pour the same dirty water! What’s more, when the 670 Cultivation Base has reached their level, the will of heaven can also be observed partly.”

“That’s right. With so many emperor realm powerhouses, it is impossible to let Shenshan cover the sky with one hand.

“The Heavenly Dao Conference, if it can’t communicate with the Heavenly Dao, can it still be called the Heavenly Dao Conference? When the time comes, the Heavenly Dao will be communicated, and the truth will be known naturally.”

The crowd talked a lot.

There are various theories.

On the sacred mountain, Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou were making formations everywhere.

After all, Shenshan is not better than other places, and the actions of the two can only be cautious.

The day of the Heavenly Dao Conference has finally arrived.

On this day, countless powerhouses from the emperor realm came one after another and set foot on the sacred mountain.

It is not the same as the practitioners of the king’s realm.

For the strong in the emperor realm, it didn’t take much time to come here to open the Heavenly Dao Conference.

They have god-tier communication.

Once unfolded, it can even ignore the distance of space to some extent.

Although it is not absolutely the case, it is easy to speed up the journey to the vicinity of the sacred mountain.

Because of this, many people didn’t rush to it until the day when the Heavenly Dao Conference was held.

And (bdfi) is not like a practitioner of the king’s realm, who has been waiting at the foot of the sacred mountain long ago.

In midair, the seven giants of Shenshan, Pei Qianhua, Lu Ruhai, Gong Suchou, Heimike, Bai Hefeng, Jiang Zhanzi, and Wei Wuya are now in shape.

“Dear friends, I am honored to be here at the sacred mountain!” Pei Qianhua bowed his hand to salute.

The other sacred mountain giants also clasped their fists to signal to everyone.

“Head Pei, don’t waste everyone’s time. You can tell me the truth, what is the meaning of this Heavenly Dao Conference?”

Below, an emperor realm powerhouse shouted loudly.

“Well, since this fellow Taoist is talking about it, then Pei will not go around the corner. Let’s not hide it from you, this time calling you to come to hold the Heavenly Dao Conference is to deal with Buwen Peak Ye Yuesheng.”


Like thunder and explosion.

The crowd fell into silence, and many people showed expressions of extreme shock.

Although before, some rumors have been heard.

But that is just a rumor after all.

No one thought that in a blink of an eye, the rumors would come true.

Shenshan really has to deal with Buwen Peak.

“Huh, your God Mountain is fighting against Buwen Peak, what am I waiting for? I will wait at most for the two to help each other is, summoning us to open the heavenly path conference, there is no need for that.

Pei Qianhua laughed.

“Don’t you think that dealing with Ye Yuesheng is for the self-interest of my sacred mountain?”

“Isn’t it?” Someone asked rhetorically in the crowd.

“Of course not.” Pei Qianhua said sternly: “This is to maintain the justice of heaven.”

As soon as his voice fell, suddenly a curse rose to the sky.

“Fuck your mother’s shit.

Pei Qianhua and the other sacred mountain giants were all taken aback.

Ten thousand did not expect that at this Heavenly Dao Conference, there would be such a ruthless imperial realm powerhouse.

But he had not had time to find the source of the sound in the future, and the next moment, he heard a boom.

Like thunder and explosion.

It also detonated like a flare.

Because, as this explosion fell, there were countless explosions, like firecrackers, endless.

The sacred mountain was like a gunpowder depot, and it was instantly exploded.

The entire sacred mountain, almost in an instant, was submerged by endless flames.

The expressions of the strong emperor realm present changed drastically.

“How is this going?”

In a hurry, everyone can only show their magical powers, melt the flames with magic power, and fly towards the outside.

Unexpectedly, as soon as their mana touched the flames, it burned with it.

“Oh my God, this is the Huahuoshen formation, the legendary Huahuoshen formation!”

Someone screamed out of the crowd.

Huahuoshen formation is a formation that only exists in theory.

This formation has been circulated for a long time among the emperor realm powerhouses in the heavens and ten thousand realms.

However, no one has ever arranged this formation.

The Huahuoshen Array claims to be able to turn all matter into flames.

This kind of formation, once activated, can no longer stop until the material is burned to ashes.

According to legend, this is the third time of the Great Tribulation, created by a great power that existed when the world was created.

In order to deal with the evil demon who invaded the world, he also shared some of the main points of the formation.

Unfortunately, it is not comprehensive.

Because of this, it can’t be arranged at all.

In fact, even the great power that created this formation did not arrange this formation completely.

He also died behind the demons.

Since his death, although this formation has been known by countless people, in fact, there is only one name.

After all, an imperfect formation can’t exert any power at all.

However, after Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou went to Buwen Peak, they watched Ye Yuesheng’s various avenues, which made up for the shortcomings in the formation.

For the first time, the Huahuoshen Array was fully presented in the world, and the target of burning was the sacred mountain.

The formation that can turn all matter into the element of fire, once activated, it shows an unimaginable power.

“How is this going?

“In the end what happened?”

Such an idea flashed through countless people’s minds.

But at this moment, they are not allowed to think too much.

The violent flames have swept through.


This is the first thought of many imperial bombers.

The flame of the Huahuoshen formation is not an ordinary flame, but is connected with the power of the formation.

Once caught by this fire, the trouble can be big.

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