Chapter 146 The fire of horror, the shame of the sacred mountain!

The sacred mountain was burned or something, but it has nothing to do with them.

Besides, who can set fire to the sacred mountain, who knows which immortal is?

Can they afford it?

This kind of thing, of course, is to hide as far as possible.

These imperial realm powerhouses are not fools, so they immediately wiped the soles of their feet and fled.

Below the sacred mountain, countless cultivators of the Kingdom Realm who came to participate in the Heavenly Dao Conference were staring at this scene dumbfounded.

“Sacred mountain is on fire?”

A cultivator swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and it was a little hard to believe what was in front of him.

How does the sacred mountain exist?

In the eyes of the practitioners of the heavens and all realms, the sacred mountain is Sacred Land, which is the highest ~ supreme place in the realm of practice.

The three sects and four religions surrounding the sacred mountain are just guarding the sacred mountain.

The Shangxuan Temple was ignited by Ye Qingxian before, and it has already shocked countless people.

At the moment, the fire on the Mount Kinabalu has a strong impact on their worldview.

That high sacred mountain turned out to be like this.

“Who set the fire on earth?” Someone asked puzzledly.

“It’s not from Buwen Peak, right?” Someone wondered.

The rumors that Shenshan is going to deal with Buwen Peak have been circulating for a long time.

Although the people of Shenshan did not respond positively, they are still known to passers-by.

At this moment, something happened to the mountain, and they naturally thought of Buwen Peak for the first time.

“If it is really Buwen Peak, then Buwen Peak’s courage is too great. Is this going to be immortal with the mountain?”

“Hehe, when it comes to Buwen Peak’s failure to fire, Shenshan will let Buwen Peak go.

Above, the expressions of the Seven Giants of the God Mountain were also dull.

Never thought that someone would come to burn the mountain at this time.

And it was at the time when the Heavenly Dao Conference was held.


The roar of Lu Ruhai’s anger resounded throughout the fairy world.

An angry shout, like the sky booming, the coercion cannot be looked at directly, it is more than thundering ten thousand times.

“Hurry up and put out the fire!” Pei Qianhua’s eyes were full of anger.

But he knows that at this time, everything is superfluous.

Every second of the fire on the sacred mountain is equivalent to being stepped on the ground for an additional second.

The seven people did not have the slightest doubt, and immediately displayed their magical powers and pressed toward the flames below.

With the strength of the Seven Giants, let alone this little flame, even a bigger flame can be extinguished in an instant.

However, a scene that stunned everyone appeared.

The Big Seven not only failed to extinguish the flames, but rather like burning oil on the fire, the fire suddenly became more vigorous!

“what ”

In the sacred mountain, the screams of countless people came.

You know, at this moment, there are more than the emperor realm powerhouses who come to participate in the Heavenly Dao Conference on the sacred mountain.

There are also many disciples of the sacred mountain.

It would be better if it was a second-generation disciple.

Most of them have the Cultivation Base with imperial bombs. Although they can’t put out the fire all at once, self-protection is not a problem.

However, Cultivation Base only has three generations of disciples in the king’s realm, which is miserable.

Ordinary fire is of no use to them.

But is the fire of the Huahuoshen formation trivial?

As long as it is stained, it will be ignited immediately.

No matter what magical powers are displayed, it is difficult to put out the flames.

For a time, countless screams broke out.

Many disciples of the three generations of three disciplines and four religions were burned up.

The scene is like the end of the world.

Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou also looked at each other.

“Master is too powerful, is this formation so powerful?”

“Unimaginable! More than ten times beyond my expectations.”

Wen Jiuyou’s expression was slightly sluggish.

I thought that more of this kind of fire would bring a little trouble to the mountain.

Let the sacred mountain lose face in front of the practitioners of the heavens and all realms.

It seems that this effect

I’m afraid it’s more than a loss of face.

If the mountain cannot immediately put out the fire, it will lose face.

After all, being set on fire can be said to be undetected for a while.

If you can’t put out the fire, it can only be said to be ineffective.

A small formation has caused such a big trouble to Shenshan?

In any case, what happened today is definitely the shame of the mountain.

“Master is really unfathomable.”

Both Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou sighed in their hearts.

“This fire is not trivial, it can’t be treated with normal mana.” Hei Mi Ke’s voice sounded again.

He said silently.

Suddenly, he shouted angrily: “Ice the world!”

In an instant, an invisible and innocent force was born out of thin air.

The temperature dropped in an instant, and the flame seemed to be frozen, no longer beating and flickering.

Below, many practitioners swallowed.

“What a terrifying supernatural power, such a powerful Cultivation Base, really worthy of being one of the seven giants of the sacred mountain.”

…Please ask for flowers……

The ability to freeze the flames in an instant, and what is frozen is still such a difficult sacred fire, these supernatural powers are absolutely terrifying.

But the Heimike only felt that the mana in his body was pouring away like water from a dike.

The consumption of the hard-resisting Vulcan Array is far beyond his expectations.

But at this time, he didn’t dare to relax in the slightest.

Can only clenched his teeth and persisted.

The flame in the space was compressed and melted a little bit.

Even Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou who were hiding in the dark looked dumbfounded.

“This guy really has two brushes!”

“Nonsense, the mountain has been able to honor the heavens and ten thousand realms for so many years.

“However, can he really extinguish the flames of the God of Fire, all at once? I’m afraid it’s not that simple.”


As soon as the voice fell, Hei Mi Ke’s magical powers suddenly recovered.

In an instant, the flames all over the sacred mountain regained their vitality and burned frantically.

The Heimike in mid-air had already sat down cross-legged, took out a pill, fed it into the mouth, and recovered his breath.

The emperor realm powerhouses who flew away and avoided, also turned their heads one after another, watching the flames of the sacred mountain.

Seeing this scene before me, everyone was shocked beyond words.

Unlike the practitioners of the King Realm, their Cultivation Base realm is much higher.

Naturally, it can be seen that the fire of the sacred mountain is by no means an ordinary flame.

The energy contained in it even made them feel shocked.

In other words, even with the Cultivation Base of their imperial realm powerhouse, it would be very troublesome to get this kind of flame.

There is even a danger of perishing.

Such a divine fire has far surpassed the flames that exist anywhere in the heavens and worlds.

You know, with their Cultivation Base, even a burning star can be extinguished at the fingertips.

It’s even more common to go to the stars.

However, the flame in front of me was obviously different.

The most terrifying thing is not how high its temperature is and how fierce the flame is, but how it burns everywhere.

The five elements grow and restrain each other.

Wood conquer earth, soil conquer water, water conquered fire, fire conquered gold, and gold conquered wood.

But the flame in front of me completely violated this point.

Regardless of wood, soil, metal, water, they all turn it into chaos, and turn it into flames.

“Sacred mountain, won’t it be burned to ashes?”

Someone murmured to himself in an incredulous tone. Of,

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