Chapter 144 Dive into the sacred mountain

In the market town below the sacred mountain, He Yi and Baijie heard Gui Yixin’s words, and their expressions suddenly changed drastically.

“It’s Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou, you two, how dare you even look?”

He Yi’s face was full of incredible colors.

The two had previously fought against Wei Wuya, the leader of Shangxuan Sect, although they were able to retreat because of Buwen Peak Ye Yuesheng’s arrow.

But no one thought that the two of them would dare to come to the mountain again?

It’s really bold!

“Hehe, why can’t I come if you belong to Grandpa? Grandpa Gui tells you that not only do I dare to come, but I will burn the mountain on fire.”

He Yi and Baijie glanced at each other without hesitation, and immediately shot. At the same time, they took out the communication treasure in their arms, wanting to warn them.

“It’s useless, don’t make unnecessary struggles.

Gui Yixin smiled faintly, and Wen Jiuyou two shots, and they immediately stopped them.

After all, He Yi and Baijie are just the Cultivation Base of the King Realm, and they are not the same as the Emperor Realm.

What’s more, Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou’s Cultivation Base have almost reached the peak of the Emperor Realm, restraining them both without any effort.

Gui Yixin immediately began a soul search for He Yi.

After a long time, he put his hand off, He Yi’s body suddenly turned to ashes, leaving no trace.

On the other side, Wen Jiuyou also completed the soul search of Baijie and obliterated it casually.

“It seems that luck this time is really good.” Guiyi was extremely proud.

Through searching for souls, he obtained a lot of useful information.

I also know how to enter the sacred mountain.

Wen Jiuyou smiled and said, “Next, it’s up to the two of us to burn the mountain.”

After finishing speaking, his figure flashed, turning into the appearance of Bai Jie.

And Gui Yixin is what it means.

The two of them pulled out their hands and withdrew their formation.

All this seems annoying.

But in fact, in the eyes of others in the streets, it was just a blink of an eye.

They only felt that the scene in front of them flashed, and it seemed that He Yi and Bai Jie had disappeared.

But in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of them again.

People came and went on the street, and no one even noticed the anomaly.

That is, in the corner, a cultivator rubbed his eyes and muttered to himself: “I was dazzled just now, how do you feel that these two people suddenly disappeared and then appeared again?”

“It must be dazzling.”

The man shook his head, and didn’t pay attention to anything.

At the moment, Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou turned into two identities, and they greeted and greeted the practitioners who came to participate in the Tiandao Conference. After a full day, the two turned around and headed towards the mountain.

Although both He Yi and Baijie were disciples of the Good Fortune Sect, they returned from this trip not to the Good Fortune Palace where the Good Fortune Sect was located, but to rush directly to the mountain.

Right now the Heavenly Dao Conference is about to be held, and the Three Sects and Four Sects have set up a temporary reception point on the sacred mountain.

After all, the seven surrounding palaces belong to the private land of the three sects and four religions.

It is obviously inappropriate to use it to convene the Heavenly Dao Conference.

With new identities, Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou entered the sacred mountain without any effort.

The two of them first went to the Master of He Yi and Baijie to report the situation.

Their Master is named Xingshayu, a disciple of Pei Qianhua, the master of Good Fortune.

At this time, Xingshayu was talking with an emperor realm powerhouse.

“About Buwen Peak Ye Yuesheng, what I know is that. You and I have been together for many years. Don’t tell these things.”

“At the end of the Heavenly Path Convention, the end of Buwen Peak will come.

Xing Shayu drank a cup of tea and said lightly: “You shouldn’t have any problems, right.”

It turned out that the Seven Giants had long ordered their disciples, privately recruited people who had a better relationship with them, revealed that Ye Yuesheng was the enemy of heaven, and asked them to agree to attack Buwen Peak.

Sure enough, this effect is very good.

Those who can be revealed in advance are those who have been close to the sacred mountain, and their interests have long been tied to the sacred mountain.

They are naturally easy to fight for.

These people have expressed their views, resolutely fighting with the mountain and drawing a clear line with Buwen Peak.

The person Xingshayu is looking for today is no exception.

At the moment, the man handed his hand and said: “Please don’t worry, although I went to Buwen Peak to listen to him a few days ago and owed him a favor. But in the face of heaven and righteousness, I absolutely know how to do it.”

Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou just came in from outside, and when they heard this man’s words, they rolled their eyes in their hearts.

Really a white-eyed wolf

As soon as the front foot was favored by the Master, the back foot turned over?

They despise this person to the extreme in their hearts, but on the surface they don’t show the slightest expression.

Xing Shayu laughed after hearing the man’s words: “Brothers are really righteous people, and we are worthy of the friendship between you and me for many years.”

After speaking, Xingshayu turned his gaze to Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou.

“You came back from the bottom of the mountain?”

Gui Yixin hurriedly stepped forward and said, “.々Return to Master, disciple today.”

He respectfully said it in detail.

Xing Shayu nodded slightly and said, “Yes, you two are doing a good job. Right now, the Heavenly Path Conference is about to be held, but you must stabilize the hearts of the people.”

“When the conference is officially held, Master and the others will announce the news and sue the world for Buwen Peak’s crimes. At that time, it will be the time when the spiritual world will attack Buwen Peak together.”

Gui Yixin handed his hand: “Master’s magical calculations, and the masters are even more unfathomable. This time, Buwen Peak will definitely be over.”

This flattery made Xingshayu extremely useful, and he burst into laughter.

The color of pride is beyond words.

Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou retreated.

Afterwards, the two began to wander around in the sacred mountain.

While walking around, I made imprints everywhere and moved some hands and feet.

“This is what I realized from the Master’s chess game.” Wen Jiuyou was quite proud.

“Any point here, if you pull it out alone, there is nothing serious about it, and you won’t even get a trace of sparks (Wang Zhao’s).

“But if all the formations are arranged and the formation is activated, it will immediately reverse the Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, and all the other elements flowing in it will be transformed into fire clouds.

“By then, this sacred mountain will be a sea of ​​fire.”

Gui Yixin followed Wen Jiuyou’s arrangement and suddenly asked: “Then how should we two escape after this formation is activated?”

Wen Jiuyou patted his head abruptly and said, “Yes! Why didn’t I think of this?”

“I have an idea.” Gui Yixin said: “I also realized from the Master’s chess game a magical power that can be used to cut off traces. No matter who he is, I don’t want to get a glimpse of the secret.”

“When the fire starts, I will use this magical power to disrupt the secrets, so that the seven giants of the mountain cannot calculate where you and I are going.”

“After the matter is over, we don’t have to run away, we still stay near the sacred mountain, and see how furious they are.”

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