Chapter 143 Frightened to pee?

As soon as the Taiqing Taoist’s voice sounded, Ye Yuesheng immediately took action.

In an instant, on the sky of the Profound Realm, a giant hand that shook the sky condensed and grabbed it downward.

However, through the formation, he can only transmit less than one ten thousandth of the power.

Hei Mi Ke snorted coldly and greeted him with a palm.


The sky shook the sky like a crack.

The giant hand disappeared.

Heimike couldn’t help but startled.

This is unlikely.

Ye Yuesheng, it is absolutely impossible to have such a little strength.

As soon as this thought came up, I saw an ordinary-looking, ordinary man appeared on the horizon.

Buwen Peak big disciple, Fan Xian.

“The Profound Realm is not a arrogant place like you, don’t you get out of here!”

After hearing the sound, he moved for the first time.

Usually, his big disciple always looks like Amitabha, Buwen Shishi.

But Fan Xian was very concerned about the Master.

As the big disciple of Buwen Peak, his Cultivation Base is also one of the strongest among the disciples.

After returning to Buwen Peak this time, there was another breakthrough.

Now, it has also reached the peak of the emperor realm.

The Master has been in Buwen Peak not to go out, there must be a reason and reason for the Master.

As a disciple, at this time, of course, I have to do 13 things for the Master.

Not only him, but the second disciple Jun Mo’s movements are not slower than him.

It’s just that he arrived from another direction.

“I want to see, Buwen Peak people, what are they capable of?”

Hei Mi Ke snorted and shot again.

Although he has not fully attacked Buwen Peak yet, he has long wanted to test the strength of Buwen Peak.

After all, words are just words, and stone carvings are only carvings. After all, it is not as good as personal verification.

Fanxian waved his hands, and the sky was filled with fairy clouds.

Above the sky, countless catastrophes fell, turning into ripples, reflecting the entire world.

In the end, these brilliance unexpectedly condensed, turned into a white hand, crystal clear as jade, greeted the eyes of Hei Mi Ke.

Above the white hand, Rune Mishan, contains extremely terrifying power, as if it can destroy everything.

This is the magical power that Brahman has enlightened from Master’s “Perfect Heaven and Earth”-the hand of God.

It is one of the strongest supernatural powers of Emperor Huang Tian.

At this moment, the horror of mighty power was even beyond his own expectations.

“Master is really unfathomable.”

Fan Xian couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

I still remember that when the Master talked about this, he just talked about it casually.

Who can imagine that this magical power is so terrible?

In the eyes of Hei Mi Ke, the startled light flickered.

It was not an ordinary white hand that caught his eyes, but a hand that contained the mystery of the heavens.

Even if the realm of the Heimike was far above the Fanxian, facing such terrifying god-tier skills, he did not dare to care.

“No hard connection, no hard connection!

There was a sudden alarm in his heart.

An inexplicable chill rushed to my heart.

Taking a look at Buwen Peak in the distance, Hei Mi Ke retired.

Since that person has been alarmed, I can’t stay more today.

Otherwise, I’m afraid it will be too much.


Hei Mi Ke shouted, and together with Lu Ruhai, his figure flashed and disappeared in the profound realm.

Facing the hand of God from Fanxian, he didn’t pick it up, but ran away.

Tianjizi and Taiqing Taoist were also stunned.

Isn’t Gang オ still aggressive and want to take a fight?

Why does it become so confusing in the next second?

Is this the demeanor of the Seven Giants?

The fart pissed off and fled in embarrassment.

Really know well.

In the eyes of Tianjizi and Taoist Taiqing, a trace of contempt passed by.

The so-called sacred mountain giant is really not afraid of embarrassment.

However, Ye Yuesheng would not let the two of them run so cheaply.

Just when the two of them passed through the profound realm, they suddenly felt a force that struck from an unknown place.



Two invisible palms hit them on the chest.

Hei Mike and Lu Ruhai suddenly felt sweet in their mouths and almost vomited blood.

I didn’t care about it, just like a dog in the family, just fleeing in embarrassment.

On Buwen Peak, Ye Yuesheng shook his head slightly.

“Through the formation, the power I can send is still too weak, otherwise, just two palms, you can take the lives of two people.”

However, there are also places that make him feel comfortable.

The formation is ubiquitous. If the opponent enters the formation, it is very good for sneak attacks.

Seeing Heimike and Lu Ruhai flee without a fight, Taoist Taiqing and Tianjizi were also relieved.

Immediately stepped forward and met with Fanxian and Jun Mo.

After a long conversation, I went to Buwen Peak together.

“Sacred Mountain has already sent orders to the heavens and all realms to hold a heavenly path meeting to discuss important matters.”

Standing in front of Ye Yuesheng, Tianjizi talked about the situation respectfully.

“If what I expected is not bad, Shenshan must be calling for practitioners from all heavens and all realms to attack Buwen Peak together.”

Ye Yuesheng was startled slightly.

Do these guys still play this trick?

He didn’t dare to attack, and it was enough to use the practitioners of the heavens and the world as guns.

However, he was not afraid at all.

It was expected that Shenshan turned his face with him.

No matter what means the other party uses, it is not surprising.

“I see.

Ye Yuesheng said lightly.

Taiqing Taoist and Tianjizi were both stunned.

This is a shocking event, why is Senior Ye’s reaction so plain?

As if he didn’t care about it at all.

“Senior Ye, this matter is no trivial matter, Senior Ye has to make early plans!”

Taoist Taiqing quickly reminded him.

Ye Yuesheng flicked his sleeves and said: “It’s just a sacred mountain and a beam jumping clown. It’s not a worry at all. Why should you worry about it? They also want to attack Buwen Peak.. Haha.”

He sneered twice, with a look of disdain.

The Taiqing Taoist was shocked and opened his mouth, but he didn’t say anything.


Who is Senior Ye?

His practice definitely far surpasses the seven giants of the sacred mountain.

Those people want to attack Buwen Peak, but they have miscalculated.

It’s just that this Fang Tiandao

The Taoist Taiqing took a deep breath of 670.

There is no need to ask about this point.

Senior Ye has always lived in Buwen Peak, which is proof.

I just don’t know, how will Senior Ye prepare to deal with this Fang Tiandao next?

Such a shot flashed through the mind of the Taoist Taiqing, and he immediately took it back.

This kind of thing is not something he should worry about.

“Senior Ye, Junior and Tianjizi want to worship Senior Ye, and hope that Senior will not give up and accept the two of us.”

Taiqing Taoist said respectfully.

Immediately, both he and Tianjizi knelt down.

Ye Yuesheng couldn’t help laughing.

Of these two people, one is the number one alchemy master of all heavens and ten thousand realms. On his Buwen Peak, there are countless rare and exotic plants, and he needs one person to make alchemy.

The pill that is refined can also be purchased in the system mall.

If a Taiqing Taoist is willing to worship at the door, then he naturally cannot ask for it.

As for the other heavenly machine, it’s a perfect talent.

Of course, he himself can peep into the secret.

But his current struggle with Fang Tiandao has reached the final critical moment.

At this time, his every move, I am afraid it is difficult to escape the perception of heaven.

But if the artificial hand is used in Tianjizi, this problem will be solved.

“In that case, from now on, you will be my disciples of Buwen Peak.”

Ye Yuesheng did not refuse and accepted the two directly.

Taiqing Taoist and Tianjizi were overjoyed when they heard this.

“The disciple Taiqing Taoist.

“Disciple Tianjizi.

“Meet Master!”

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