Chapter 138 Push Master? Hurry up and teach me

Buwen Peak.

As soon as Ye Yuesheng stepped into the yard, he saw Ye Qingxian rushing over.

Nephrite jade is gentle and fragrant, soft as boneless.

It’s just that this hug is a little tight.

“What are you doing?” He didn’t understand, what was going on that made her so excited.

Cultivation Base broke?

Realm improved?

What other happy events have you encountered?

He looks excited, so he wants to hug him when he sees people?

Ye Yuesheng can only think so.


He didn’t think much.

“When I see Master, I just want to hug it.” Ye Qingxian smiled slightly, still holding Ye Yuesheng.

“Okay, are you holding enough now?” Ye Yuesheng shook his head a little helplessly.

What is going on with this woman on Buwen Peak?

Everyone likes to give themselves a hug, as if it is contagious.

Ye Qingxian let go and stood in front of Ye Yuesheng, looking at him quietly.

“Cough cough”

Ye Yuesheng coughed slightly.

This Ye Qingxian, today is really not right!

It’s not right.

Just a hug inexplicably just now, that’s all.

He can understand that the other party is excited for a while.

Who hasn’t had a time to go crazy once in a while?

But what does this look mean now?

How does it feel weird?

She was not like this before.


In Ye Yuesheng’s impression, Ye Qingxian is like a female emperor.

Even when she didn’t know her identity before, she felt that she was a royal sister full of feminine atmosphere.

Be vigorous and vigorous.

Strong execution.

Sometimes it’s a bit overbearing.

Gives a sense of majesty.

Moreover, she is the butler of Buwen Peak.

The matter of Buwen Peak has always been arranged clearly by her.

Ye Yuesheng, the Master, only needs to be a hand shaker.

But today, this royal sister seems to have changed a bit.

Can it be sweet or salty or gentle, strong or soft or overbearing?




In short, something is wrong.

Ye Qingxian hadn’t recovered from the excitement just now.

Before that, although she admired the Master very much, she dreamed that one day, she could stay and fly with the Master.

However, facing the Master, she always felt a little nervous and scared.

Want to approach, but dare not approach.

If it hadn’t been for what Ling Yaoyao said today, she would never have dared to act like this.

At this moment, Ye Qingxian’s face was still red, like a burning cloud.


It feels so good to hold the Master!

turn out to be.

Is this what it’s like to be in close contact with the one you love?

Ye Qingxian’s heart was beating violently, but the color of joy was beyond words.

In her mind, she was still recalling what she had just felt.

Happy as a flower.

“What’s the matter with you?” Ye Yuesheng was a little embarrassed by Ye Qingxian.

If it is Xiao Wu, then he is probably calmer.

After all, Xiao Wu rushed over to hug her, not once or twice.

Ye Yuesheng got used to it a long time ago.

But Ye Qingxian’s doing this really made him feel a little strange!

“What is the matter with you holding me?” Ye Yuesheng couldn’t help but ask again.

“Ling Yao Yao said, happiness must be achieved by myself, I like Master, and I want Master to be my man.”

Ye Qingxian shouted out loudly.

At this moment, her head was dizzy. Instead, she had plucked up her courage and suppressed in her heart in one breath. She vomited out all the things she didn’t dare to say.

After speaking, she hugged Ye Yuesheng again and kissed her.

“What’s the situation?” Ye Yuesheng’s mind was blank and didn’t react.

Am I being pushed back?

Was forcibly pushed back by his own disciples?

He was taken aback, the taste seemed to be very good.

Finally greeted him.

At this moment, Xiao Wu ran up and down all the way, ran to the side of Ling Yao Yao, and saw this scene at a glance.

“This is.” Xiao Wu’s eyes widened suddenly.

Sister San and Master are getting better?

When did this happen?

Why don’t I know any news?

Although she has a very good relationship with the third elder sister, she shared any little secrets with each other.

The thing that Senior Sister San likes the Master, Xiao Wu has also known for a long time.

However, didn’t Senior Sister San say that she didn’t know how to approach the Master at all?

Why did it progress so fast in a blink of an eye?

On weekdays, I will hug the Master more than the third elder sister.

Ling Yao Yao smiled and looked at Ye Yuesheng and Ye Qingxian in front of him in a daze.

Xiao Wu pulled her and said, “Senior Sister, what’s the matter?”

“Senior Sister San’s domineering side is still showing off, so I just forcibly pushed the Master!” Ling Yao Yao said with a smile.

“This is my idea!” She was very triumphant.

“Push Master?” Xiao Wu opened his mouth wide.

so it is.

No wonder!

Senior Sister San deserves to be Senior Sister Third, it’s so fierce!

Even the Master was forced by her?

Xiao Wu looked envious.

Am I going to learn from the third elder sister too, and domineering again?

Her mood was flying.

However, it seems a bit difficult!

If it’s okay with other people, I’m still the enchanting Empress of Fantasy Heaven.

However, in front of the Master, it just can’t be domineering!

Xiao Wu shook his head in distress.

Not far away, the figures of Ye Yuesheng and Ye Qingxian suddenly disappeared.

“Hehe, the good deed of the three senior sisters is finally done!” Ling Yao Yao patted the fox’s paw and laughed loudly.

Speaking of which, I was ahead of the third sister.

I contributed to the good things of Sister San.

Shouldn’t Senior Sister Three let me be a little bit in the future?


In terms of seniority ranking, I should rank ahead of the third elder sister.

Should I be in charge of Senior Sister San from now on?

How to say, I am also the emperor of the fox clan!

The status and status are no lower than the nine-day female emperor San Senior Sister.

In the past it was the third elder sister who got started before me, so I let her take advantage of this. I can only be a younger sister.

From now on, next to the Master, I should be in front.


That’s it!

The more the Ling Yao Yao thought about it, the happier he was.

Overwhelming the third elder sister, then she is the older elder sister in front of a group of elder brothers and sisters.

After all, the senior brother Fanxian and the second senior brother Junmo are the same as the Master and never care about things.

From now on, I will be the little butler of Buwen Peak.

She thought about it and laughed happily.

The fox couldn’t close his mouth with a smile.

Xiao Wu is in a different mood.

The three senior sisters all grabbed me in front of me, how can this be good?


I must work hard!

must work hard!

I want to overthrow the Master.

She secretly swears in her heart, and her face has become more and more flushed.

“Senior Sister Seven, you also help me figure out a solution, okay?”

Xiao Wu pushed the Ling Yao Yao beside him.

“You 670 fox clan, you are always good at seduce people. You are the fox female emperor, not to mention.”

“Can you help the third sister, can’t you help me?’

Ling Yao Yao:???

Did you talk like that?

My fox family is a natural fox Meizi, who specializes in seduce people?

Bah baah baah!

What is this!

Ling Yao Yao was a little angry.

“Xiao Wu, don’t talk nonsense, my fox family is the most infatuated. If it weren’t for you to be my thirteenth junior sister, you would have turned your face with you.”

Xiao Wu was taken aback for a moment, and then he came to realize that he seemed to have lost his words.

She spit out her tongue quickly and said, “Senior Sister, don’t get me wrong, I’m complimenting you. If I have one percent of your skills, it will be fine! You can teach me quickly!”

These words of flattery made Ling Yao Yao extremely useful.

All her fox tails were upturned, saying: “That’s natural, my fox clan, in this respect, I am very talented. I am the fox female emperor, and that is even more so.

Having said that, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

Didn’t I refute Xiao Wu’s words just now, so she is not allowed to say that the foxes seduce people?

Now that the fox family is talented in this respect?

Do you slap yourself in the face?

The Ling Yao Yao was a little bit unable to hang on.

This …

“Oh, I won’t tell you anymore. I’m going to the room to see the Master. I’m going to sleep among them.”

After speaking, her body of the white fox flashed, and her twelve tails swayed like a flower, swish, and got into the room!

Only Xiao Wu stayed in place, and the wind was messy.

quite a while.

She stamped her foot severely.

“Don’t get too proud of yourself, the Master will always be mine!”.

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