Chapter 139 Before the war, choose!

“Why do you want to convene the Heavenly Dao Conference of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms?”

Somewhere in the fairy world, a powerful emperor got the invitation in his hand, which is a bit hard to believe.

How many years have it been.

I don’t know how many years there has been no Heavenly Dao Conference.

The last time I came to the Heavenly Dao Conference was before the sixth heaven and earth catastrophe.

I thought that the Heavenly Dao Conference this time would be held at the end of the Sect Taibi.

By the way, I would like to declare the victory of the Three Sects and Four Sects in the Sect Grand Competition.

Unexpectedly, when the Sect Grand Tournament was just halfway through, Shenshan suddenly announced that it would hold the Heavenly Dao Conference.

This can’t help but arouse the suspicion of countless people.

The Heavenly Dao Conference is not a trivial matter.

Not only the powerhouses of the imperial realm, but even the practitioners of the king realm, will also participate.

In every Tiandao conference, the discussion is about the life and death of the heavens and the world.

“What exactly does Shenshan want to do?”

Somewhere in the fairy world, Tianjizi, who was watching a painting, closed his eyes and slowly began to calculate.


He spit out a mouthful of blood with a “poof”.

“It’s so cruel!

After a long time, Tianjizi’s expression gradually eased.

“Huh, don’t let people spy on the secret, isn’t it the greatest secret?”

He muttered to himself.

Immediately, his body shape flashed, and he went straight to thirty-three days away.

In a short while, he had already arrived in front of a Great Hall thirty-three days away.

Tianjizi said in a voice transmission: “Old gentleman, open the door quickly, there is an emergency.”

In the palace, Taiqing Taoists were watching the evolution of the true spirit in front of them, hearing the voice of Tianjizi, and immediately walked out.

“What’s the matter?” he asked hastily.

Although the Taiqing Taoists have a good friendship with Tianjizi, time is the most meaningless thing for their existence.

They will only contact each other for hundreds of millions of years, even billions of years, and go to the other party’s home to be a guest or something.

For strong people at their level, this kind of communication frequency is already very high.

After all, many people retreat and cultivate once, and they are calculated on the basis of tens of billions of years and hundreds of billions of years.

“Shenshan prescribes the convening of the Heavenly Dao Conference, you must have heard of it, right”?”

Tianjizi asked with a smile.

The Taoist Taiqing nodded and said: “I already know about this, and I am hesitating. What do you think about going to the sacred mountain to participate in the Heavenly Dao Conference?”

“Can’t go!” Tianjizi said very categorically.

The Taoist Taiqing was taken aback, and said, “Why is this? Do you have any concerns?”

Tianjizi nodded and said: “Last time I heard Buwen Peak, except for Qin Huaijian from Shenshan, there were only two of you, each of whom brought back a treasure.

“This man is not guilty, and the reason why he is guilty, don’t I need to say?””

Taiqing Taoist was shocked.

“Could it be that Shenshan would be so reckless to snatch the treasure from you and me?”

Tianjizi smiled coldly and said: “If it were before, naturally it wouldn’t be.”

“No matter how you say Shenshan, it is also the recognized leader of the heavens and all realms. They can’t do such things.”

“But the current situation is a bit different.”

“The strong rise of Buwen Peak endangers the status of the mountain.

“If I didn’t expect it to be wrong, this time the God Mountain held the Heavenly Dao Conference, mostly to gather the power of the entire universe and attack Buwen Peak?”

“What?” Taoist Taiqing screamed and lost his voice: “Where did you learn this?”

The emperor smiled, and said: “Did you forget the Tao I practiced? According to the secret deduction, even the seven giants of the sacred mountain may not be as good as me.”

“Although they have deceived the secrets, so that I cannot deduce them all, but the deceit itself is a kind of secrets.”

His expression was very solemn, and he said, “What have you gained from comprehending the evolution of the true spirit in the past few days?”

The Taoist Taiqing was deeply moved, and said: “The harvest is so great that I can’t imagine it! If I get this thing soon, I’m afraid I will have stepped into the emperor realm long ago.”

He changed his conversation and said: “Now, more than 90% of the emperor realm powerhouses in the heavens and myriad worlds have been to Buwen Peak to listen to the preaching. After receiving the favor of Senior Ye, will they really agree to attack Buwen Peak?”

“If they all oppose it, Shenshan wouldn’t be willing to go it alone, right?”

Although there are practitioners from the kingdom of heaven to participate in the Heavenly Dao Conference, the real decision must be made by the strongest of the emperor.

Tianjizi sneered and said: “After all, the mountain has ruled the heavens for hundreds of millions of years. After a long time, in the consciousness of many people, they have long obeyed the mountain.”

“That is to say, those of us who existed before the world opened up, can’t get used to what the mountain is doing.

“But you and me, such sacred mountains, among the powerhouses in the entire emperor realm, are actually just a few anomalies.”

“Furthermore, since Shenshan dares to open the Heavenly Dao Conference, it will definitely show some evidence and reasons to persuade those powerful emperors to attack Buwen Peak.”

The Taoist Taiqing was slightly startled, and said, “Then what will it be in your opinion?”

Tianjizi said: “In my opinion, it can’t be the will of heaven, Buwen Peak heaven-defying the way, you must cut it.”

The Taiqing Taoist froze in his heart and froze for a long time without saying anything.

After a long time, he sighed softly: “If it is true, Shenshan’s words are not unreasonable. Senior Ye’s Cultivation Base has already reached an unimaginable state.”

Having said that, he did not go on, but looked at Tianjizi.

Tianjizi also nodded slightly, naturally knowing the meaning in the eyes of the Taiqing Taoist.

Cultivation Base has reached the level of Senior Ye, his existence can already threaten the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Can Tiandi Avenue allow such an existence to appear?

I don’t know what method Ye Senior used to cheat.

But this matter is certainly not sustainable.

Next, a fierce conflict is bound to erupt between Ye Senior and Tiandi Dadao.

“.々This is probably the reason why Senior Ye lives in the lower realm and dormant in Buwen Peak.” Tian Jizi sighed.

“Buwen Peak! Buwen things, Buwen Qianchen,” Taiqing Taoist murmured.

“Senior Ye wants to hide, but how can you avoid it under heaven?”

Tianjizi smiled slightly and said, “That’s the problem, old gentleman, you and I have been together for many years. If you have any questions, I will just say it!”

“I want to ask you, if Senior Ye has really come this far, how should you and I be yourself?

Taiqing Taoist was silent.

for a long time.

He sighed.

“You and I have reached the limit. If you don’t follow the path indicated by Senior Ye, you won’t be able to make any progress anymore.”

(Wang Zhao’s)

“The next seventh heaven and earth catastrophe will be your limit.”

Tianjizi nodded.

For this, he had already felt it.

These creatures that existed before they opened up the heavens and the earth, in fact, have always been separated from the avenue of heaven and earth, and cannot be fully integrated.

This is also the reason why their Cultivation Base has reached the peak of the imperial realm, it is difficult to make an inch.

“If I learn the Tao of Senior Ye, I’m afraid it will be intolerable for Fangtiandi Dao!”

Tianjizi said: “I have already decided to go to Buwen Peak and vote for Senior Ye’s door.

The Taoist Taiqing was shocked and said: “Can you think about your body?”

The more you understand the reasons for this, the more you understand how big the risks are.

Tianjizi nodded and said: “It’s decided, the big deal is death. Anyway, it is a dead word if you can’t get through the seventh heaven and earth catastrophe. It’s better to follow Senior Ye and fight together.”

The Taiqing Taoist laughed loudly: “Good! Good! Good! I’ll be with you too!”.

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