Chapter 137 Shocking speculation, edict to the heavens!


Qin Huaijian’s body was trembling slightly.

The gazes of the seven giants fell on him as if it were true.

But the evolutionary creature in his arms, but he spent 12 million original coins before buying it back!

For this reason, not only he, but even the other four people who went with him, all owed a debt.

And Qin Huaijian himself even borrowed a usury of 2 million original currency.

That’s a lot of baby.

Too much to sell him himself, it is impossible to pay off.

There is a contract of heaven, once you can’t pay it back

Qin Huaijian regretted that his intestines were all blue now.

Thousands should not, absolutely should not, oneself shouldn’t auction this Rauchi treasure.

Listen to the sermon quietly, isn’t it good to watch?

Why do you want to take this thing back?

If you know this is the case, let alone 12 million original coins, it is 120,000, no, it is 12 original coins, and even post a few treasures to him, he doesn’t want it.

Where does “six six seven” come back after buying treasures?

This is obviously buying a scourge back!

However, this is the end of the matter, and the things have been bought back.

Qin Huaijian could only bite the bullet and speak out.

After all, he couldn’t throw such an expensive thing in his own hands.

What’s more, if you don’t say it, Master may also think that he is backtesting.

Moreover, Qin Huaijian had some faint thoughts in his mind.

Ye Yuesheng reminded Ye Yuesheng that the picture just now cannot be opened easily.

But he didn’t say that with the evolutionary spirit in his hands now.

Maybe there is no problem.

He can only pray like this.

Above, the seven giants of the sacred mountain looked at each other.

The handwriting just now has caused such a big change.

If the next thing is the same as that character.

I’m afraid this temple can no longer withstand the pressure of the anger of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth again.

Once the temple is torn apart, the fun will be great.

“In my opinion, don’t take this thing out again.”

Gong Su said sorrowfully.

Pei Qianhua frowned slightly.

“I don’t think this is right. I’m afraid he won’t make it after waiting, so I can’t take a look at what he made?”

Hei Mi Ke nodded slightly.

“Yes! This sin of waiting for heaven-defying the Tao is not tolerated between heaven and earth. I am afraid of him when I wait for the protection of the heaven-defying Tao?”

“Can’t be opened in the temple.” Bai Hefeng said: “Let’s find another place and open it again.”

The others nodded.

No one knows what the next thing will attract.

For the sake of caution, it is better not to stay in the temple.

In this case, even if Tiandi Dadao is angered again, it will not let the temple suffer from the fish.

“It’s there!”

Jiang Zhanzi casually touched a void that was hundreds of thousands of miles away.

With a stroke of his hand, Qin Huaijian only felt that a flower had appeared in this void.

Around, there are seven giants of the sacred mountain.

“Is there something you can take out now.”

Lu Ruhai’s voice sounded.

“Disciple obey orders!”

Qin Huaijian respectfully worshiped, and took out the evolving true spirit that had been prepared.


A sky thunder suddenly exploded.

Just when everyone thought that Tiandi was furious again and was about to lower the terrifying majesty of the sky, a scene that made them stunned appeared.

Above the sky, countless skyflowers fall in disorder, the sky is full of sunshine, purple qi is all over the sky, and there are many visions.

An invisible force comes from all directions, enveloping the true spirit of evolution.

The Avenue of Heaven and Earth seemed to be extremely happy.

“This ”

Seeing this scene, the seven giants were all stunned.

what happened?

A guy who walks in heaven-defying the Tao, how can he not only reject the things he does, but he is very happy?

The eyes of the seven giants all fell on the stone sculpture.

“This is the true spirit of evolution?” Wei Wuya’s voice sounded faintly, with a hint of incredible color.

“That’s right! It’s the evolution!” Gong Suchou’s expression was a bit complicated.

As the seven giants of the sacred mountain, they certainly know better than anyone, what does it mean to evolve the true spirit?

If someone can make the evolution of the true spirit, then his Cultivation Base can only be described as earth-shattering and unfathomable.

Such a realm, even if it is the seven of them, they can only be willing to bow to the wind, beyond the reach of the dust.

“This evolving true spirit is different!” Pei Qianhua’s gaze shot a sharp light.

“The true spirit of evolution contains the true meaning of the Dao. This true spirit of evolution seems to be filling the true meaning of the Dao that this world lacks. It is no wonder that the Dao of Heaven and Earth will lower its rewards!”


Lu Ruhai was surprised and disappointed.

He looked carefully and looked again, nodding solemnly.

“It seems so!”

“Which way is lacking in this Fang Tiandao Avenue?” Bai Henei’s expression was shocked.

“Since there are no avenues of heaven and earth in this area, how did he realize it?”

The answer is self-evident.

There seems to be only one explanation.

That is, that person does not belong to this world.

Therefore, he was able to jump out of the Tiandi Avenue, see the flaws of the Tiandi Avenue, and repair the roads that the Tiandi Avenue does not have.

Wei Wuya nodded and said, “That’s right, no wonder the cultivation method in his previous words will arouse the wrath of the heavens and impose punishments on the heavens.”

“Back then, in the chaos, there was a group of chaos gods and demons, and each of them had a different understanding.

“Three thousand chaos gods and demons, incarnate three thousand avenues.”

“Later, chaotic gods and demons broke the world with a single axe. At the same time, they also killed 2,999 other gods and demons.”

Jiang Zhanzi said about this chaos secret that the master once told.

“The god and demon died because of exhaustion of energy, and his body was transformed into heaven and earth. His way became the avenue of heaven and earth in this world.”

“As for the other 2,999 gods and demons, they are all evil demons. They have long been annihilated and do not exist between heaven and earth.”

“However, it is rumored that the 2,999 gods and demons are not dead, and a few are still alive.”

“It’s just that they have all been hit hard, so they walk away from the chaos and dare not get closer to this world.

When he said this, he paused for a while.

Immediately, he said a guess in his heart.

“Could this Ye Yuesheng be the survivor among the 2,999 gods and demons? He didn’t actually escape, but was hiding in this world.

“He peered into this great avenue of heaven and earth, while at the same time confirming the path he had cultivated. As a Cultivation Base, he had reached an unimaginable state, and he showed his face in public.”

“His goal is to replace this square, heaven and earth!”

Jiang Zhanzi’s expression was solemn, and he spoke slowly, telling all the shocking speculations in his heart.

All of a sudden, the seven giants of the sacred mountain fell into contemplation.

If Jiang Zhanzi’s guess is true.

Then Ye Yuesheng, 5.8 is the biggest threat to the mountain.

Even, it was far bigger than the Heavenly Demon of the Seventh Heaven and Earth Tribulation.

After all, the current status of the mountain is almost acting on behalf of the heavens.

The sacred mountain itself often claims to be a spokesperson for the way of heaven.

Although it has not been publicly recognized by the Dao of Heaven, it is getting closer and closer to this goal.

If Ye Yuesheng really wants to take it on behalf of the Tao of Heaven, then he is the life and death enemy of Shenshan, who will never die!

“Then don’t hesitate anymore, I propose to attack Buwen Peak immediately!

In Gong Suchou’s eyes, murderous intent stood up.

“Can’t be rushed.” Wei Wuya calmed down instead.

“The strength of Buwen Peak is much greater than we thought.”

“The strength of Ye Yuesheng is far above what I estimated before.”

“I propose to convene the Heavenly Dao Conference of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, to help the Dao of Heaven and to expose Ye Yuesheng’s conspiracy to the public, so that the practitioners of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms will join us in discussing Buwen Peak!”

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