Chapter 136 You have to fight for happiness! Take the initiative! Pounce!


A powerful breath rose to the sky and swept away.

“How many years have passed, I finally proved Dao Cheng Emperor!’

An old man with gray hair and beard cried with joy.

After listening to Ye Yuesheng’s sermon last time, he fell into an epiphany. Now, he finally regained consciousness and stepped into the emperor realm smoothly.

It’s not just him.

In Wanderer Tranquility Sect, there are also many people who come to listen to the Tao to break through and prove that the Tao becomes the emperor.

Everything is still going on.

In Ye Yuesheng’s mind, the voice of the system is still ringing constantly.

“Ding, it is detected that the host’s preaching has improved the Cultivation Base realm, and the reward is Cultivation Base +1-0000.

“Ding, the detection of the host’s preaching has improved the Cultivation Base realm, and will receive a reward of God-Sense +300.


It’s too much.

He couldn’t hear it.

Nowadays, although the preaching is over, many people are still remembering, still enlightening, and still breaking through.

Therefore, the rewards of the system are also continuous.

Ye Yuesheng has already ignored this sound automatically.

Only the growing Cultivation Base and sense of spirit made him feel a little excited.

“After passing so many messages and helping so many people break through, the loading speed of this system should be getting faster and faster, right?”

He is looking forward to it.

Hope the system can be loaded as soon as possible.

Just when this thought came up, a different voice suddenly sounded in my mind.

“Ding, the system has been loaded to 71%, congratulations to the host for the reward, Cultivation Base + 1 million.

“Ding, the system has been loaded to 72%. Congratulations to the host for getting the reward, and the sense of spirit is +25000.

“Ding, the system has been loaded to 73%. Congratulations to the host for getting the reward, Dadao Qiyun + 100,000.”


“Ding, the system has been loaded to 80%, congratulations to the host for the reward, Cultivation Base + 1.2 million.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for completing 80% of the loading and entering a new level. Buwen Peak’s restraining power will slowly dissolve until it disappears completely.”

“Ding, the host must be fully prepared to meet the drastic changes after the prohibition disappears.”

Ye Yuesheng took a deep breath.

The system repeatedly warns and reminds.

It is conceivable that once Buwen Peak’s prohibition disappears, it will be a huge challenge to meet him.

However, Ye Yuesheng’s heart is still full of faith.

His current strength is so powerful, no matter what crisis or challenge, he has the confidence to deal with it.

The three hundred mysterious gifts previously purchased from the system have all been unlocked.

Among these gifts, the most rewards were some treasures, formations, and cultivation techniques.

After thinking about it, Ye Yuesheng laid out a new formation on Buwen Peak.

If the restraining power of Buwen Peak disappears, this new formation will operate on its own to protect the peace of Buwen Peak.

With his Cultivation Base, of course, he is not afraid of anything.

But be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years.

Who knows what will usher in after the prohibition disappears?

These days, Ye Yuesheng has been using the magical powers of the Big Dream World to observe the origin of the world, and the guesses in his heart are getting more and more serious.

If this avenue of heaven and earth really does not allow him to exist between the heaven and the earth, he will only have to fight hard until the time is reached.

After setting up the formation, Ye Yuesheng walked to the small courtyard.

Life on Buwen Peak is still very plain and comfortable.

With the company of Yu Ling’er, Chu Qingyin, Yu Ruyi, Ling Yaoyao, Huang Rong’er and others, don’t live too well.

Only occasionally, he would walk out alone.

This is the case today.

After all, the array rewarded by the system is magical, and only the existence above the emperor realm can deploy it.

Ye Yuesheng had to do it himself.

After a lot of hard work, he was finally done, and he walked back to the small courtyard.

It’s rare that I feel good today, Ye Yuesheng didn’t use mana, but walked very leisurely.

In the small courtyard, Chuangshi Qinglian is still growing quietly, and a few green leaves have gradually grown.

Ling Yao Yao turned into a white fox, leaning next to Qinglian, taking a deep breath.

The breath of life emanating from this, but it smells extremely good.

Moreover, inhaling a mouthful will make the whole body refreshed and exhilarating.

Although the entire Buwen Peak, there is a strong breath of life everywhere.

But no matter where it is, it can’t compare to being next to Chuangshi Qinglian.

Her twelve foxtails swayed gently, with a look of enjoyment.

“Hmph, you little fox Meizi, today can be regarded as let me find you.”

At some point, Ye Qingxian suddenly appeared and grabbed the body of Ling Yao Yao.

“Senior Sister, what are you doing?

Ling Yao Yao shrank his head and said nervously.

no way.

When listening to the preaching at Buwen Peak before, the first and second brothers didn’t care much.

The third elder sister is the boss on the mountain.

On this Buwen Peak, except for the Master, she almost said that there is one and the same.

Most importantly, the Master doesn’t care much!

Therefore, everything on Buwen Peak is handled by Ye Qingxian.

She is the chief steward of Buwen Peak.

If they do something wrong, they will be taught a lesson by Ye Qingxian.

No wonder Ling Yao Yao was a little scared when she saw her.

“What are you talking about? Tell me well, how did you hook up with the Master?”

Ye Qingxian’s eyes were wide open, and he stared at Ling Yao Yao and asked.

This little vixen is hateful.

After returning to Buwen Peak this time, she always turned into a fox, lying in the arms of the Master, holding the Master, almost inseparable.

Show affection every day and stimulate her.

It’s so hateful!

Ye Qingxian always wanted to talk to her alone, but didn’t find a chance.

Today, finally let her meet.

“Senior Sister, do you like the Master?” Ling Yao Yao laughed.

“Aren’t you?”

Anyway, only Ling Yao Yao was here, and Ye Qingxian didn’t bother to hide it.

“Master, is there any woman in the world who doesn’t like men like Master? You are very powerful. You are the first to take the Master.”

“Master, yes, he is my husband now!”

Ling Yao Yao deliberately added the word husband a little bit.

The tone is very proud.

“If you are like this again, don’t blame me for turning my face and denying you the Seventh Junior Sister, and killing you as a fox!

Ye Qingxian said angrily.

“Don’t, Sister San, don’t be angry!”

Ling Yao Yao acted coquettishly.

In fact, their mentors and sisters have very deep feelings.

Ling Yao Yao was still very concerned about Ye Qingxian’s affairs.

“Senior Sister, it’s actually nothing difficult. If you want to be with the Master, you have to take the initiative. If you don’t take the initiative, how can you have a chance?”

“You know that Huang Rong’er, the first time she saw the Master, she rushed to the Master.”

“The same goes for Chu Qingyin. As soon as he saw the Master, he rushed over and held the Master.

“And me, transformed into the original body, rushed into the Master’s arms, and held the Master.

“So, we all succeeded!”

“Now, Junior Sister Thirteen sees the Master, so she hugs her. I think it won’t be long before Junior Sister Thirteen will become the Master.”

“Senior Sister, you are always holding it. If you have something in your heart, you don’t dare to say or act. If this goes on, you won’t even want to get a Master even if it’s another ten thousand years.”

Ye Qingxian was stunned for a moment, is there still this operation?

Just hug it without face and skin?


When I think about it carefully, it seems to be the same thing.

Except for Yu Ling’er, how many others are able to be with the Master because of their own initiative?

Want to surrender yourself?

Xiao Wu’s recent moves

Ye Qingxian felt a sudden realization.

I have such a strong talent in cultivation, how can I be stupid when encountering this kind of thing?

Be proactive!

Happiness must be won by yourself!

Just thinking about it, at this moment, Ye Yuesheng walked into the courtyard with unhurried steps.


Ye Qingxian yelled, pounced, and hugged him.


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