Chapter 132 The preaching is prevalent, and the harvest is rich

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was shocked.

Just now Ye Yuesheng displayed his supernatural powers in the world, and many people have seen the changes in his eyes.

He is in his eyes, pretending to feel like heaven and earth.

Countless Stars and the world were in disillusionment in his eyes.

At that moment, he seemed to have turned into a avenue of heaven and earth.

They couldn’t help but feel a sense of worship.

Fortunately, this feeling is fleeting.

Subsequently, Ye Yuesheng received magical powers.

But he didn’t expect that after a short period of time, his power would be released uncontrollably.

The sight just now resembling the doomsday is still reflected in everyone’s mind at this moment.

Senior Ye obviously sat there and didn’t move, it was just a momentary leak during the movement.

It almost produced a space storm that could destroy all the peak powers of the emperor realm.

What a terrifying Cultivation Base and power is this?

How high is Senior Ye’s Cultivation Base realm?

At this moment, the worship of “sixty-seven” and tension in everyone’s hearts have all sublimated sharply.

Looking at Ye Yuesheng’s gaze, he was full of deep respect.

Only Qin Huaijian and other five Shenshan disciples felt very worried and uneasy in their hearts.

The more so, the more it proves the horror of this person.

Shenshan decided to attack Buwen Peak, is it really a wise choice?


I thought that I had spent such a high price to buy a picture of a character and an evolutionary creature.

If you don’t take down Buwen Peak and snatch these treasures back, what can you return to those people?

Among them, many have signed a contract of heaven.

Thinking of this, the faith in Qin Huaijian’s heart became firm again.

“We must attack Buwen Peak! After returning, we must let the Masters and uncles make up their minds as soon as possible to attack Buwen Peak!”

“This kind of existence should not survive in the world.

He said silently in his heart.

The status of the sacred mountain is already in jeopardy.

If this person is not eradicated, it will definitely affect the existence of the sacred mountain.

“The auction is over. Now, I will start preaching!”

Ye Yuesheng’s voice sounded slowly.

Everyone’s heart suddenly shuddered.

This is their purpose in coming to Buwen Peak.

I don’t know what will be said in this sermon?

How much can you gain for yourself?

Not only them, but also the other peaks of the Wanderer Tranquility Sect outside, and even the entire Profound Realm, many people have already waited impatiently.

I thought that the preaching would begin immediately after those imperial realm powerhouses entered Buwen Peak, but unexpectedly, it dragged on for several days.

It took a long time for Qin Huaijian and other Shenshan disciples and Taiqing Taoists to borrow treasures.

After all, you have to borrow one by one and sign a contract or something.

It’s just that, for them, the emperor realm powerhouse, a few days is nothing at all.

For some creatures that have existed since the beginning of the world, even a ton of time would be calculated in hundreds of millions of years.

The sun is overcast in a mere amount, and it is not even a dazzling.

What’s more, Ye Yuesheng intentionally left them plenty of time in order to allow them to raise more native coins.

Under his will, Buwen Peak did not change between night and day, and everyone was naturally unaware.

But for outsiders, they have been waiting a long time.

Ye Yuesheng didn’t let them spread the sound of the auction.

After all, this is an auction that can only participate in the power of the emperor realm.

For those low-level practitioners outside, these are meaningless at all.

Therefore, people from outside, of course, do not know what happened and why the preaching has not started so long.

At this moment, I finally heard the voice from Senior Ye.

Many people immediately refreshed.

The preaching is finally about to begin.

“Today, what this seat is going to tell you is the story of the prehistoric, saying that the heaven and the earth have not been opened, there is a Chaos Demon God named Pangu

Ye Yuesheng began to talk.

Everyone in the field was incomprehensible.

I thought that when Buwen Peak preached, he would definitely hear the most profound and mysterious avenue. Why did Senior Ye tell the story?

What’s happening here?

Everyone was puzzled.

It’s so weird!

But Ye Yuesheng’s disciples, whether it was Chu Qingyin behind him or the Ling Yao Yao in his arms, all of them suddenly hardened their ears.

This is a great opportunity.

The Master has told a lot of stories before, but the stories of the prehistoric stories are the most advanced.

It’s just that there are too many characters, treasures, cultivation techniques, and avenues involved in this story.

The level is incredibly high.

There is Daluo Jinxian, a saint of heaven and earth, which is related to the great trend of the world.

Prior to this, the Master only told a few small stories.

For example, Journey to the West or something.

I didn’t even finish the journey to the west.

But today, the Master even talked about Pangu’s opening of the world.

Of course they have to listen carefully.

Soon, other emperor realm powerhouses also discovered this mystery.

“There are ants under the saints, what a terrible prehistoric world!’

“Opening the world with one axe and destroying 2,999 gods and demons, is this the strength of Pangu god-tier? It’s terrible!

“Oh my God! I have realized it, and I feel the way of heaven!”


Ye Yuesheng said the first thing unhurriedly.

In order to preach today, he specially took the time to sort out the prehistoric stories.

After all, there are too many characters and plots involved.

If it is not well organized, it will not even be easy to cut in.

For this opening sermon.

He did a lot of preparations.

Speaking at this time, it is eloquent.

Ye Yuesheng started from the predominant trend, Pangu was born, Hongjun gained the grandeur and purple spirit, Pangu opened the sky, and became the predecessor.

Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation, Hongjun gains the Tao, Zixiao Palace preaching, Fenbaoyan Fenbao, Hongjun Hetian

Speaking all the way, all the way to the Conferred God War, Monkey Journey to the West

Everyone can only hear me intoxicated!

There are many magical powers, treasures, cultivation cultivation techniques in it.

They are all unseen and unheard of.

It’s just that some cultivation techniques are too clever, and when they hear their ears, they just feel buzzing, and they can’t understand anything.

And once they talk about the cultivation technique that is close to their Cultivation Base realm, they will resonate strangely and understand the mystery.

The people who come to Buwen Peak to listen to the Taoism are all powerful in the emperor realm.

But Cultivation Base also has strengths and weaknesses.

After all, the gap between the emperor realms is very large.

However, over time, they gradually sink into it.

I heard my scalp numb and my blood boiled!

Outside, the same is true for practitioners in other peaks and profound realms of Wanderer Tranquility Sect.

None of their Cultivation Base has reached the emperor realm.

For some of the god-tier links inside, the protagonist between heaven and earth, I can only yearn for it.

And once it comes to a small character, resonance begins to arise.

The whole person has also entered a state of incomparable enlightenment, comprehending the cultivation technique and fighting skills.

The world of Profound Realm, the sky is full of purple, the sky is full of sunshine, and the sky is 5.8 flowers chaotically.

Ye Yuesheng’s voice echoed between heaven and earth.

Many people’s Cultivation Base is improving, and the realm is breaking through.

“Haha, I got it!

“Practicing for millions of years, now, I finally become the king!”

“Have I finally stepped into the real wonderland?”

And Ye Yuesheng’s ears are constantly ringing the voice of the system.

“Ding, the host’s preaching is detected, and the Cultivation Base level is improved. Congratulations to the host’s Cultivation Base +1000.

“Ding, the host’s preaching is detected, and the Cultivation Base level is improved. Congratulations to the host Cultivation Base+100000.”

The practitioners of the Profound Realm are all listening to the Tao.

And their Cultivation Base, there are high and low, from the practitioners who just started, to the real immortals and kings who have crossed the boundaries, are all making breakthroughs.

Therefore, the system rewards Ye Yuesheng received are naturally different.

However, the real big head has just begun.

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