Chapter 133 Do you dare to betray the teacher?

The promotion of low-level practitioners is actually not much rewarding.

But the number of them is too large.

Wanderer Tranquility Sect alone has millions of disciples.

Although Wanderer Tranquility Sect is now in charge of the Profound Realm, its original foundation is actually only one of the nine Sects of the Western Profound Realm.

The number of practitioners in the Western Profound Territory is far more than a thousand times that of Wanderer Tranquility Sect.

And the Western Profound Realm was only one of the five realms of the Profound Realm, and it was still a very weak one.

The Middle Profound Realm is where the cultivation of the Profound Realm is prosperous, and the number of practitioners is more than a hundred times greater than that of the Western Profound Realm.

What’s more, these days, in order to listen to Ye Yuesheng’s preaching, people came from all over the world.

At least they also have the Cultivation Base of True Wonderland.

Moreover, the huge number has reached an extremely terrifying level.

A person’s breakthrough and improvement are nothing, and the rewards are very few.

But when countless water droplets gather together, they can form rivers and lakes, and even Wangyanghaihai.

Countless practitioners’ breakthroughs have also brought Ye Yuesheng rich rewards.

Listening to the sound of the system in his mind, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The rhythm of the preaching did not stop, but continued to speak.

On Buwen Peak, people kept yelling frantically and weeping with joy.

They broke through.

As a strong emperor, how difficult is it to break through Cultivation Base?

But now, there are people who make breakthroughs one after another.

“Ding, the host preaching is detected, and the Cultivation Base realm will be improved, and the Cultivation Base will be rewarded +200,000!”

These people have a high Cultivation Base, and their breakthroughs and improvements will naturally bring richer rewards.

The sound of system rewards has never stopped.

Gradually, Buwen Peak, who had been mad and yelling, became quiet again.

Everyone fell into an epiphany.

In fact, it’s not just Buwen Peak.

The other 2999 peaks of Wanderer Tranquility Sect are also generally the same.

They are all trapped in a certain character in the story, in a certain cultivation technique, and they are comprehending the mystery and forget everything about the outside world.

The entire Profound Realm became quiet.

The wind was blowing gently, and the smallpox was still falling.

Ye Yuesheng’s preaching finally stopped.

Because he discovered that, whether it is the Buwen Peak or the profound realm below, almost all practitioners have realized from the stories they tell that they have different ways, big and small.

All are in the epiphany.

In their current state, they have completely forgotten foreign objects and can’t listen to preaching.

It doesn’t make any sense to go on.

However, although the sermon was over, the rewards of the system did not stop because of it.

Because many people are still feeling and improving

So, for the past few months.

Many practitioners wake up from their sentiments.

Buwen Peak finally sent away a large number of imperial peak powers, and restored the peace of the past.

All this is because Ye Yuesheng used his great magical powers to prompt these people to wake up quickly.

Otherwise, these imperial realm powerhouses will retreat for hundreds of millions of years, or even longer.

An epiphany can last for tens of millions of years.

He has no interest in waiting.

“I’m XXX, the master is too awesome!” Feng Jiu’er yelled.

She had been plucked with five feathers, but all of them have grown out.

Not only that, she also grew a lot of new feathers.

You know, before that, it often took hundreds of millions of years for her to grow a feather.

But now, after listening to Ye Yuesheng’s sermon, her evolutionary speed has been greatly accelerated, and dozens of feathers have grown all at once.

Not only her, but Ye Yuesheng’s other disciples are the same.

They also benefited a lot from this sermon.

Even Yu Ling’er sighed softly.

“I thought that my Cultivation Base realm could no longer be improved, but I didn’t think about it. Ever since I met my husband, I broke it again and again!”

“Especially the harmony of yin and yang with my husband, it makes my Cultivation Base bigger

A hint of shyness flashed across her face.

Sacred mountain.

Qin Huaijian and other five people walked into the Great Hall of Shenshan.

This is the place where the seven giants discuss matters, and only the seven giants of the sacred mountain can enter.

Although they are disciples of Shenshan, this place is the first time they have entered.

Today, Shenshan discussed the attack on Buwen Peak, and the location was displayed here.

“Disciples see respected master, see uncles and uncles!”

Qin Huaijian saluted respectfully.

“Huaijian, when you go to Buwen Peak to listen to the speech, can you find out the truth about Buwen Peak?”

Lu Ruhai’s voice came floating.

“If you go back to Master, the disciples have all found out.”

Qin Huaijian took a deep breath, faintly excited in his heart.

Although he was pitted twice before, but in any case, two treasures, he still bid back after all.

Moreover, after listening to the Tao, he also gained something.

Although for various reasons, he is not in a good mood, and he has not gained much.

But a slight improvement is already very rare for a practitioner of his level.

“Let’s just talk about it!”

Lu Ruhai said.

They have already decided to attack Buwen Peak.

But the reality of Buwen Peak is still unclear.

These people have been cultivating for hundreds of millions of years. They are so treacherous and slippery. Naturally, they will not be like a stunned young man who knows nothing and rushes towards Buwen Peak without any scruples.

Therefore, it is very important to find out the false information before the official attack.

Therefore, Lu Ruhai was willing to take out the treasures, offered a tuition fee, and sent 5,667 of them to Buwen Peak to listen to the preaching.

“Master, there are two treasures in the hands of the disciple, they were bought from Buwen Peak, and they should have been made by Ye Yuesheng. Master, after seeing them, should have an understanding of Buwen Peak’s strength.”


Lu Ruhai and the others looked at each other.

There was a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

This disciple is really good!

Cultivation Base has reached their realm, and everything that is made contains great roads.

It can be seen that a person’s Cultivation Base realm, Tao Fa supernatural powers.

Qin Huaijian first took out the handwriting from his arms.

“Holding the universe to replenish yin and yang, and stepping on the heavens to reincarnate. If the heavens are respected, there is no such person as me in the world!


Like thunder and explosion!

There was an earth-shattering roar in the huge temple.

Twenty-eight characters, shining brightly, releasing a radiant light.

At the same time, heaven and earth seemed to be irritated.

Not only the temple, but the entire sacred mountain was plunged into endless darkness in an instant.

The violent energy is venting, and the terrifying thunder is roaring.

Heaven and earth have been angered.

Qin Huaijian’s body, like a small boat in the raging wind and anger, was thrown away in an instant.

Lu Ruhai’s exclamation sounded loudly.

“Qin Huaijian, you dare to collude with Buwen Peak, betray the master, betray the sacred mountain! You deserve a million!”

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