Chapter 131 Soaring strength!

Name: Ye Yuesheng

System load: 70%

Sensation: Level 8

Cultivation Base: Level 8 (pass through the prohibition of fusion, part of the thawing, leaving Buwen Peak ~ will lose the Cultivation Base)

Realm: Above the Emperor Realm

Treasures: Huatian Tea Caddy, Xuantian Immortal Sword, God Opening Axe,-Shooting Heaven God Bow

Mystery Gift: 0

Special Abilities: Eye of Charm, Great Affinity, Reversal of Secrets, Great Dreams of the World, Prohibition of Fusion, Resurrection of the Dead, Crossing the Sea with the Sky, Big Prophecy, Hidden in Dreams -…

Mall: Opened, clickable!

Click to load more

This time, his gaze first looked at the column of random special abilities.

Random special ability: 10000 system currency to buy 1 ability, random, can not be selected.

Some special abilities are very good.

For example, the special ability of Dameng Tianxia allows him to enter the origin of heaven and earth in his sleep.

In this way, he can see the secrets of the origin of the heaven and the earth, and cultivate the sense of spirit and Cultivation Base.

These abilities are of high value and are far more cost-effective than directly purchasing Shengan and Cultivation Base.

However, since the ability to purchase this item is random and the price is high, Ye Yuesheng has never purchased it.

After all, it’s random. If it’s not good, then it’s too late to regret it.

In the past, he didn’t have so many system coins, so he was naturally unwilling to try.

Now, he is not short of money, so he can just buy some to try.

“Ding, has the host confirmed to spend 10,000 system coins to purchase a random special ability?”

The voice of the system sounded without emotion.


Ye Yuesheng said lightly in his heart.

“Ding, the purchase is successful!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining a random special ability-in the sky!”

“Ding, once this ability is used, the host can see the situation of the heavens and worlds in Buwen Peak, without being restricted by the fusion.”

“All heavens and worlds, all in sight!”

After listening to the introduction of the system, Ye Yuesheng was overjoyed.

At the moment, he, although the Cultivation Base is advanced and powerful, he cannot leave Buwen Peak because of the restriction of fusion, and he cannot see the world outside Buwen Peak.

Through the formation before, he could barely perceive Wanderer Tranquility Sect, perceive the profound realm, but farther away, he couldn’t see it at all.

And this sweeping the world is like opening a plug-in.

As long as you use this ability, you will have a panoramic view of the heavens and all realms.

Too heaven-defying!

Ye Yuesheng couldn’t help but moved his mind, and immediately used the power of heaven and earth in his eyes.

In an instant, the mana in the body rolled down like water that broke the embankment.

If it weren’t for his high Cultivation Base, the mana is not bottoming, and if he is replaced by an ordinary imperial realm powerhouse, he will lose most of his mana even if he is not pumped into adulthood.

Fortunately, Ye Yuesheng can still bear it.

In front of his eyes, there were countless subtle pictures suddenly appeared.

Under my eyes, I saw a starry sky.

Like a huge sphere, located in chaos.

And he is high above, overlooking the whole world.

What he saw was not only a grand scene, but also meticulous.

One insect, one ant, one flower and one grass, all can be seen clearly, as if they were right in front of them.

The eyes of heaven and earth are different from the eyes of Heimike’s Dongtian god.

The eyes of the cave gods can only observe a certain place in the heavens and worlds, and watch as they please.

But looking at the sky and the earth, it seems as if the sky and the earth are packed into the eyes.

It is not peeping in the distance, zooming in with special abilities.

Instead, the projection of the whole world is installed in the eye.

What he looked at was both virtual and real.

In this way, the scene he sees is not limited to a certain place, but can perceive the whole world.

Moreover, by doing so, you will never be discovered by others.

Because what he observes is only the projection of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, not the entity.

But it is much better than observing the entity directly.

Ye Yuesheng regained his magical powers with a thought.

He is very satisfied with this special ability.

This is really a good start, very lucky!

Ye Yuesheng went on to buy again.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring a random special ability-Immortal Body!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining a random special ability-blending with Dao!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring a random special ability-Dao Wushuang!

Ye Yuesheng keeps buying and has more and more special abilities.

Although not every special ability is of great help to him.

But there are always some, which surprises him very much.

That’s enough!

Anyway, the current Ye Yuesheng is not bad for money!

There are too many system coins to use up.

Don’t buy special abilities, what are they used for?

“Ding, the host’s 150 purchase opportunities have all been used up, and this product will be closed to the host.”

When he was happy to buy, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.


Buy something, there is a limit on the number of times?

“Ding, the number of special abilities is limited, and the host has all been purchased.

The system explained one sentence.



There can be no limitless number of special abilities.

I am so wealthy now that I have purchased 150 copies without knowing it, and I have reached the limit of what I can buy.

Then, Ye Yuesheng’s gaze turned to the column of mysterious gifts.

It seems to be a baby from a mysterious gift. It’s not bad to say.

Leave him alone, buy 300 copies first.

Anyway, rich and willful!

There shouldn’t be any restrictions on this thing, right?

…Please ask for flowers………

“Ding, has the host confirmed to purchase 300 mysterious gifts?”


“Ding, the purchase is successful!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 300 mysterious gifts.

On his personal attribute panel, the item of mystery gift immediately changed from 0 to 300.

After a little hesitation, Ye Yuesheng did not rush to open those mysterious gifts.

This is not in a hurry.

After all, no one knows what the mysterious gift will be.

Right now in the presence of so many imperial peak powerhouses, he didn’t want to expose the system.

Others can’t see the communication with the system or something.

But the rewards are outside.

Ye Yuesheng’s gaze looked at the two items of Cultivation Base and Shengan.

“The remaining system coins are all used to purchase Cultivation Base and feel good.”

The crisis is looming, and he urgently needs to improve his strength.

“Ding, the purchase is successful!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host’s Cultivation Base promotion to level 9.

“Ding, congratulations to the host’s sense of promotion to level 9.

Without the slightest surprise, after spending a lot of system coins, Ye Yuesheng’s Cultivation Base also officially entered the 9th level.


Ye Yuesheng let out a long breath.

On Buwen Peak, there was sudden lightning and thunder, and the space storm appeared without warning.

“How is this going!

Someone cried out in horror.

The scene in front of me is like the end of the world.

The terrifying energy contained in it made them feel shocked even if they were the peak powerhouses of the emperor realm.

It’s like, as long as it touches a little bit, it will disappear and die.

For people like them, this feeling hasn’t been seen for a long time.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t control my own power for a while!”

Just as everyone was extremely anxious, Ye Yuesheng’s slightly apologetic voice sounded faintly.

The upgrade is too fast, the steps are too big, and it’s a bit awkward.

Promoting from level 8 to level 9, the increase in power is so terrifying.

It’s like an ordinary person who can’t even carry a hundred catties of things, but suddenly he has a thousand catties of supernatural power.

I haven’t gotten used to this kind of power, so I can’t control it naturally.

The same is true of his current situation.

However, for ordinary people, the consequence of too much power may be a slight change in the range of motion.

The outside world doesn’t even see much difference.

But for practitioners whose Cultivation Base has reached his level, the loss of control of this power is very terrifying.

Fortunately, in just a short moment, he immediately recovered.

In the next moment, all the visions disappeared.

Heaven and Earth returned to the tranquility before, and everything seemed to have never happened.


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