Chapter 130 Have you been scammed again? I’m not convinced!

Willing to offer this price, and also agree to sign the heavenly contract, of course someone is willing to lend him the original currency.

After all, the benefits of getting it right away are not profitable.

Loan usury is not only found among mortals, but also among practitioners.

Soon, someone negotiated with Qin Huaijian, signed a heavenly contract, and loaned out treasures.

“12 million original coins!”

After borrowing the treasure, he spoke again.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly bet all the capital in his hands.

Qin Huaijian’s heart at this time was already bleeding.

Even if the mountain lays down Buwen Peak and snatches all the treasures of the 12 million original coins back, he still needs to return the “interest” worth 2 million original coins to others.

This price cannot be said to be low.

But as long as the real spirit of evolution can be auctioned, it is worth it.

It’s definitely worth it.

Qin Huaijian’s eyes were bloodshot, staring at the Taiqing Taoist.

It was this guy who forced himself to such a situation.

Is there any hatred in his heart?

This time, this damn Taiqing Taoist should not be able to come up with the capital, right?

The Taiqing Taoist was stunned there.

He is indeed exhausted now.

Do you really want to give up?

Do not!

Taiqing Taoists are crying in their hearts.

I will never give up!

He can borrow it at a high price, and so can I!


The big deal, it will only take a few trillion years to pay off the debt.

The Taoist Taiqing looked at everyone in the field and was about to speak.

At this moment, Ye Yuesheng’s voice rang.

“Since this fellow Qin Daoist is willing to sell 12 million original coins for auction, then this stone sculpture will belong to him.


Qin Huaijian laughed greatly.

I got it!

I finally got it!

He glanced sideways at the Taoist Taoist, did you disappoint this time?

“No, you can still bid for the poor road.”

The Taoist Taiqing spoke quickly.

He was absolutely unwilling to give up this true spirit of evolution.

“No need!”

Ye Yuesheng spoke lightly.

“This preaching at the altar is meant to give you a chance.”

“The purpose of this auction is the same.”

“If you fight for nothing, then it won’t be beautiful.”

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and there was another stone sculpture in the air in front of him.

It is no different from the previous stone sculptures, it is also vivid, and it is constantly evolving and changing positions.

“This is also the true spirit of evolution?”

Someone exclaimed.

There are actually two true spirits of evolution?

“Taoqing Taoist, you only need 10 million original coins, and this seat is willing to give you this evolving true spirit and give you a chance. Are you willing?”

“I, I do! Senior Xie Ye!”

Taiqing Taoists can’t help themselves.

I thought that the evolution is true, and I have no chance with myself.

But I didn’t expect that things would turn around.

It turned out that Senior Ye had two evolving true spirits on his body.

Moreover, as long as 10 million original coins are fine.

Although this price is still extremely high.

However, compared with Qin Huaijian’s 12 million original coins for auction, relatively speaking, he made 2 million original coins in vain.

How can Taiqing Taoists not want to?

“No, this is cheating, I’m not convinced!”

Qin Huaijian shouted.

The joy just now has long since disappeared without a trace.

In its place, there was great indignation and monstrous hatred.


Why should he spend 12 million original coins to shoot, but he is too clean, but he only needs 10 million original coins?


If you had known that there were two evolving true spirits, and two of them, how could you still fight like this?

Maybe 1 million original coins, or even lower prices, can be sold.

After all, although there are many strong imperial realms present, they are eligible to participate in this auction, and the two who can afford the price may be just the two of them.

If I had known that there were two evolving spirits, why would they both fight for the same?

Hello me hello everyone, can’t you?

Isn’t it fragrant?

I’m so stupid to vomit blood

Ye Yuesheng snorted coldly: “On my Buwen Peak, are you quasi (bdfi) ready to follow the rules I set?”

“The auction is purely voluntary. When did this seat force you?”

“However, if you deliberately come to make trouble and break Buwen Peak’s rules, then you can not blame me for being rude.

The sound is like thunder, rolling in.

Qin Huaijian’s face changed suddenly.

Although he is arrogant, he is by no means a fool.

Contending with this unpredictable Senior Ye at Buwen Peak, isn’t it clear that the egg hits the stone?

Now that the auction has already settled, what is the use of those angry words?

“Don’t be too happy, wait until Shenshan captures Buwen Peak, you will definitely teach you to look good.

At the moment, Qin Huaijian did not dare to attack, so he had to take out the treasure with reluctance to deliver it.

Ye Yuesheng handed the two evolving true spirits to Qin Huaijian and Taiqing Taoist respectively, and received a large number of treasures.

This amount far exceeded his expectations.

In this auction, Ye Yuesheng originally only planned to auction three things.

After all, the truth that things are rare is the same everywhere.

It is easy for him to make these things.

But if it’s really mass-produced, it won’t be worth the money.

It might as well only sell three.

But even Ye Yuesheng did not expect that the final auction competition would turn out to be like this.

Three products have become four.

And the number of treasures he obtained was so large that it was not the entire family property of three people or four people.

Instead, the net worth of the practitioners who came to Buwen Peak today was almost emptied.

During the whole process, he sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and did not waste his efforts.

-Now you have the benefit of 24.7 million original coins.

Also earned a gift opportunity to take care of the reputation of younger generations.

According to Ye Yuesheng’s original estimate, these items can be sold at a price of 3 million, which is pretty good.

Unexpectedly, the final auction result, even a fraction, exceeded 3 million.

This time I really made a lot of money.

Ye Yuesheng did not hesitate at all, and immediately recovered all the treasures to the system.

“One Hunyuan Pearl is worth 8,000 system coins. Do you choose to recycle it?”

“One piece of purple bamboo ring, worth 700 system coins, do you choose to recycle it?”

“One Innate purple gas pot, worth 12,000 system coins, do you choose to recycle it?”

The sound of the system kept ringing.

There are tens of thousands of treasures in Benyuan City at 24.7 million.

Soon, all these treasures were recovered by him to the system.

So far, he has 24.7 million system coins in his personal wallet in the mall.

“So many system coins should be enough for me to upgrade the Cultivation Base and the sense of spirit to level 9.”

Ye Yuesheng muttered to himself, and with a thought, he immediately opened the personal attributes panel.

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