Chapter 129 Fight to the end!


Many people looked at Qin Huaijian and others again.

At this time, the intention of borrowing treasures to Taiqing Taoists is the clearest.

It was used to bid for treasures with Qin Huaijian.

At this time, borrowing treasures to Taoists of the Qing Dynasty is not tantamount to opposing the mountain?

Seeing Qin Huaijian’s eyes like a poisonous snake, many people hesitated a little.

The opportunity for Taiqing Taoists to refine alchemy is of course rare.

But it seems a bit unwise to offend Mount Kinabalu.

Many people were still weighing the pros and cons, and did not speak immediately.

“I am willing to lend twelve treasures worth 100,000 original coins.”

When everyone was silent, Ye Qingxian spoke.

Of course she knew what the Master meant.

At this time, no one speaks, then she will take the lead.

As for the 100,000 original currency, she just said casually.

In fact, although she does have treasures, since she does not plan to participate in the auction, she will naturally not take the treasures for the Master to evaluate, and of course she will not know how much the treasure is worth in the original currency.

However, she didn’t have to worry about this at all.

Anyway, for the Master, even this stone carving is just something he made casually.

These disciples, if they want, the Master will definitely help them.

In contrast, a mere 100,000 local currency is nothing.

Sure enough, Ye Yuesheng heard Ye Qingxian speak, and immediately cast a glance of approval.

It’s worthy of being his own disciple, so smart.

Qin Huaijian had been staring at him, wanting to see who would speak first and lend the treasure to the Taoist Taiqing.

But I didn’t expect that the first person to exit would be the disciple of Buwen Peak, Ye Qingxian.

This Ye Qingxian dared to burn the Upper Profound Hall on fire, and he was obviously not afraid of his threat.

With Ye Qingxian’s opening, the practitioners below immediately answered one after another.

“Old gentleman, I would like to lend nine treasures worth 32,000 original coins.,

“Old gentleman, I have been asking you to refine the alchemy for a long time, but this time I can’t let me down. I am willing to lend 25 treasures, worth 73,000 yuan in total.”

“Old gentleman, thank you for shooting you to help me refine alchemy last time. There are seven treasures here, worth 21,000 original coins.


Soon, many practitioners said that they were willing to lend treasures to Taiqing Taoists.

After all, the favors and promises of the first alchemy master of the heavens and ten thousand realms are not trivial.

It is definitely a good deal to make this investment now.

When there are more people, no one is afraid of the threat of the mountain.

No matter how powerful the sacred mountain is, it can only threaten the person who speaks first.

The people behind, even if it is a sacred mountain, don’t want to offend everyone.

After all, there are no laws.

Soon, the original currency borrowed by the Taiqing Taoists also reached an astonishing level.

Qin Huaijian couldn’t help it.

At this time, he can only fight to the end.

Anyway, Shenshan will attack Buwen Peak soon.

The treasures handed over now will return to the hands of Shenshan sooner or later.

What are you afraid of?

Thinking of this, he winked at the other four.

The four of them came over immediately.

At the moment, I simply asked the practitioners who were looking for knowledge.

When others take the initiative to send it up, I’m afraid it’s not enough.

You can only find it yourself.

“Brother Yuan Dao, don’t worry, the treasure that you lent me will be returned as it is for at most one month!”

Qin Huaijian spoke to a practitioner.

“Return it as it is?” There was a trace of doubt in the person’s eyes.

After the auction of the evolutionary spirit, the treasures will all be handed over to Senior Ye.

Qin Huaijian, what did he return it as it is?

“Brother Yuandao, if you don’t rest assured, the two of us can sign the heavenly contract!”

Qin Huaijian gritted his teeth and said.

“it is good!”

Since Qin Huaijian is willing to sign the Heavenly Path Contract, he certainly agrees.

At the moment, the man took out a few treasures and handed them to Qin Huaijian, and then signed a heavenly contract.

Afterwards, Qin Huaijian turned his target to another person.

Not only him, but also the other four disciples of Shenshan.

At this time, they never want to give up.

Evolve the true spirit, you must get it!

“It seems that this time, it can really be sold at a sky-high price!”

Seeing this scene, Ye Yuesheng also burst into laughter.

This is something he didn’t even think of.

By borrowing the time of the original currency, Ye Yuesheng left enough for Qin Huaijian.

The auction is temporarily suspended, let them rest assured to borrow!

Of course he hoped that Qin Huaijian borrowed as much as possible.

the other side.

Taiqing Taoists can’t sit still.

“No matter who is willing to lend the treasure to the old man, the old man is willing to make a contract of heaven and promise to help him refining alchemy. The specific matters can be discussed with the old man, after discussing it, and signing the contract on the spot.”

In an instant, Buwen Peak boiled.

This is not a simple verbal promise, but a contract of heaven.

Before, I only wanted to make Taiqing Taoists practice some relatively simple pills. Now that there is a guarantee of the Heavenly Dao contract, I want them to practice Peerless Pills.

After all, Taiqing Taoist is the number one alchemy master of all heavens and ten thousand realms.

This kind of opportunity can be met but not sought!

At the moment, the Taiqing Taoists were soon found and discussed about lending treasures and refining pills.

Although the auction was suspended, the competition has entered a more intense stage.

Both parties are madly borrowing the original currency to prepare for the final shopping.

After a long time, it finally became quiet.

So far, whether it is Chu Huaijian or Taiqing Taoist, the original coins held in the hands of the two have reached an extremely astonishing value.

“Better, they can have the same original currency.” Ye Yuesheng said secretly.

Big prophecy, unconsciously activated.

“.々3 million original coins!”

After borrowing a lot of treasures, the wealthy Qin Huaijian directly spoke.

“4 million original coins!” Taiqing Taoist directly increased the price.

“5 million original coins!” Qin Huaijian did not show weakness.

“6 million original coins!” Taiqing Taoist said coldly again.

“8 million original coins!” Qin Huaijian shouted.

Everyone in the field was already stunned.

This is crazy!

“10 million original coins!” Taiqing Taoist shouted.

This is all his worth.

That’s it, it was only after borrowing treasures from countless people.

Next, in order to pay off the debt, I am afraid he will continue to refine alchemy for the next few trillion years.

However, compared with getting an evolutionary creature, he was completely willing to pay for such a price.

Anyway, Cultivation Base has reached his level, the least valuable is time.

Qin Huaijian was stunned.

Because the original currency on his body is no more, no less, just 10 million.

In addition, he really couldn’t even take out a single piece.


Qin Huaijian only felt that his breath (Wang Wanghao) was stuck in his chest, and he didn’t know how depressed and regretful he was.

He was about to vomit blood.

Why didn’t I just bid 10 million directly?

He looked at the look of the Taiqing Taoist and concluded that this 10 million is probably the limit of the Taiqing Taoist.

If I knew that, I called 10 million directly, wouldn’t it just overwhelm him?

but now.

Qin Huaijian could only turn his head to the crowd again.

“Which daoist is willing to borrow a little more original coin? After one month, Qin will definitely return it twice!”

At this time, he also knew very well that if the original price was lent and the original price was returned, he might not be able to borrow it.

It can only be promised with the words of double rebate.

Anyway, the treasure of 10 million original coins will still be his own after Buwen Peak is hit.

It means nothing is spent.

Even if the back of the original currency is doubled back, and a little loss is a little bit, it will not lose much, and it can still bear it.

In Qin Huaijian’s heart, he already had an abacus.

He has all struggled to this point, he has no retreat, he can only fight to the end!

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