Chapter 123 Origin coin, evaluation, auction!

The five of them communicated in private and made such a decision unanimously.

Above, Ye Yuesheng’s expression was a little surprised.

These people secretly communicate in front of their own face, are they looking down on themselves?

However, if they want to auction, then they must be fulfilled!

Anyway, this thing is not worth any money to him.

At the corner of Ye Yuesheng’s mouth, a smile could not help showing a smile.

At this moment, Tianjizi said: “Such a treasure is really no small thing, but I am afraid that if I wait for the bankruptcy, the treasure that I can take out can not be compared with this treasure. If Ye seniors really auction this treasure, it will be eaten. It’s a big loss.”

Treasures that can allow people to advance to the emperor realm are absolutely extraordinary.

The people who come today, although they are all the top people in the heavens and all realms, have rich net worth.

But also because of this, allowing them to spy on the treasures above the emperor realm, for them, has a fatal attraction.

If it is not in Buwen Peak, but in the outside world, I am afraid these people will fight immediately.

Fought desperately for this picture.

Even now, just by looking at the hot gazes of these people, one can imagine that the next 13 will be a very fierce battle.

Ye Yuesheng laughed loudly.

“This thing is of great use to you, but to me, it has no value. I am waiting for an opportunity today, as for who can get it.”

His voice stopped in summer, and he smiled and looked down.

“I don’t know how to auction it?”

Taiqing Taoist said: “I can only exchange some other treasures, but the value of the treasures is difficult to measure.”

Last time I visited Buwen Peak, we also held an auction.

The auction items are more than ten pieces of woodware.

The auction was presided over by Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou. It was a mess.

This time, shouldn’t the two second goods be the host of the auction?

“In order to carry out this auction fairly and impartially, this seat decided to create a brand new currency called the original currency.”

Before auctioning woodware, he was purely casual, but this time it was the same.

The value of a baby is difficult to measure for others.

Because different treasures have different values ​​in the hands of different people.

For people who need some kind of treasure, the value is naturally much higher.

But for Ye Yuesheng, there is no such trouble.

All the treasures he got from auction are exchanged to the system.

Therefore, the price of system recycling directly determines the value of the baby.

Ye Yuesheng changed the name of the system currency and renamed it the original currency to set the price.

“The treasure you took out will be evaluated first and converted into the source currency.”

“Regardless of pill, magic weapon, or Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, you can exchange for the original currency.

“This is the currency you must use for this auction, and it is also the only currency approved by Buwen Peak.

“Anyone who intends to participate in the auction can take out the treasures that are willing to exchange for the source currency, and the price will be assessed by this seat.

“When the auction starts, you will only be quoting the price of the original currency.”

“After the auction is over, pay at the auction price.”

Ye Yuesheng talked freely and said the plan he had already prepared.

Below, the crowd was quiet.

Everyone bowed their heads in contemplation, weighing the pros and cons.

They all paid a high price for being able to come to Buwen Peak.

The chance of Buwen Peak did not disappoint them.

Ye Yuesheng’s plan obviously means that he has the final say on the value of the treasures in their hands.

Regarding this, everyone has no objection.

After all, they are looking for Ye Yuesheng right now.

If you want to get the chance and take the treasure, naturally you can only accept the rules set by him.

What’s more, judging from the behavior of this senior Ye, he seems to be a very generous person.

Even the extremely valuable Chaos Tea was given to them for free, so I wouldn’t be embarrassed by it.

“It’s so good!” Taiqing Taoist.

Everyone nodded one after another.

“Since everyone has no objections, what treasure is there, just take it out and give me an assessment of the value of the original currency.”

Ye Yuesheng slowly said, “If you are not satisfied with the price I assessed, you can abandon the auction without redeeming it.

He smiled slightly.

The Taoist Taiqing first stepped forward and took out all his wealth and treasures and all his annoyances, and asked for a valuation.

“Ding, 12 emperor realm clear heart pills, with a recovery price of 600 system coins.”

“Ding, 12 Qumo Pills, the recovery price is 600 system coins.”

Soon, the system assessed the prices of all the pills and other treasures taken out by the Taiqing Taoists.

Ye Yuesheng also told him the corresponding price.

Of course, the specific value of the original currency is only known to the two of them, and it is not disclosed to everyone.

Taiqing Taoist is worthy of being the strongest alchemist in the heavens and all realms, and his wealth is indeed very rich.

The most important point is that there are too many pills on his body.

Therefore, even if the price of a pill is not high, it is a very surprising number when added together.

Then, the next person came to evaluate, then the third person, the fourth person

Soon, the emperor realm powerhouses who came to Buwen Peak all assessed the prices of the treasures they were preparing to trade.

How many original coins can be auctioned to increase prices, so that they know what they have in mind.

“Okay, now the auction officially begins. The base price of this painting is 150,000 original coins, and each increase cannot be lower than 10,000 original coins.”

Ye Yuesheng smiled slightly and spoke lightly.


Suddenly, there was a burst of cold air in the field.

The starting price of 150660000 local currency shocked many people with their mouths open.

This price is too expensive for most people in the field.

Even if they emptied all their worth, they would never want to afford it.

However, after thinking about it, I think it’s not too expensive.

After all, this is a peerless treasure that can make people aspire to the emperor realm.

However, for many emperor realm powerhouses who come here today, such a price is destined to be unable to participate in the auction.

In this regard, Ye Yuesheng does not care.

150000 system coins, this is the price given by the system.

He also uses this as a price.

Moreover, Ye Yuesheng just evaluated the treasures brought by many people in it.

Their worth is far more than this.

“If you don’t have enough system currency, you can still borrow it from your friends! However, I would like to remind you that malicious bidding is prohibited.”

“If you quote a price but can’t come up with the corresponding original currency, you can no longer blame this seat for being impolite.”

Ye Yuesheng’s eyes flashed, and the threat was self-evident.

“Senior don’t worry, even if I wait for another 100 courage, I will never dare to trick or treat in Buwen Peak.

Below, an emperor realm powerhouse exited.

Ye Yuesheng nodded lightly, forgiving these people for not being so courageous and daring to deceive themselves.

“Everyone, if you want to be the master of this painting, start bidding.”

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