Chapter 124 Hurricane price, threat?

“150,000 original coins!”

Below, a cultivator spoke first: “Everyone, this painting, will you accept it first?”

“150,000 original coins want to take this painting? Are you still awake? Still look down on Senior Ye?”

A cultivator sneered and said: “160,000 original coins!”

“Sheng Zhongsheng, are you impatient?” The cultivator breathed fire in his eyes, staring coldly at the person behind the offer.

As a strong emperor, he naturally knew each other.

The two formed beams because they robbed a treasure in a void secret realm, but now they still can’t understand each other.

He just quoted a price of 150,000, naturally knowing that it is definitely impossible to buy this painting at this price.

It’s just that if you want to make a head start, you can please Senior Ye.

But he didn’t expect that he would be ridiculed by Mingzhong’s words, and said that he looked down on Senior Ye at this price?

“200,000 original coins!” Considering that this is Buwen Peak and cannot make a big fight here, the cultivator finally retracted his gaze and spoke coldly.

“210,000 original coins!”

“220,000 original coins!”

“230,000 original coins!”

“240,000 original coins”

There are constant quotes in the field.

The hot scene made many emperor realm powerhouses present stunned.

They have all just given their wealth and asked Ye Yuesheng to make an assessment.

Many people have all the treasures in their bodies, and the total estimated price is not 150,000 yuan, and they are not eligible for bidding at all.

But today’s Buwen Peak has gathered more than 90% of the emperor realm powerhouses from the heavens and ten thousand realms.

There are so many people, many of them are old monsters that have existed since the beginning of the world.

The long years have also allowed them to accumulate countless treasures.

It’s just that I usually don’t want to take it out.

Right now, in order to make a painting that can make it hit the top of the emperor realm, they have shown their family background.

Many people know that these old monsters are so wealthy.

“The auction price is indeed much higher than the system’s recovery price.”

When Ye Yuesheng witnessed this scene, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The recovery price of the system is equivalent to 150,000 local currency.

And these people are willing to take out the original currency far higher than this price to grab.

“300,000 original coins!”

A sound broke the original quotation rhythm.

The person who spoke was Qin Huaijian, a disciple of the Zixiao Gate of the Shenshan Mountain.

From the moment he saw this painting, he made up his mind that he must buy it.

As a disciple of the Zixiao Sect, one of the Three Sects and Four Sects of the Shenshan Mountain, his worth is also very high.

Moreover, this time Kamiyama sent a total of five people.

If it doesn’t work, you can gather all the treasures of the five of them.

As long as you can change back to this painting, what are you afraid of?

Their mission on Buwen Peak this time is to explore the reality of Buwen Peak.

This painting not only allows people to hit the realm above the imperial realm, but also proves the strength of Buwen Peak.

This painting must be taken back and dedicated to the Master.

The Masters were able to determine the strength of Buwen Peak and set a strategy.

Therefore, no matter where you look at it, this painting is inevitable.

-Luoqi added 300,000 original coins, and it frightened many people in the field at once.

This price has reached a very high level, which is beyond the psychological endurance of many people.

Even if they bankrupt their family, they can’t come up with so many original coins.

The court suddenly became quiet.

Qin Huaijian smiled triumphantly. If no one bids for the price, then this painting will be in his pocket.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, another voice sounded.

“I give out 400,000 original coins w”!”

Tianjizi’s expression was calm and calm.

It seems that the 400,000 local currency is just a number.


Many people took a breath.

Tianjizi is famous for breaking the secrets of heaven. It is rumored that he is rich and has a lot of treasures in his hands, but he did not expect that there are so many.

The opening is 400,000 original coins. How thick is this?

Qin Huaijian was stunned there.

After there was no silence for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, “I’ll give out 500,000 original coins!

This is the total value of all the treasures in his body.

After one more point, he will not be able to bid for auction.

“600,000 original coins!”

Tianjizi said blankly again.

This painting is full of life and life, and contains endless secrets.

It is very consistent with the Tao of Tianjizi.

For him, even if he has exhausted everything, he must buy this painting in his hands.

Compared with this painting, what is a mere treasure?

Even if it is his most important magic weapon, in order to buy this painting, he is willing to exchange it.

Qin Huaijian was stunned there.

Looking like a knife, staring at Tianjizi, murderous intent is looming.

This Damn it’s heavenly machine, knowing that I am a person from the mountain, don’t let me in the slightest?

“Tianjizi, do you deliberately want to be an enemy of Shenshan?”

He spoke coldly and threatened.

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Huaijian suddenly saw a black dot flashing in front of him, and he was pecked by something on his forehead.

“Ah!” He couldn’t help but screamed, and for a moment he was bleeding.

“I XXX your ancestor, your grandmother Feng greets you up and down the mountain. This is my master’s auction. How dare you be here to be prestigious, threaten others, and be careful when I peck you to death. I XXX

Feng Jiu’er flapped his wings, cursing like firecrackers, ringing non-stop.

“She is Feng Jiu’er, a genius of the immortal Feng family, Feng Jiu’er who is famous for her bad mouth.”

Someone recognized Feng Jiu’er’s identity.

This guy has never done “bad things”!

Especially a bird’s beak, it is very smelly, and the ability to curse is number one in the world.

Many strong people saw her and were scared to make a detour.

This bird has no small ability.

Not only is there an immortal body, but the Shenfeng clan is known for its speed.

Coupled with the talent and supernatural powers, he can shuttle among all circles and come and go freely.

Although many strong people want to catch her, no one can catch her.

I can only sigh Naihe and stay away.

Unexpectedly, Feng Jiu’er actually appeared here.

Just now I saw a little bird sitting on Ye Yuesheng’s shoulder. Many people have not recognized it.

After all, just looking at the appearance, there are too many similar birds.

However, combining her supernatural powers and stinky mouths, you can’t go wrong.

The heavens and myriad worlds, who can curse people like this, still curse an emperor realm powerhouse, and the only bird who is a disciple of the gods, Feng Jiuer is the only one.

She actually arrived at Buwen Peak?

Listening to her tone, did she still recognize Ye Senior as the master?

Qin Huaijian was startled by the scolding.

As a disciple of Shenshan and a strong emperor, when has he been so humiliated?

Even the face was pecked with blood.

“.々Where did the flat-haired beast come from, let’s see how I can clean you up!”

He shouted angrily and was about to grab Feng Jiu’er.

Unexpectedly, after this shot, he discovered that the mana in his body had disappeared somehow.

How flexible is Feng Jiu’er?

With flapping wings and flickering figure, he had already avoided his attack.

This time, (Wang Wang’s) even aroused her fire.

The beak was like a volcanic eruption, and it went up and down the sacred mountain, all cursing it all.

Qin Huaijian was about to explode.

“Jiu’er, don’t be rude!”

Seeing that Qin Huaijian had almost been taught, Ye Yuesheng’s voice sounded faintly.

“Master, he didn’t follow the rules, and he blatantly threatened others at the auction!” Feng Jiu’eryuan opened Feng’s eyes and still stared at Qin Huaijian coldly.

“I am helping the owner maintain the rules of the auction.”

“Got it!” Ye Yuesheng had a solemn expression on his face, and his heart had already blossomed with joy.

This Feng Jiu’er is really awesome at the critical moment.

Especially the ability to curse

Just now Qin Huaijian threatened Tianjizi openly. If Ye Yuesheng himself came forward, it would be nothing more than a warning, no pain or itching.

And Feng Jiu’er’s such a trouble, can be regarded as giving him a lesson severely.

But he can’t blame himself.

After all, Feng Jiu’er’s stinky mouth and domineering tools are well-known in the entire world.

He provokes Feng Jiu’er, who is to blame?

I can only blame himself.

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