Chapter 122 Chance, god painting, at all costs!

On Buwen Peak, Ye Yuesheng sat on a futon.

Yu Ling’er sat beside him, the Ling Yao Yao still turned into a spirit fox, drilling into his arms, and Feng Jiu’er stopped on his shoulders.

Standing behind him were Chu Qingyin and Yu Ruyi.

Huang Ronger also stood by.

Around him are his disciples.

Ye Yuesheng’s gaze turned to the profound realm below.

The world revolves, all beings are suffering, and they all come into his eyes.

Vaguely, his will, and the will of Heaven and Earth, seemed to be somewhat attractive and somewhat repulsive.

Ye Yuesheng has faintly guessed the truth since he saw the Great Avenue of the Origin of Heaven and Earth with the ability to dream of the world.

However, before the system was loaded to 100%, he would just stand still and ignore these things for the time being.

However, the private contest has already begun.

When a group of powerful emperors came to the top of the mountain, they saw this scene in front of them.

“See Senior Ye!”

All the strong emperors salute at the same time.

Today, all the heavens and all realms, more than 90% of the “sixty six zero” emperor realm powerhouses, are all gathered here.

It can be said that this is an unprecedented event.

Many of these people, even if they encounter a catastrophe of heaven and earth, they will not necessarily take action.

Instead, he will choose to protect himself.

But for the chance of practicing, it’s completely different.

“You guys, please sit down!” Ye Yuesheng said lightly: “Many fellow Taoists in the former went up to the mountain to listen to the sermons. Because the opportunity was not there, I didn’t talk about it. I just made some wooden utensils and gadgets.

“Now that the time is right, I deliberately start the preaching again.”

His voice sounded slowly.

“Before preaching, let me do my best as a landlord, and invite you all to have a cup of tea.”

Immediately, Ye Yuesheng stretched out his hand.

In an instant, countless cups appeared out of thin air in the space in front, flashed in the air, and then appeared in front of everyone who came to listen to the Tao.

“Xie Ye Senior!

The imperial realm powerhouses below said one after another.

Everyone was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, I came to Buwen Peak to listen to it, and I could still receive this kind of hospitality.

This Buwen Peak, even the air is so extraordinary.

This tea must be unusual.

The Taiqing Taoist held the tea and smelled it, and a refreshing breath diffused into the body.

“Good tea!”

He secretly admired.

As the number one alchemy master of all the heavens and all realms, the Taoists of Taiqing have a very high discrimination power for various precious materials.

He only smelled this tea, and he could already see that it was chaotic tea.

Growing in the chaos, it has long since disappeared between heaven and earth.

Unexpectedly, I could drink this tea today.

The Taoist Taiqing couldn’t help but glance at Tianjizi next to him, but his expression was very calm.

After all, when Tianjizi came to Buwen Peak for the first time, Ye Yuesheng once invited him to drink tea.

However, the emperor realm powerhouse who went up the mountain today has never drunk it.

After taking a sip, I felt that my body and soul had been washed away, and even a little bit of the soul was washed away by this spirit tea.

Suddenly there was a sound of exclamation.

They are not ordinary practitioners, but powerful emperors.

Anyone’s Cultivation Base can be described as earth-shattering.

At their level, how difficult is it to improve again?

Even the state of mind has long been polished to be as solid as a rock.

However, after drinking the chaotic tea, I realized that there were still some things in my heart that were not clean enough, and there were many places that were not pure enough.

This is also the fundamental reason why their Cultivation Base is difficult to improve.

But on Buwen Peak, the body is first nourished by the vitality, rejuvenated, and then chaotic tea is used to wash away the dirt in the soul, which immediately produces unexpected results.

Many people have fallen into an epiphany.

The realm of Cultivation Base is advancing by leaps and bounds.

“I haven’t started preaching yet, I have already got such a great opportunity. This trip to Buwen Peak is really worth it.”

“How exactly does Senior Ye exist? Why is there still such a divine object as Chaos Chao tea that has long since disappeared?”

Especially the few people from the sacred mountain, even more shocked.

They have always thought that they all believe that the mountain is the deity of the spiritual world.

The seven giants of the sacred mountain command the heavens and the world, and they dare not fail.

As disciples of the seven giants, three disciplines and four teachings, they are superior.

But what they have seen and heard today has exceeded the imagination of the five of them.

Just giving away such a big opportunity casually has already left the mountain behind.

Although Shenshan has a solid foundation.

But it is absolutely impossible to give out this kind of strange tea at will.

Not to mention, there is no chaos tea in Shenshan at all.

“Does Buwen Peak really want to replace the sacred mountain?”

The five Shenshan disciples who came to listen to the Taoism raised such a question in their hearts.

“No, it won’t!” They couldn’t accept such a fact, and they desperately denied it in their hearts.

“Sacred Mountain will soon attack Buwen Peak. At that time, everything in Buwen Peak will belong to the Mountain.”

The five disciples looked at each other, and they all understood each other’s meaning.

After returning, you must let the Master attack Buwen Peak as soon as possible, and you cannot continue to let Buwen Peak develop.

Ye Yuesheng has been observing the reactions of these people, and his gaze swept across several Shenshan disciples casually.

I have vaguely guessed what these people think.

He couldn’t help shaking his head secretly.

I really don’t know how to repent!

Seeing the magic of Buwen Peak, I don’t think about how to move forward, but instead I want to capture Buwen Peak, and I have it for myself…

However, they probably planned an abacus.

Ye Yuesheng’s thoughts flickered.

After playing the big dream a few times, he has already made it clear that the real enemy is not the sacred mountain.

It’s this square heaven and earth avenue.

Perhaps, there is also a manipulator behind the scenes.

But definitely not any one of the seven giants of the mountain.

Shenshan will be a challenge for him.

But the real challenge lies behind.

Those who seek the overall situation will seek one place, and those who seek the whole life will seek a moment.

Perhaps, the transformation of the sacred mountain may also have the invisible manipulation of those hidden behind it.

Ye Yuesheng retracted his gaze, opened his mouth softly, and said, “Before I start preaching, there are a few things. I want to give them to someone who is predestined in the form of auction.”

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and a painting suddenly appeared in the air beside him, slowly unfolding.

That is a landscape painting.

Mountains and rivers, flowers, trees, insects, fish, birds and beasts are all in the painting, everything is vivid.

Above the sky, the sun is shining and white clouds are blooming.

Everyone looked at it and saw white clouds fluttering, flowers and grass swaying with the wind, exuding bursts of fragrance.

Fish are swimming freely in the stream, birds are flying high in the sky, cattle, sheep, tigers and leopards are running on the ground.

“Turn the truth into the false, and take the false as the truth. When the false is true, the truth is also false. There is no place for nothing! God, this is a painting of creation. Everything in the painting is made out of thin air!”

Someone suddenly stood up and stared at the painting.

It was shocking!

Creation, this is the legendary magical means.

Even if they were the powerhouses of the emperor realm, they could only look up.

According to legend, only the existence above the emperor realm has the ability to create things.

The painting that Ye Yuesheng took out was created out of thin air through the unimaginable god-tier communication.

Everything in the paintings is no longer paintings, but real objects, creatures!

If you can buy this painting back, try to figure it out and realize its true meaning.

Then, they may even break through the bottleneck of the emperor realm in one fell swoop, and aspire to be above the emperor realm!

Such treasures can only be described as priceless treasures.

Unexpectedly, the first auction of today turned out to be such a god painting.

It’s just such a treasure, and the value is absolutely impossible to measure.

But, who can afford it?

If it can be auctioned back, even if it is ruined because of this, it is worth it.

It’s worth it!

Existence above the emperor realm!

At this moment, everyone’s suction began to become heavy.

For this painting, fight it!

This is what they thought, other than that, there is no other thought!

Even the five disciples sent by Shenshan were completely stunned.

“Such a magical painting must be auctioned back, at all costs!”

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