Chapter 118 Go up the mountain, good luck!

Wanderer Tranquility Sect.

Ever since Huang Ronger won the competition and Wanderer Tranquility Sect became the master of the profound world in one fell swoop, Nangong Xuanyun has been immersed in great joy.

Countless tribute treasures have almost filled the warehouse of Wanderer Tranquility Sect.

With the accumulation of a large amount of resources, the head of Nangong Xuanyun finally broke through and became a true fairy.

Ordinarily this is a very good result.

But when I think of Huang Rong’er and the person at Buwen Peak, Nangong Xuanyun’s heart is full of humility.

Compared with them, the real fairyland is like the light of fireflies, competing with the sun and the moon.

Nowadays, the practitioners of the entire profound world dream of worshipping the door of Wanderer Tranquility Sect.

Of course, what they desire is not Wanderer Tranquility Sect, but Buwen Peak.

The news that Ye Yuesheng broke the ban and preached that the altar was about to begin. For practitioners of the heavens and all realms, only the existence above the emperor realm is meaningful.

Only they have the ability to break through the world and come to listen to the sermon.

But for practitioners in the mysterious world, no matter how high or low the Cultivation Base is, they are all talking about it.

“Buwen Peak preached? I don’t know if I can join in?’

“I heard that the one from Buwen Peak, but he has taught many disciples in the emperor realm, what chance is it to be able to listen to him?”

“Don’t think about us, right? I heard that this sermon, Cultivation Base is at least the start of the emperor.

“Thirteenth emperor realm? Oh my god! Except for his own maid, Fairy Huang, wouldn’t anyone in the profound realm be able to come and listen to it?”

“It’s not necessarily true? People are talking about the heavens and the world, all living beings can go to listen to the Tao. This kind of existence, speaks the law, and will never deceive me. Wait, I have decided to go to Wanderer Tranquility Sect Buwen Peak heard.”

“People do say that all living beings can go, but you may not be able to go to Buwen Peak!

“How do I go to Buwen Peak? Can I go to Buwen Peak? I’m afraid I still have to ask the people of Wanderer Tranquility Sect!”

These days, countless people are asking.

Even the elders and disciples in Sect are no exception.

Listening to Buwen Peak, how to arrange it?

People like them, can they go to Buwen Peak?

Nangong Xuanyun is also growing up for a while.

Although he is the head of Wanderer Tranquility Sect, he really doesn’t know these things.

The Buwen Peak didn’t say, how dare he be the master without authorization?

Huang Rong’er is nowhere to be seen now, even if she wants to ask her, she can’t.

After thinking about it again and again, Nangong Xuanyun decided to go to Buwen Peak by himself.

This matter cannot be dragged on forever, there must be a quasi-trust.

After making up his mind, Nangong Xuanyun walked to the foot of Buwen Peak, bowed his hands, and slowly spoke.

“Wanderer Tranquility Sect Master, Nangong Xuanyun, came to Buwen Peak to meet Senior Ye. I wonder if Senior Ye can see it.”

On Buwen Peak, Ye Yuesheng has just exchanged a large amount of Cultivation Base and sense of spirit, and his strength has improved again.

At this moment, the temperament of his whole person has become a little different.

He used to look ordinary and ordinary.

It’s just that it looks good, and there is a big way to go between every move.

And now, he has a vague feeling of not being in the heaven and earth, detached from the avenue.

Hearing the voice of Nangong Xuanyun, Ye Yuesheng immediately spread the voice and said: “Rong’er, you go and pick up the head of Nangong.”

Speaking of it, he is still Buwen Peak’s Master, under the Wanderer Tranquility Sect.

But Nangong Xuanyun is the head of Wanderer Tranquility Sect.

Ye Yuesheng has never denied this identity.

Even if his Cultivation Base is now unfrozen, his strength has long been different.

But anyway, Wanderer Tranquility Sect sheltered him for ten years after all.

Without the protection of Wanderer Tranquility Sect, he, an ordinary person whose Cultivation Base had been frozen, really didn’t know how to survive in the profound world.

Huang Ronger took the order, and immediately appeared in front of Nangong Xuanyun with a flash of figure.

Since she and Ye Yuesheng reconciled yin and yang, she was no longer restricted when she cast her mana on this Buwen Peak.

Unfolding mana at this moment, naturally it is instantaneous.

“Head, the master has ordered you to go up the mountain. You follow me up.”

Just as Nangong Xuanyun’s heart was uneasy, Huang Ronger’s voice sounded.

Nangong Xuanyun was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly handed over, saying, “Thank you, Senior Ye.

Before coming here, he hesitated countless times in his heart.

After all, Buwen Peak closed the mountain, which was already clearly stated.

At this time, I went to Buwen Peak to visit, in case Senior Ye was unhappy, it would be a bit outweighed by the gains.

This is why Nangong Xuanyun has forbidden the disciples of Wanderer Tranquility Sect to harass Buwen Peak for so long.

Unexpectedly, this visit was so smooth.

Nangong Xuanyun walked respectfully behind Huang Rong’er without squinting all the way.

This Buwen Peak is said to be the site of Wanderer Tranquility Sect.

But now that it has become the shelter of the expert, he can’t wait for it.

“The breath of life here is so strong.”

After stepping into Buwen Peak, Nangong Xuanyun breathed into the mountain, and realized that this place was completely different from the outside world.

The exotic flowers and plants on Buwen Peak, rare birds and beasts, are naturally invisible with his Cultivation Base.

But this extremely rich breath of life can be clearly felt.

Nangong Xuanyun only felt that his body had been washed.

There are 36,000 pores all over the body, none of which is uncomfortable, and none of them are uncomfortable.

His Cultivation Base is growing rapidly.

The bones and blood in the body are constantly regenerating.

Nangong Xuanyun felt that he was getting younger and younger, and Shouyuan did not know how to improve.

“This, this, this is amazing!”

Nangong Xuanyun is really hard to believe.

I am afraid that a breath of Buwen Peak air can increase the lifespan of decades, and it can also wash the muscles and marrow, which is reborn.

Ye Yuesheng uses its own essence and how powerful is the green liquid condensed by using its special abilities?

Not to mention, there is also the addition of the Chaos Supreme Treasure like Chuangshi Qinglian.

The breath of life exuding was again blocked by Buwen Peak’s prohibition.

Leakage only leaked into Buwen Peak’s range, but the outside world was completely unaware.

Such a strong breath of life is full of this mountain.

The flowers, plants, birds, trees, and rare birds and animals of Buwen Peak have grown better.

Moreover, even 633 is of great benefit to the disciples of Cultivation Base who are already in the emperor realm.

For Nangong Xuanyun, who just broke through to the real wonderland at Cultivation Base, it was an unimaginable good fortune.

He only felt that his steps had become lighter, and his whole person was full of vitality.

Just walking like this, it took more than half an hour, and finally came to a small courtyard.

In the courtyard, Ye Yuesheng and Yu Ling’er are tasting tea and playing chess.

Ling Yao Yao gently shook the fox’s tail and curled up in his arms.

Chu Qingyin and Yu Ruyi waited behind them separately.

Ye Qingxian and Xiao Wuhu also stood by and watched chess.

For them, seeing the Master play chess is definitely a rare opportunity.

Before seeing the Master break the Jiuzhuan Avenue game, Yu Ruyi and others have benefited a lot.

But Ye Qingxian and others missed that opportunity, and they still feel unwilling to think about it so far.

Now, if you see the Master playing chess again, of course you will not miss it.

Even the little bird Feng Jiuer, who always likes to twitter, is a rare peace.

Staring at the bird’s eye, looking at the chess game.

In her eyes, of course, what she saw was not the chess pieces, but the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

As an undead phoenix who likes to run around, travel around, and shuttle in different worlds, watching the chess game, she feels as if she is inviting to swim in the endless world.

Nangong Xuanyun walked in, just to see this scene, and suddenly felt a shock in his heart, and hurriedly stepped forward to see him.

“Wanderer Tranquility Sect head Nangong Xuanyun, see Senior Ye!”

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