Chapter 117 Prepare for battle and improve your strength!

After accepting the treasures handed in by Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou, Ye Yuesheng found a place where no one was left, and began to request the system to carry out value evaluation and recovery.

“Ding, a pot of emperor-level pill, a total of 12, worth 3,000 system coins, does the host choose to recycle it?”

“Recycle!” Ye Yuesheng said without hesitation.

“Ding, the recovery is successful!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 3000 system coins.

“Ding, an emperor-level alchemy furnace is worth 10,000 system coins. May I ask whether the host chooses to recycle it.”

“Recycle!” Ye Yuesheng said blankly.

“Ding, the recovery is successful!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 10,000 system coins!”

Each piece of treasure was handed over by Ye Yuesheng to the system for evaluation and recycling.

The number of treasures in his hands is rapidly decreasing, while the data of the system currency is rapidly increasing.

It took a long time for a large number of treasures to finally be counted and collected.

“Six Three Three” Ye Yuesheng’s system currency has also increased to an extremely terrifying level.

A small smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Soon, Ye Yuesheng picked up a painting he had made.

“Ding, an avenue-level painting, worth 150,000 system coins, does the host choose to recycle it?”


He couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

Although I knew that my paintings were very valuable, I still didn’t expect to have such a high value.

It is of much higher value than any treasures received by Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou.

“Ding, given that this painting is painted by the host itself, the system can only recover one painting, and the host’s paintings will no longer be recovered in the future.”

Ye Yuesheng was startled, and couldn’t help but shook his head with a wry smile.

However, this is also reasonable.

Otherwise, he wants to earn system currency, as long as he draws a little more himself.

As far as the system is concerned, collecting so many paintings of oneself is obviously unnecessary and purely redundant.

“Recycle!” he said softly.

“Ding, the recovery is successful!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 150,000 system coins.

Ye Yuesheng smiled slightly, and then took out a picture of his own writing.

Immediately afterwards, there were stone statues and wooden utensils he had carved by himself.

Anyway, the system only collects one copy of these things.

For Ye Yuesheng, it is not for sale.

He can also use this to understand the value of the special products he has created.

Soon, when these works are auctioned, there will be a correct valuation.

Anyway, these treasures, the value of systematic evaluation is very high.

But to him, it is the least valuable.

You can make it easily.

The other end.

The others at Buwen Peak are discussing.

“Master wants to collect these people’s treasures, but I don’t know what to do?”

Ye Qingxian’s eyes flickered, a little puzzled.

These treasures are indeed good things, but this is also for their emperor realm powerhouses.

Master’s Cultivation Base is unfathomable.

Those treasures whose tuition fees are paid by those in the emperor realm are obviously not of much use to him, and he doesn’t know what the Master wants those things to do.

“Master is planning a big event!”

Ling Yao Yao said: “This is absolutely unimaginable. The Master’s plot is extremely great.”

She was pretty sure.

Since seeing the Master planting Chuangshi Qinglian with his own eyes, Ling Yaoyao firmly believes in this.

Of course, the Master will not come to Buwen Peak to live in seclusion for no reason.

It must be something big.

It’s just that they never knew.

And now, it is slowly emerging.

Feng Jiu’er yelled, “Okay, okay! I like to do big things the most. There are so many emperor realm powerhouses coming to Buwen Peak to listen to them. Why, let’s rob them all!”

As soon as she spoke, her eyebrows danced.

“I’m such a genius, why did I come up with such a good idea?”

“Emperor realm powerhouses of the heavens and ten thousand realms are about to gather in Buwen Peak. It is a good time for robbery. Let’s take action together and snatch them all!”

“If there is a sect, you can even tie up people and let their Sect take the money to redeem them, otherwise they will be abolished in the Cultivation Base. !”

“Wow, my idea is so popular!”

She flapped her wings and screamed with excitement.

Everyone was suddenly covered with black lines.

This crow is really an asshole.

All day long, I know about robbery, swearing, and greeting others and the whole family at every turn.Is it really a descendant of the Shenfeng clan?

But the face of the Immortal Feng was really ashamed.

Ye Qingxian slapped her fiercely, making Feng Jiu’er dizzy, and didn’t recover for a long time.

“I X, why hit me? I greet you X

She was waiting for her to swear, but she shuddered suddenly, and her voice came to a halt.

“Ah, I was mistaken. It was Sister Ye Qingxian who played it very well. Sister Ye Qingxian is so beautiful. Even the beating moves are so beautiful!”

She quickly changed her expression, with a flattering look on her face.

Everyone suddenly couldn’t help but laughed.

Ye Qingxian snorted coldly, and said, “Are you a human too?”

“Ah! No! I was wrong! I am not a human being, I am a bird! Sister Ye Qingxian’s bird-fighting movements are so beautiful!”

She hurriedly spoke to correct her, with a look of sincerity and horror

no way.

Ye Qingxian is too cruel.

Feng Jiu’er could completely imagine how miserable it would be if he didn’t admit his mistake quickly.

“Okay, just stay, we will discuss things later, you are not allowed to speak.


Feng Jiu’er was relieved immediately and stopped speaking.

“No matter what the Master wants to do, we people must stand firmly with the Master.”

Fan Xian said.

“That’s natural, big brother is right!”

Others spoke in agreement.

“Everyone must pay close attention to cultivation and improve their strength, so that they can play a role in the next changes and help the Master.

Fan Xian said again.

Everyone nodded.

If the strength is too low, even if you want to help the Master, it won’t help!

From now on, we must try our best to cultivate.

Ye Yuesheng finally finished changing all the treasures.

He immediately opened the personal properties panel.

Name: Ye Yuesheng

System load: 70%

Sensation: Level 8

Cultivation Base: Level 8 (by prohibiting fusion, partial thawing and leaving Buwen Peak will lose Cultivation Base)

Realm: Above the Emperor Realm

Treasures: Huatian tea pot, Xuantian fairy sword, God open axe, shoot God bow

Mystery Gift: 0

Special Abilities: Eye of Charm, Great Affinity, Reversal of Heaven, Dream of the World, Prohibition of Fusion, Resurrection of the Dead, Crossing the Sea with Heaven, Big Prophecy 5.8, Hidden in Dream

Mall: Opened, clickable!

Click to load more

Ye Yuesheng collected the treasures, without exception, all of them were exchanged for system currency.

But there are still treasures rewarded to him by the system, but he has all stayed.

The value of these treasures is much higher than the treasures collected.

But if it is recycled to the system, it is not cost-effective.

Moreover, Ye Yuesheng felt that since the system rewards these treasures to him, it must be useful.

Maybe it can play a vital role at a critical time.

How can he recycle it to the system?

Ye Yuesheng clicked to open the mall interface, and began to exchange for Cultivation Base and Shengan.

The crisis is approaching, and his sense of urgency is getting heavier.

At this moment, only strength is fundamental.

So many system coins can be exchanged for Shen Sense and Cultivation Base.

This time, his strength must be able to reach another level!

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