Chapter 119 Feeling, scolding and enlightening!

“The head of Nangong doesn’t need to be polite, please sit down and serve tea!”

Ye Yuesheng gave a light command.

Nangong Xuanyun respectfully bowed and said, “Xie Ye, senior.”

Then I sat down on a small stool.

But he didn’t dare to sit down completely, just cuddle a little.

Huang Ronger brought a cup of brewed tea, and Nangong Xuanyun quickly stood up.

Although Huang Ronger was born in Wanderer Tranquility Sect, she was also a disciple of Sect before.

But today’s Huang Rong’er is already a strong emperor.

Even if it is placed in the fairy world, it is a big figure on the side of Megatron.

Wanderer Tranquility Sect can control the Profound Realm, and it all depends on Huang Ronger’s action.

How dare Nangong Xuanyun sit and pick up her tea?

“The head of Nangong doesn’t have to be so cautious. I, Buwen Peak, is also your site of Wanderer Tranquility Sect. Speaking of which, I am the guest.”

Ye Yuesheng smiled faintly.

He was also filled with emotion.

I think that when I first came to Buwen Peak, I became the Master of Buwen Peak by mistake.

In fact, it was Sect who did not hear Buwen.

At that time, in his eyes, any practitioner with magic power in Wanderer Tranquility Sect was a superior person.

Not to mention standing on the top, overlooking the head of Sect.

But now, Nangong Xuanyun was in front of him, but he didn’t even dare to sit.

The changes have also made him sigh with emotion.

Hearing what Ye Yuesheng said, Nangong Xuanyun sat down again, took the tea, and had a drink.

In an instant, I felt a mysterious and incomparable breath, emanating from the stomach and spreading throughout the body.

His mana has actually increased a lot with it.

Nangong Xuanyun was shocked.

This small sip of tea is probably worth his thousands of years of painstaking practice.

No wonder Huang Ronger has been on Buwen Peak for such a short time, so he can advance by leaps and bounds, proving that he will become an emperor.

The magic of Buwen Peak is really incredible.

The value of this cup of tea alone is unimaginable.

In comparison, the treasure of the treasure house in his own Sect, here at Buwen Peak, I am afraid that it is not even broken copper and iron.

“The head of Nangong came, but I don’t know what is going on?’

Ye Yuesheng asked lightly.

Although his Cultivation Base realm had reached a very high level, he was unable to perceive the outside world because of the prohibition of fusion, and naturally did not know the recent troubles of Nangong Xuanyun, so he asked.

Nangong Xuanyun’s heart tightened, and he hurriedly got up and said, “Senior Ye spoke to the heavens and all realms before, saying that all living beings can go up to the mountain to listen to the Tao. The junior came today and asked for advice on this matter, and I also asked Senior Ye to show me.” .

Ye Yuesheng was startled slightly.

It seems that I really forgot about it.

The people who Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou invited to listen to the Tao last time were all powerful in the emperor realm.

Therefore, Ye Yuesheng almost subconsciously believes that those who come this time must be the same.

But I never thought about how much shock this news would cause.

After all, the emperor realm powerhouse is just a small group of people standing at the pinnacle.

Under the emperor realm, there are countless practitioners.

Among other things, just Wanderer Tranquility Sect has three thousand branches and millions of disciples.

If they were to come to Buwen Peak, it would definitely be unrealistic.

Buwen Peak is so big, it can’t be installed.

This is because I can’t think about it.

Ye Yuesheng was silent.

If he was not restricted by the prohibition and integration, this matter would be easy to handle.

Just spread the preaching voice directly.

But he was restricted again.

Although it is possible to break the ban on sound transmission to break through this limitation, it is very expensive to do so.

It doesn’t matter to say a few words.

However, it is an opening preaching.

So, the content of the sermon must be quite a lot.

It is not realistic to do that.

You know, he sincerely hopes that those who come to listen to the sermon will gain something and be promoted.

In this case, he himself can get more rewards from the system.

In addition, if he and Shenshan really conflict, how to ensure the safety of Wanderer Tranquility Sect will also become a problem.

The city gate caught fire, and the pond fish was hit.

Buwen Peak has a prohibition and protection, and it is all right.

But Wanderer Tranquility Sect is different.

Once it collides head-on with the sacred mountain, even the entire profound realm is in danger of being destroyed.

Ye Yuesheng couldn’t help but frowned slightly. He hadn’t thought about these things before.

I was thinking about it, and at this moment, Feng Jiu’er’s cursing sounded in his ears.

“Where’s the old-fashioned Niubi? Didn’t you see Grandma Feng watching someone play chess? What are you doing here? I X your ancestors, I greet your whole family.”

Feng Jiuer was fascinated by Qizheng at first, feeling the avenue of heaven and earth inside, feeling that his Cultivation Base was rapidly improving, and there were vague signs of new feathers growing.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yuesheng stopped suddenly.

Feng Jiu’er walked out of the immersive chess game, and found that there was one more person in the yard.

Needless to say, it was this guy who interrupted himself to play chess.

Depend on!

Actually still a little real fairy?

Who gave him the courage?

How can I say your grandmother Feng is also a strong imperial realm, or a family of undead god Feng, with extraordinary talent.

Just on this Buwen Peak

Niaoluofenglin was bullied.

It is a dignified undead phoenix.

A powerful man in the imperial realm that is powerful in the thousands of worlds.

It turned out to be Buwen Peak’s weakest chicken, and was bullied.

Now there is finally someone weaker than her.

Still a little real fairy.

He even dared to disturb the master’s chess game and destroy his own cleansing.

It’s a sin worthy of death.

If you don’t scold him to death, how can you show Granny Feng’s power against Feng?

The grievances that have been in the past for many days need to find someone to vent!

So Feng Jiu’er opened his throat and scolded.

For a time, the words of birds flew, saliva splashed, and various greetings were flying all over the sky.

Nangong Xuanyun immediately stayed there.

Since the beginning of his practice, he has been very talented and has outstanding aptitude.

Later, he was appointed as the head candidate and took over as the head.

Over the years, no matter when he was a disciple or after he became the head, no one has ever scolded him like this.

It happened to be on this Buwen Peak, and I don’t know what the origin of this bird is.

I didn’t dare to refute it.

I had to listen quietly and endure silently, his face suddenly looked like a pig, and it was extremely ugly.

“Shut up!”

Ye Yuesheng scolded angrily.

Feng Jiu’er bird’s head shrank, and suddenly he dared not speak any more.

It’s just that she still stared at Nangong Xuanyun with bulging eyes, as if she couldn’t wait to swallow him alive.

“.々Snap! Pop! Pop!”

Ye Qingxian grabbed Feng Jiu’er and beat him severely.

“I let you curse! I let you curse! Buwen Peak, is it your turn to speak?’

“Ah, Feng Jiu’er let out a scream.

Then, he continued to admit his mistakes and beg for mercy.

Seeing this scene, Nangong Xuanyun felt restless.

He was a little confused about what was going on.

But this little bird is definitely not annoying.

The strength is far beyond what I can match.

Maybe, she would be honest in front of Ye Qingxian and the others, and didn’t dare to resist.

But it’s different in front of me.

It is definitely not a good thing to be remembered by such a bird.

People don’t dare to find Ye Qingxian. Most of you have to remember this account.

Thinking of this, the anxiety in Nangong Xuanyun’s heart became greater and greater.

It’s also untimely to help the bird to intercede at this time.

It’s really wrong for him to intervene when someone disciplines the bird.

The bird might hate him even more.

How can this be good?

Nangong Xuanyun’s thoughts flew, and he arched his hands:

(Wang Hao Zhao)” It’s in Xia Menglang, so I shouldn’t make a visit. In fact, this matter is not impossible. The three thousand branches of Wanderer Tranquility are all connected together. As long as the Sect array is turned on, the voice on Buwen Peak , It will naturally spread throughout Wanderer Tranquility Sect.”

As soon as this statement came out, Chu Qingyin and Yu Ruyi, who stood behind Ye Yuesheng, laughed and said nothing.

Huang Ronger couldn’t help but want to laugh a little.

After all, the master Cultivation Base is too low, where do you know how good the Master is?

Wanderer Tranquility Sect’s Sect formation, still want to affect Buwen Peak?

Still want to pass the Master’s voice out?

Is this whimsical?

How can Buwen Peak half-point be affected when the Sect array is turned on?

Don’t talk about Buwen Peak, it’s Master’s dojo.

The prohibition is too strong to imagine.

It’s just one of their disciples who randomly deploys a formation, and I don’t know how many times it will beat Wanderer Tranquility Sect’s formation!

Wanderer Tranquility Sect prides itself on the Sect formation, in the eyes of these emperor realm powerhouses, it is just a joke.

Raise your hand to break it!

Not to mention the Master.

Nangong Xuanyun’s words can only highlight his ignorance.

Unexpectedly, when Ye Yuesheng heard it, he suddenly blew his eyes.

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